
  1. 结果检测了来自云南家鼠鼠疫流行区和非流行区血清共335份,检出腺鼠疫病人血清阳性32份,与IHA法结果一致。

    Results 335 portions of sera from the domestic plague natural foci and outside the epidemic areas were detected .

  2. 用Logistic回归模型探讨气候带、洪旱灾害与鼠疫流行的关系。[结果]:1.1996-2007云南省洪旱灾害总的来说旱洪灾害频次呈波浪式上升。

    Discusses the climatic zone , the dry Hong disaster with the Logistic regression model whether to have as well as the disaster by stages with the bubonic plague popular relations . Results : ( 1 ) On the whole , the frequency of drought and flood presented wave ascend .

  3. 贵州鼠疫流行地区蚤类调查

    Investigation on Fleas in the region of plague epidemic in Guizhou

  4. 清代云南昆明的鼠疫流行

    The plague epidemics of Kunming , Yunnan in the Qing dynasty

  5. 长尾黄鼠间鼠疫流行的长期趋向

    A secular trend of plague epizootics among Citellus undulatus

  6. 河北省康保县鼠间鼠疫流行特点的分析

    Analysis of epidemic characteristics of mice plague at Kangbao county of Hebei province

  7. 1947年辽吉地区鼠疫流行情况及防疫工作成就

    Spread of the plague and its prevention in the Liaoning-Jilin District in 1947

  8. 关子黄鼠鼠疫流行范围的探索

    Investigation about epidemic scope of the Citellus plague

  9. 震惊世界的苏拉特鼠疫流行及其教训

    The Surat plague and the lesson from it

  10. 和平时期的鼠疫流行与人口死亡&以近代广东、福建为例

    Plague and Death Tolls in Peace Time : An Example from Modern Guangdong and Fujian

  11. 云南人间鼠疫流行区几种蚤的空间分布格局研究

    Spatial Pattern Analysis of Several Flea Species in the Foci of Human Plague in Yunnan

  12. 宁夏沙鼠疫源地鼠疫流行特征探讨及防治对策

    Approach to Epidemic Characteristic and Control Countermeasure of Plague in Meriones unguiculatus Natural Foci , Ningxia

  13. 青海田鼠鼠疫流行特点分析

    Analysis of epidemic characteristics of Microtus fuscus plague in recent years THE SMUT FUNGI OF QINGHAI

  14. 西林县鼠疫流行的实验室检测结果分析

    Analysis on the experimental results of the first epidemic outbreak of plague in Xilin County , Guangxi

  15. 1982-2005年云南省家鼠鼠疫流行状况分析

    Analysis on the current status of plague epidemics for Rattus flavipectus plague natural foci in Yunnan Province

  16. 对新疆洛浦县农业区1972年人间鼠疫流行的回顾剖析

    Retrospective Analysis of the 1972 Prevelence of Human Plague in an Agricultural Area of Lop County , Xinjiang

  17. 目的探讨双重式聚合酶链反应(Pla-FI-PCR)技术在鼠疫流行现场检测动物脏器的应用。

    Objective To study the application of mouse organs on plague epidemic spots by the double primers PCR .

  18. 目的通过分析当今鼠疫流行特点,从而明确鼠疫在目前的控制措施。

    Objective By analyzing the characteristics of the current epidemic plague , we can know about the current control measures .

  19. 方法在曾发生过鼠疫流行的地区设立监测点,对检获的鼠体蚤进行分类、鉴定和统计分析。

    Methods Set up surveillance sites in the historical plague epidemic area , and identify the flea caught from mice .

  20. 自1985年以来,该疫源地除1993年外,每年都有不同程度的动物鼠疫流行。

    Except for 1993 , animal plague have happened in the plague natural foci every year since 1985 . Eighty_seven strains Y.

  21. 中国白城兵器试验中心场区鼠疫流行概况与防治措施

    Epidemic situation and the measure of prevention snd treatment in plague in the center of arms experiment , Baicheng , China

  22. 近年中医界和历史学界致力于鼠疫流行史的研究,成绩卓著。

    Scholars in TCM and historians have devoted themselves to the study of epidemical history , made considerable achievement for resent years .

  23. 1917&1918年的鼠疫流行,给绥远、山西等疫区带来巨大的生命和经济损失。

    The plague between 1917 and 1918 brought great lost of life and economy to the people in Suiyuan and Shanxi provinces .

  24. 玉树地区是青海省鼠疫流行较猛烈的地区之一,动物间鼠疫疫情连年不断,不时波及到人间。

    With severe prevalence of plague , Yushu witnessed continued outbreaks of plague in animals year after year , which also spread to mankind occasionally .

  25. 目的探讨青海省近10年鼠疫流行势态,为制定预防控制对策提供依据。

    Objective To explore the plague prevalent trend in recent ten years in Qinghai Province in order to provide basis for making prevention and control measures .

  26. 最后作者利用历史病情资料从1840~1990按十年段,重建了150年来中国鼠疫流行扩散简史。

    Then using the historical data of plague and 10 year interval data , the 150 years spread history of the plague epidemics in China is rebuilt .

  27. 邓肯博士和斯科特博士认为黑死病在14世纪欧洲传播的方式和近现代的鼠疫流行有所不同。

    Dr Duncan and Dr Scott saw discrepancies between the way that the Black Death spread through 14th-century Europe and the behaviour of more recent episodes of plague .

  28. 方法在2001年鼠疫流行期间对一、二和三类疫区采用笼捕法进行鼠密度调查,采用粘蚤纸法进行地面游离蚤调查,对捕获的鼠蚤进行分类鉴定。

    Methods Mouse density was surveyed in three types of endemic areas by cage-catch and the species of fleas caught by using flea sticky paper were dissected and identified .

  29. 第四章主要介绍日细菌部队在江西战场上使用细菌武器和江西鼠疫流行之间的因果关系。

    The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the relationship of causality between the germ weapons & used by Japanese bacterial troops and the infection of epidemic disease in JiangXi province .

  30. 研究青海田鼠的分布范围、活动规律、生态学指标以及动物鼠疫流行规律。

    To study the distribution , active law and in - dexes of ecology of M. fuscus , and the character of epizootic plague by field investigation and laboratory methods .