
ténɡ màn
  • vine
藤蔓 [téng wàn]
  • [vine] 见藤本植物

  1. 然后,他头朝下地从一座高塔上跳了下来,用头顶接触地面,而不折断藤蔓。

    He then jumps head-first from a high tower to touch the earth with the top of his head — without breaking the vine .

  2. 有分裂的常青叶子和黑色小而圆的果实的旧大陆藤蔓植物

    Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits .

  3. 树木、灌木丛与藤蔓植物盘根错节,挡住了我们的去路。

    Trees , undergrowth and creepers intertwined , blocking our way

  4. 藤蔓盘旋着朝屋顶方向生长。

    Vines spiraled upward toward the roof

  5. 他发现了一个漂亮的洞穴,入口被藤蔓遮掩着。

    He found a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was hidden by vines .

  6. 墙上攀缠着两种藤蔓。

    Two Vines climbed and intertwined on the wall .

  7. 一个人把藤蔓绑在腿上。

    A man ties tree vines to his legs .

  8. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。

    We reached a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was almost hiden by the vine .

  9. 气动x型悬挂式点焊机悬挂着贵重的油画的墙壁;一个挂满藤蔓的棚架。

    Pneumatic X model suspending shot welder walls hung with valuable paintings ; a vine-hung trellis .

  10. TXL的美丽和多种园艺用途使她成为当之无愧的“藤蔓女皇”。

    Their beauty and versatility truly make Clematis the Queen of Climbers !

  11. 24岁的阿贝·包博曼(AbeBobman)正在农田里清理藤蔓,他曾在康涅狄格州卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)学习社会学,旁边是25岁的内特·克劳斯-马莱特(NateKrauss-Malett),他曾就读于斯基德莫尔学院(SkidmoreCollege)。

    Abe Bobman , 24 , who studied sociology at Wesleyan University in Connecticut , was clearing vines alongside Nate Krauss-Malett , 25 , who went to Skidmore College .

  12. 置身此地,在工作人员采摘莫扎克(Mauzac)和霞多丽(Chardonnay)葡萄的时节,这里的葡萄藤蔓就会变成无边无际的橙色和金色。

    Here , as workers harvest Mauzac and Chardonnay grapes , the vine leaves transform into endless fields of orange and gold .

  13. 好的,…抓紧这条藤蔓,再上船之前别松手.我们全靠Sid了…你明白.

    Right , unwind the vines ... don 't let go until we 're all on board . We 're relying on you Sid ... you got that .

  14. DDGPartners42岁的首席执行长乔・麦克米伦(JoeMcMillan)住在该公司位于NoHo区的另一栋公寓楼的一层公寓中,植物和藤蔓从有水灌溉的窗台花箱中长出来,攀爬在青石外墙上。

    The company 's 42-year-old CEO , Joe McMillan , lives in a ground-floor apartment at another DDG building in NoHo , where plants and vines creep across the bluestone facade from irrigated window boxes .

  15. 植被凉棚带有每年落叶的藤蔓,成为可自我调节的季节性的遮阳设备。

    Pergolas covered with deciduous vines provide self adjusting seasonal shading .

  16. 梅州地区野生藤蔓植物资源调查及应用前景

    Investigation and prospective application of wild vine resources of Meizhou region

  17. 粗茎藤蔓植物和一些灌木;一些有可食用的果实。

    Thick-stemmed lianas and some shrubs ; some have edible fruit .

  18. 浓密的灌木丛和覆满藤蔓的树干取代了草坪和房屋。

    Thick underbrush and green-swathed trunks replaced the lawns and houses .

  19. 你可以用丛林中的藤蔓植物将三脚架绑在一起。

    You can use jungle vines to tie your tripods together .

  20. 浙江天台山野生藤蔓植物资源与应用

    Resources and application of wild vines in Mt. Tiantai of Zhejiang

  21. 藤蔓给拉长,断裂而发出啪打声。

    As the vines get stretched and they break and snap .

  22. 任何结硬壳果实的葫芦科藤蔓植物。

    Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears hard-rinded fruits .

  23. 香辛料和藤蔓水果干中赭曲霉毒素A的测定

    Determination on ochratoxin A for spices and dried vine fruits

  24. 四种藤蔓植物幼苗气体交换特性研究

    Study on the gas exchange characteristics of four climbing plants

  25. 南充市藤蔓植物资源及园林应用调查

    Lianas Resources and Its Application in Gardens in Nanchong City

  26. 悬挂着贵重的油画的墙壁;一个挂满藤蔓的棚架。

    Walls hung with valuable paintings ; a vine-hung trellis .

  27. 地上藤蔓对氮的吸收呈不对称峰值变化,移栽90~120天时地上部分对于氮元素的吸收最大。

    The absorbing nitrogen of vine changes like asymmetric peaks .

  28. 文学史像藤蔓,其延伸带有很大的随机性。

    Like the trailing plant , literary history extends at great random .

  29. 藤蔓上只有几片叶子。

    On the vine there were only a few leaves .

  30. 如藤蔓般的金属床架缠绕女人的梦想。

    If the metallic bedstead like cirrus twines feminine dream .