- 名virtual photon

Influence of the virtual photon precesses on fidelity of quantum state in the J-C model
Influences of the virtual photon process on atom spin squeezing in Dicke model
Influence of Virtual-Photon Processes on the Squeezing of Atom in the Jaynes-Cummings Model
The Influence of the Charm State on the Ratio of the Longitudinal and Transverse Section of virtual photon in e-p Deep Inelastic Scattering
In Chap.5 , we systematically introduce the Dicke model , which describe the interaction of light and substance , and investigate dynamic nature of spin squeezing , and also expound the effect to spin squeezing in imaginary photon process .
The influence on the light squeezing due to virtual photon precesses
The fluctuations take the form of pairs of virtual photons .
This paper presents a new theory to explain the synchrotron radiation .
Research of Synchrotron Radiation and Cyclotron Radiation by Virtual Photon Compton Scattering
Analysis of axial channeling radiation with virtual photon theory
The theoretical explanation invokes virtual photons .
Influence of the Virtual Photon Process on the Trapped Ion in Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
In the reference system of the electron at rest , the crystal field is taken as virtual photon .
By Compton scattering of virtual photon and charged particle , the virtual photon can be transformed into photon to radiate out .
It is shown hat the process of virtual photons shortens the lifetime of atom in excitation state , and remits in drift of energy levels of the ground state of atom .
It is found that the collapse-revival phenomena and quick oscillations due to virtual photon processes of the atomic population inversion are deformed as the frequency changes with time in the sine form .
The general features of the process are discussed , and the expressions for photon spectrum , photon luminosity , and cross sections for various final states are given based on the Equivalent Photon Approximation .
Detecting the particle of feeble coupling ( graviton and axion ) in external electromagnetic field , Physicists use the coupling between magnetic field and feeble coupling particle to produce the perturbative photon flux ( PPF ) .
Correspondingly , all kinds of anomalous propagation phenomena of electromagnetic wave have the same physical origin , i.e. the virtual photon process , then these phenomena have a mature reason in quantum field theory , and do not contradict the law of causation ;
A real or virtual photon may spontaneously annihilate .
The authors calculate the cross-section with one-loop electroweak corrections to electron-positron pair production via two photon collisions in the standard model ( SM ), including virtual corrections and soft photon radiative correction .
The results obtained using a numerical method indicate that the influence of the virtual photon process on the statistic properties of photons qives rise to quantum chaos , that is related to the initial state parameters of the system .
A true analogy to the Hawking effect must meet an important condition : the virtual phonon pairs must begin life in their ground state , as do the virtual photon pairs around the black hole .