
  1. 一些选择迁移到OpenOffice的公司都认为兼容性是行动成功的主要原因。

    Several companies that chose to migrate to OpenOffice cite this compatibility as the main reason for the success of the move .

  2. 此次行动成功的改善了中国在国际上的不利地位。

    It successfully improved its previously thought of gloomy geopolitical position .

  3. 你是想让我认为你这次行动成功了吗?

    You 're trying to convince me this is good news ?

  4. 政府行为是爱婴行动成功的保证

    The Government Action is a Successful Guarantee of Friendly baby Activity

  5. 从某方面讲,这次行动成功了。

    In one way , the mission was a success .

  6. 没人比我更希望这次行动成功

    No one wants this mission to succeed more than I do .

  7. 要学,就要向行动成功学创始人&李践总裁学!

    Want to learn , just learn from Founder of Acting Success & President Li Jian .

  8. 去年的类似行动成功地缩小了脊髓灰质炎病毒的地理区域和减少了受感染儿童的数量。

    Similar action last year paid off in the shrinking geographic footprint of the poliovirus and in falling numbers of affected children .

  9. 他补充道过去就像越南和韩国等的冲突已经表明小型部署为更大行动成功打了头阵。

    Past conflicts like those in Vietnam and Korea , he added , have shown how small deployments can become the opening wedge for much bigger operations .

  10. 其次,此举符合中国自身经济利益,如果美国金融业救援行动成功,将有助于避免经济低迷,这有利于中国经济增长的引擎:出口。

    Second , its economic interest would be served because successful US efforts at rescuing its financial sector could help avert an economic downturn , protecting China 's exports , its growth engine .

  11. 我们将改革我们的国防预算,我们必须相信我们男女军人,投资于他们未来行动成功所需的能力。

    And as we reform our defense budget , we have to keep faith with our men and women in uniform , and invest in the capabilities they need to succeed in future missions .

  12. 就军事角度看,这次行动是成功的。

    The operation was considered a success in military terms .

  13. 这是需要花钱的,但是要想社会融入行动取得成功,这笔钱就必须得花。

    This will cost money , but if social inclusion is to succeed , it must be spent .

  14. 该事件标志着殖民地人民的反抗行动获得成功。

    This event marked the successful revolt / rebellion of the colonies .

  15. 由BaeInatlawan的父亲带领的第一次正式法律行动没有成功。

    Led by Bae Inatlawan 's father , this first formal legal attempt was outright unsuccessful : the government classified the land as'inalienable'and'non-disposable ' .

  16. 我认为我们今天的行动非常成功。

    I think we were very successful in today 's operation .

  17. 军队攻击敌人首都的行动非常成功。

    The army made a completely successful attack on the enemy capital .

  18. 法国国防部部长莫兰说,欧盟在波斯尼亚的四年维和行动是成功的。

    French Defense Minister Herve Morin called the four-year-old peacekeeping operation a success .

  19. 我授权的营救行动非常成功。

    The rescue operation that I authorized was successful .

  20. 但是如果要这样的行动完全成功。

    But in order for an operation of this type to be completely successful .

  21. 他快速行动,成功挫败了抢劫企图。

    His auick action foiled the attempted robbery .

  22. 他说,这也是伊拉克军事行动获得成功的春天。

    He said it is also the spring of the Iraqi military 's successful operations .

  23. 环境可持续性继续受到严重威胁,但同时也存在全球行动的成功范例

    Major trends that threaten environmental sustainability continue , but examples of successful global action exist

  24. 联合行动获得成功的机会较大。

    Joint undertakings stand a better chance .

  25. 但禁运行动的成功率不可一概而论。

    But the success rate is uneven .

  26. 迅速和坚决的行动是成功的保证,自我怀疑是一个灾难的前奏。

    Swift and resolute action leads to success ; self-doubt is a prelude to disaster .

  27. 这个将军的军事行动十分成功。

    The general 's tactics were successful .

  28. 但是目前位置,营救行动是成功的。

    But so far , a success .

  29. 其次,没人可以担保昆塔斯在亚洲的风险行动可以成功。

    Second , there are no guarantees that Qantas 's Asian ventures will be a success .

  30. 第一阶段的行动已经成功完成&阻止一次崩溃。

    The first phase of the maneuver was successfully accomplished & a collapse has been averted .