
  • 网络vespertilionidae;Family Vespertilionidae;Vespertionidae;Vesper bat
  1. 在吉林省集安市采到绯鼠耳蝠(Myotisformosus)样本5只,为吉林省蝙蝠科新记录。

    Five Myotis formosus were caught at Ji'an , which is a new record of Vespertilionidae in Jilin Province .

  2. 蝙蝠科三种蝙蝠的G-带和C-带

    G-bands and C-bands in 3 Species of Vespertilionidae

  3. 伏翼一种蝙蝠科伏翼属的食昆虫小蝙蝠,世界各地均可见。

    Any of various very small insectivorous bats of the genus pipistrellus , found throughout the world .

  4. 采用取骨髓蒸汽固定法对河南省蝙蝠科3种蝙蝠的核型进行研究。

    The karyotypes of three species of Vespertilionidae bats from Henan Province were studied by means of bone marrow cell and steam-fixation .

  5. 中国蝙蝠共有7科30属120种。

    There are 120 species belonging to 30 genera , 7 families in China .

  6. 获得的宿主蝙蝠隶属于4科、11属、20种,寄生革螨标本从蝙蝠体表分离获得。

    The host bats belong to 4 families , 11 genera and 20 species , from which parasitic gamasid mite specimens are isolated . 1 .

  7. 翼手目的19科中有14科缺少出生后生长发育的数据,在已知蝙蝠种类中,对生长发育进行过研究的不超过3%,并且80%的研究局限于蝙蝠科,尤其是温带蝙蝠。

    14 of the 19 chiropteran families lack data on postnatal growth , and < 3 % of known bat species have been investigated regarding their growth and development . Eighty percent of studies on postnatal growth are restricted to the family Vespertilionidae , particularly bats of the temperate zone .