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  • Curcuma zedoaria;zedoary turmeric
  1. 从不同工艺提取蓬莪术挥发油,选择最佳方法。

    Extracted from different process shows that volatile , choose the best method .

  2. 其活性成分为挥发油,在蓬莪术中含量为1%~2.3%。

    The active ingredient in the volatile shows , for is 1 % to 2.5 % content .

  3. 现代研究表明,蓬莪术油具有抗肿瘤作用,能抑制肿瘤细胞异常增殖。

    Modern research has shown , shows that oil has antitumor effect , can inhibit tumor abnormal cellular proliferation .

  4. 然后通过气质联用测定其成分含量,最后对蓬莪术油的稳定性考察研制了蓬莪术油微乳。

    And then by gc-ms combination measure its constituents content , finally to the stability test shows that oil is developed breasts .

  5. 不同品种、不同产地的蓬莪术挥发油中,已分别鉴定出29~42种化合物,主要为萜类及倍半萜衍生物。

    Different varieties , different origin , shows that volatile already respectively identified 29 to 42 compounds , mainly for terpenoids and half terpene derivatives .