
  • 网络remuneration policy
  1. 国有银行实在需要有其本身的招聘制度及薪酬政策,而现在亦有迹象显示这方面的改革已经展开。

    The banks should really have their own employment system and remuneration policy and one can see the signs that reform in this respect has already started .

  2. 薪酬政策历来是人们关注的焦点,公务员的薪酬政策更是整个公务员制度得以良好运作的物质基础。

    Remuneration policy has always been a focus of attention , the civil service pay policy for the whole civil service to the smooth operation of the material basis .

  3. lazard辩称,新薪酬政策将向投资者澄清其盈利前景,并有助于从对手公司挖来银行家。

    Lazard argued that its new compensation policies would clarify its earnings outlook for investors and help it recruit bankers from rival firms .

  4. 差异化管理模式在薪酬政策中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Discrepant Management Model to the Compensation Policy

  5. 并且薪酬政策能够产生更大程度的影响力。

    And the pay policy can produce a greater degree of influence .

  6. 独立董事的动机来源于声誉和薪酬政策。

    Motive of the independent director originates from the reputation and remuneration mechanism .

  7. 薪酬政策设计和执行的质量往往能够直接决定对员工激励效果的好坏。

    The design and Execution of the salary policy can determine the incentive result .

  8. 薪酬政策与工作价值观匹配度对员工满意度的影响研究

    A Study of Impact of Pay Policy and Work Value Fit on Employee Satisfaction

  9. 薪酬政策要避免的陷阱&人力资源管理中的柠檬市场

    Avoiding the Trap in Salary Policy Making

  10. 薪酬政策线模型探讨

    Probing into the Pay Policy Line Model

  11. 上周,美联储建议审查数千银行的薪酬政策。

    Last week , the Federal Reserve proposed to examine pay policies at thousands of banks .

  12. 论功行赏的雇员薪酬政策是改革国有银行的激励制度的重要元素。

    A performance-based compensation policy for employees is important for reforming the incentive structure of state-owned banks .

  13. 如何借助薪酬政策维持与增强组织的竞争优势是当前战略人力资源管理领域研究的焦点。

    How to enhance organizational competitive edge through compensation policies is the focus in strategic management of human resources .

  14. 第二,监管机构和董事会应出台充实资本以及遏制不计后果冒险行为的薪酬政策。

    Second , regulators and boards should put in place compensation policies that strengthen capital and discourage reckless risk-taking .

  15. 董事会应向股东解释,他们的薪酬政策如何有助于塑造企业的未来。

    Boards should explain to shareholders how their pay policy is intended to help shape the future of the business .

  16. 更严格的资本要求应抵消有风险的薪酬政策的影响;延期发放奖金应有助于银行家将眼光放到短期收益之外。

    Stricter capital requirements should offset risky compensation policies ; deferred bonuses should help bankers look beyond the short-term gain .

  17. 虽然透明薪酬政策在不同国家和大公司面临挑战,马奎斯仍鼓励其他公司大胆尝试。

    Despite the challenges in different countries and for big companies , Ms Mulet-Marquis urged other firms try a transparency drive .

  18. 企业的薪酬政策和薪励政策,是企业的基本政策,影响着每位员工,对员工起着导向作用。

    Enterprise salary and salary incentive policy is the basic policy that affects each employee , playing a guiding role to staff .

  19. 但他们私下里会见了主要股东和监管人士,就如何调整薪酬政策以平息公众愤怒征询了意见。

    But they privately met top investors and regulators for advice on how to tweak pay policies to stem the public outcry .

  20. 目前看起来,本默切将不受新的薪酬政策限制,但其他所有人几乎都将受限。

    Now it seems he will be exempted from the new pay policies , but almost everyone else at AIG will not .

  21. 从不增加企业用工成本的角度出发,本论文选取员工对企业薪酬政策的感知与工作价值观匹配度两个因素作为自变量。

    In order not to increase the labor costs of enterprises , we select pay policy and work value fit as the independent variables .

  22. 另外,在欧洲很多银行的资本仍严重不足之际,这些薪酬政策会阻碍重建其资产负债表的努力。

    Moreover , at a time when many banks in Europe remain severely undercapitalised , such remuneration policies hinder efforts to rebuild their balance sheets .

  23. 福斯特称,目前学校正在想办法缩减开支,并考虑调整薪酬政策,哈佛大学每年的薪酬成本占其总预算的近一半。

    Faust said the school is looking at ways to cut spending and will review compensation costs , which account for nearly half of the budget .

  24. 可是,这种薪酬政策创造了庞大的工薪贫困阶层,也就是拥有工作但工资很低,因此仍然够得上福利发放标准的人群。

    But that policy created a large contingent of working poor , people who have jobs but also qualify for welfare payments because of their low salaries .

  25. 薪酬政策为薪酬体系之本,体现了企业薪酬体系的价值观,并直接影响和决定着员工行为。

    Compensation policy is the basis of compensation system , displaying the value of compensation system of an enterprise , and directly influencing and deciding employer behavior .

  26. 业绩评价、分散决策与薪酬政策被视为现代公司控制体系的三大支柱,其中业绩评价是现代企业控制系统中的关键。

    Performance Evaluation , Decentralization Decision-making and Pay Policies are the three pillars in modern corporation administration , among which Performance Evaluation plays a key role in internal control .

  27. 监管机构不必设定明确的上限,但如果公司薪酬政策使得业务风险上升,它们就有合法理由提高审慎标准。

    Regulators do not need to impose a particular cap but , where remuneration policies are making business riskier , they have legitimate cause for tightening up prudential standards .

  28. 大多数公司应当思考一下,它们的薪酬政策反映了何种价值观——这些政策对公司赖以经营的脆弱公共执照产生了何种影响。

    More companies should think what sort of values are reflected in their pay policies - and what impact those policies have on their fragile public licence to operate .

  29. 对管理者来说,薪酬政策、工作价值观匹配度与满意度的关系要大于普通员工,但该调节作用没有达到显著的水平。

    The link between pay policy , work value fit and employee satisfaction is closer when the surveyor is manager . But the moderator does not reach a significant level .

  30. 再次,通过对新加坡、英国、澳大利亚等外国薪酬政策的比拟剖析,获得薪酬对激励作用的有益借鉴;

    Once again , through Singapore , the United Kingdom , the Australian and other foreign comparative analysis of the compensation policies , the incentive compensation system is a useful reference ;