- Mona Lisa;La Gioconda

This collotype of the Mona Lisa is exquisitely printed .
He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the Mona lisa .
This imitation of Mona Lisa is so well-drawn that it can be passed for genuine one .
From then on , the " Mona Lisa " , came to represent Western culture itself .
Duncan Watts proposes that the " Mona Lisa " is merely an extreme example of a general rule .
In 1911 a maintenance worker at the Louvre walked out of the museum with the " Mona Lisa " , hidden under his smock .
Visitors to the " Mona Lisa " know they are about to visit the greatest work of art ever and come away appropriately impressed — or let down .
The " Mona Lisa " may not be a worthy world champion , but it was in the Louvre in the first place , and not by accident .
When the museum reopened , people queued to see the gap where the " Mona Lisa " had once hung in a way they had never done for the painting itself .
When Watts looked into the history of " the greatest painting of all time " , he discovered that , for most of its life , the " Mona Lisa " remained in relative obscurity .
In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .
After queuing to see the " Mona Lisa " in its climate - controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre , he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber , to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention ?
Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa .
Inside , there are 35,000 works of art , such as the painting Mona Lisa by Da Vinci and the statue David by Michelangelo .
Obesity were proposed to explain obesity condition . One of those is the MONA LISA hypothesis that states that Most Obesities kNown Are Low In Sympathetic Activity .
Consider the history of the Mona Lisa , perhaps the most famous painting in the world .
The financial value of any work of art remains as unknowable and intangible as the Mona Lisa 's smile .
He painted nuns driving racing cars and flying balloons , the pope windsurfing , Mona Lisa naked or smoking .
Like Kim Kardashian , apparently , the Mona Lisa is famous largely for being famous .
Inside the museum , a crowd more than a dozen deep faced the Mona Lisa , most taking cellphone pictures and selfies .
Presuming nothing , Livingstone reasoned that the famous portrait 's flickering smile is caused by the way we see .
Behind the asymmetric smile of the " Mona Lisa " lay a complex interplay of facial muscles ; in sketching a waterfall , Da Vinci became fascinated by fluid dynamics .
Joconde is Monna Lisa 's French name .
The show , which runs through June 28 , occupies a side passage of the museum , near a room that contains an original of another work copied for the blind : a version of the Mona Lisa by a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci .
News of the earnest , if utterly failed , restoration in 2012 rocketed around the globe on Twitter and Facebook - the image likened variously to a monkey or hedgehog , and superimposed in memes and parodies on the " Mona Lisa " and a Campbell 's soup can .
Mona lisa is smiling , but more than a smile .
Are you warm , are you real , Mona Lisa ?
What is the analytical result on Mono Lisa Smile then ?
There was a brief ad for Mona Lisa skin lightener .
Everyone makes up their own story about the Mona Lisa .