
  • 网络Plasmapheresis;Plasma exchange
  1. 新的治疗方案如生物制剂、血浆置换术、干细胞移植等,远期疗效有待进一步证实,且价格昂贵,部分患者不能承受其高昂的治疗费用。

    New programs include biologic agent , plasmapheresis , stem cell transplantation which prostecdtive efficacy need to confirm and cost too much .

  2. 血浆置换术在41例重症肝炎治疗中的应用

    The Use of Plasmapheresis Method in Treating 41 Patients of Serious Hepatitis

  3. 目的探讨血浆置换术(PE)治疗各型重型肝炎的疗效及影响疗效的相关因素。

    Objective To discuss the efficacy and its influence factors of the treatment with plasma exchange .

  4. 血浆置换术中采用BD密闭式静脉留置针技术的临床效果观察

    To observe the clinical effects of BD closed tightly type detaining venepuncture in plasmapheresis

  5. 目的探讨血浆置换术(PET)在大剂量激素及免疫抑制剂疗效不佳的重症自身免疫性疾病治疗中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of plasma exchange therapy ( PET ) for serious autoimmune disease after suboptimal response to large doses of steroids and immune inhibition .

  6. 对照组患者采用催吐、洗胃、导泻、对症支持治疗的传统方法,PE组在应用一般疗法的基础上进行血浆置换术。

    The patients of control group were gave emetic , gastric lavage , catharsis and symptomatic treatment ; The patients of PE group applied plasma exchange therapy base on the general treatment .

  7. 目的探讨治疗性血浆置换术(TPE)在救治重症急性有机磷中毒中的作用。

    Objective To study the function of therapeutic plasma exchange ( TPE ) in severe active organic phosphorus intoxication treatment .

  8. 结果31例重症肝炎患者在血浆置换术后外周血总胆红素、血氨、谷丙转氨酶及谷草转氨酶、凝血酶原时间等各项指标均明显下降(P0.01);

    Result The liver function tests of all patients were significantly improved after plasma exchange . The levels of serum total bilirubin , transaminases , PT and ammonia were decreased significantly ( P ( 0.05 )) .

  9. 人工肝血浆置换术治疗肝衰竭患者不良反应的护理体会

    Nursing care for hepatic failure treated with artificial liver plasma exchange

  10. 治疗性血浆置换术救治重症急性有机磷中毒

    Application of therapeutic plasma exchange to severe active organic phosphorus intoxication

  11. 血浆置换术用于难治性甲型肝炎高胆红素血症的效果

    Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for the Patients of Hepatitis A with Hyperbilirubinaemia

  12. 血浆置换术救治中重度毒鼠药中毒的效果观察

    Effect of Plasma Exchange for Serious Intoxication Patients with Mice Toxicant

  13. 治疗性血浆置换术中不良反应分析

    The analysis of adverse effects in the therapeutic plasma exchange procedures

  14. 改良法二次膜式血浆置换术治疗重症肌无力的护理9例

    Nursing of Myasthenia Gravis Cases Having Secondary Modified Plasma Substitution

  15. 血浆置换术治疗急性重症毒物中毒的疗效观察

    Effect of therapeutic plasma exchang teatment on severe acute toxicosis

  16. 血浆置换术抢救25例蜂毒致急性重度溶血性贫血临床观察

    The clinical abservation of TPE rescue acute severe hemolysis caused by bee venom

  17. 目的:评价血浆置换术临床应用疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the chinical effect of the blood plasma exchange .

  18. 血浆置换术后医院深部真菌感染临床分析

    Deep Fungal Infection after Plasmapheresis : A Clinical Analysis

  19. 重症肝炎血浆置换术前护理问题分析与对策

    Analysis of Nursing Care on the Patients with Severe Hepatitis before Plasma Exchange

  20. 人工肝血浆置换术不良反应的观察及护理

    Observation and Nursing Care of the Common Side-effects in Patients Undergoing Artificial Liver Plasma Replacement

  21. 血浆置换术治疗各型重型肝炎171例疗效及影响因素分析

    Efficacy and Relevant Factors of 171 Varied Severe Hepatitis Patients with Therapy of Plasma Exchange

  22. 目的观察治疗性血浆置换术中不良反应与临床处置。

    Objective To observe the adverse effects and the treatment in the therapeutic plasma exchange procedures .

  23. 目的探讨血浆置换术在抢救严重毒鼠药中毒患者中的应用效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of plasma exchange for the serious intoxication patients with mice toxicant .

  24. 血浆置换术治疗大剂量激素及免疫抑制剂疗效不佳的重症自身免疫性疾病

    Treatment for serious autoimmune disease with plasma exchange therapy after suboptimal response to large doses of steroids

  25. 方法通过对24例34次血浆置换术的观察,总结术中常见的护理问题产生的因素及护理措施。

    Method 24 patients ( 34 plasma ex change ) were observered , nursing problems and nursing methods were summarized .

  26. 结论血浆置换术治疗重型肝炎疗效肯定,在早、中期治疗效果好。

    Conclusion Plasma exchange is effective in treatment of severe hepatitis , in early and middle stages can obtain a better results .

  27. 利用CS-3000plus血细胞分离机,应用淋巴细胞单采术和血浆置换术治疗类风湿性关节炎18例,取得良好的治疗效果,其临床症状,体征明显改善。

    Using of CS-3000 plus type blood cell separator , 18 cases of rheumatoid arthritis were treated by lymphocytopheresis and plasma displacement , which obtained good results . Patients ' clinical symptoms and signs improved evidently .

  28. 目的:本文从实践出发,讨论了运用日本进口的型号为KM-8800人工肝支持系统进行血浆置换术治疗儿童患者的一些问题和操作体会。

    Objective This paper , based on the practice , discussed some problems and experiences in the plasma exchange operation of treating children with the KM 8800 , an Artificial Liver Support System ( ALSS ) imported from Japan .

  29. 方法对57例重型肝炎患者进行血浆置换术治疗,观察治疗前后肝功能、电解质、血氨、凝血酶原时间等变化,比较重型肝炎不同分期应用血浆置换术的治疗效果。

    Methods 57 patients with severe hepatitis were treated with plasma exchange . The liver function , electrolyte , blood ammonia and prothrombin time changes before and after treatment were observed and a comparison to the therapeutic efficacy of the plasma exchange between different stages of severe hepatitis was taken .

  30. 血浆淋巴细胞置换术联合VAD方案化疗治疗多发性骨髓瘤的临床观察

    Clinical observation of the plasma exchange and lymphocyte apheresis with VAD regimen chemotherapy in multiple myeloma