
  1. 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。

    He was the ambassador of the king of portugal .

  2. 1325年的今天,阿方索四世成为葡萄牙国王。

    1325 – Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal .

  3. 他冒充葡萄牙国王的儿子。

    He passed himself off as the son of the king of portugal .

  4. 从葡萄牙国王的儿子宣布巴西独立后,巴西一直循序改革而不是一下子除旧迎新。

    Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king , Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh .

  5. 虽然这次反叛因内部的分裂而告失败,但是查理回到西班牙以后还是部分同意了这些要求,接着他与葡萄牙国王女儿伊莎贝拉的婚姻出乎意料地提高了他的知名度。

    Although the revolt failed because of divisions within the rebel camp , charles , after his return , partly acquiesced in these demands , and his subsequent marriage to isabella , daughter of the king of portugal , lifted him to unexpected heights of popularity .