
  1. 2006EMBA排行榜还显示,欧洲EMBA课程毕业生不论在哪里工作其薪酬增长幅度都是最大的。

    The ranking also shows that wherever they work , alumni of programmes in Europe experience greater increases in salaries .

  2. 确实,管理者削减薪酬的幅度比衰退期间的常见幅度大得多。

    To be sure , managers cut payrolls much more drastically than they normally do during a recession .

  3. 随着新加坡民众对收入不平等和生活成本上升的担忧加剧,这个富裕城国预计将削减政界人士薪酬,幅度最高将达到51%。

    Singapore is set to cut its politicians ' pay by up to 51 per cent amid mounting public concern at income inequality and the rising cost of living in the wealthy city-state .

  4. 我认为薪酬增加的幅度合理。

    The salary had increased in a reasonable rate .

  5. 该调查发现,211和985重点建设高校毕业生的薪酬水平大幅度领先普通高校毕业生。

    The incomes of graduates from universities listed in China 's 211 , or 985 key university national projects are far ahead of those from ordinary universities , the survey found .

  6. 上述五个国家都在不同程度上把薪酬水平和调整幅度的厘定职能下放予个别部门和机构。

    Each of the five countries , to varying degrees , has taken steps to decentralise the determination of pay levels and adjustments to individual departments and agencies .

  7. 我们乐意为机师提供更佳薪酬,但加薪幅度过高,将会对香港和航空公司的竞争力构成无法弥补的伤害,对此我们不能妥协。

    We 're willing to be generous but we cannot agree to pay rises that will cause irretrievable damage to the competitivene of the airline and Hong kong .

  8. 根据2012年毕业生的薪酬,该报告发现电商行业的薪酬增长幅度很大。

    Based on the salaries of graduates in 2012 , the report showed that the salary increase was substantial in the e-commerce sector .