
  • 网络thrombotic disease
  1. 国外研究表明,葡萄酒多酚有防止LDL氧化的作用,可预防动脉硬化;抑制血小板凝集,减少血栓病危险。

    The Foreign researches indicated that polyphenols in grape wine could prevent the oxidation of LDL and arteriosclerosis , and inhibit platelet aggregation so that the incidence of thrombosis could be reduced .

  2. 目的分析中国血栓病患者血浆(-βFBG)启动子HaeⅢ基因多态性,计算各型的基因频率,测定不同基因型人血浆FBG水平,探讨该基因多态性与基因表达的相关性。

    Objective To analyze the promoter of fibrinogen β(β - FBG ), Hae ⅲ, polymorphisms in Chinese population , calculate the genotypic frequency of each genotype , determine plasma FBG levels in different genotype , and discuss the relationship between the gene polymorphism and gene expression .

  3. 产褥期静脉血栓病8例临床分析

    A clinical analysis of 8 cases of postpartum venous thromboembolic disease

  4. 血栓病患者凝血、抗凝和纤溶活性改变的研究

    Study of changes of procoagulant , anticoagulant and fibrinolysis in patients with thrombosis

  5. 血栓病治疗进展与展望

    Development and Expectation on Thrombus Treatments

  6. 主要介绍了全国血栓病中西医结合医疗中心医院信息管理系统的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the process of how to design the HIS and carry out the HIS .

  7. 心脑血栓病的球结膜微循环与眼底观察

    Sphere of inertia Observations on Bulbar Conjunctival Microcirculation ( BCM ) and Fundus Oculi of Thrombotic Cardiac and Cerebral Vascular Diseases

  8. 脑出血、脑血栓病发生与血胆固醇、甘油三脂及高密度脂蛋白水平的相关研究7β-羟基胆固醇减少铁离子所致的大鼠脑反应性胶质增生

    Correlative research on blood lipid level in patients with cerebrovascular diseases 7 β - hydroxycholesterol reduces the extent of reactive gliosis caused by Fe ~ ( 3 + ) in rat brain

  9. 针对血栓病的治疗最有效和常规的方法是通过口服或注射纤溶剂来溶解血栓中的主要蛋白成分-纤维蛋白,从而引起血栓的溶解。

    For the treatment of thrombosis , the most effective and conventional method is by dissolving fibrin-the major protein component of blood clots orally or intravenously to further cause the collapse of thrombus .

  10. 目的:以细菌内毒素(LPS)与角叉菜胶(Ca)两种因素联合造模,制备一种方法简便、稳定的血瘀证和血栓形成病证结合动物模型。

    Objective : To develop an animal model of thrombosis and blood stasis syndrome in rats by using lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) in combination with carrageenan ( Ca ) .

  11. 血瘀证与血栓形成病证结合动物模型的研究

    Development of an animal model of blood stasis syndrome and thrombosis

  12. 慢性巨大肺动脉血栓栓塞病(附3例临床病理分析)

    Chronic massive pulmonary thromboembolism ( A clinical and pathological analysis of 3 cases )

  13. 肺血栓栓塞病的早期诊断探讨(附140例尸检资料分析)

    Early diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism ( with an analysis of 140 autopsy cases )

  14. 地中海防治血栓栓塞病联盟

    Mediterranean League Against Thromboembolia Diseases

  15. 以往观察认为,长期服用异维甲酸的患者似乎有增加急性血栓栓塞病患病的风险,但是事实可能不是如此。

    Patients might have long-term risk that is manifested with the use of isotretinoin but not necessarily caused by it .

  16. 在某些病人里面异维甲酸肯能与急性血栓栓塞病风险增加有关,但是不能断定与这种风险有必然联系。

    Isotretinoin use may reveal long-term thromboembolic risks in some patients , but is not necessarily linked directly to those risks .

  17. 对某些病人,它可以使动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂形成冠状动脉血栓以致心脏病。

    In some patients , this may alter atherosclerotic plaques and cause clots in coronary arteries leading to heart attacks .

  18. 深静脉血栓形成是常见病,有较高的发病率和死亡率。

    Deep venous thrombosis is a common disorder , with a considerably high incidence and mortality .

  19. 目的:本课题通过炎性细胞水平变化与下肢深静脉血栓形成中医证候分型关系的研究,进一步探讨下肢深静脉血栓形成的病因病机。

    Objective : This research aims at discussing the rule of the changes of inflammatory cells and the traditional Chinese medicine syndrome of deep venous thrombosis ( DVT ) through clinical observation .