
  • 网络TAP Portugal;TAP;tap air portugal;Air Portugal
  1. 而葡萄牙航空(tap)经里斯本去那里会需要多达10个小时。

    Tap , the Portuguese airline , can take up to ten hours to get there via Lisbon .

  2. 在2005年,葡萄牙航空公司的飞行常客计划(FFP)–TAPVictoria–荣获法兰迪年度计划奖、最佳兑换奖和最佳成员沟通奖。

    The Frequent Flyer Program ( FFP )– TAP Victoria – also won Freddie Awards as Program of the Year , Best Redemption Award and Best Member Communications in2005 .

  3. 葡萄牙航空公司在不断变化进取之中-已推出新品牌的产品

    TAP is changing – New Branded Products launched

  4. 葡萄牙航空公司时刻保持求新求变,最新重新设计了其商业战略,目前正在推出瞄准不同客户群的新产品。

    Keeping abreast with change , TAP recently redesigned its commercial strategy and is currently launching new products aimed at different targets .

  5. 此外,在为客户提供最为方便的定期航班和轻松转机的同时,葡萄牙航空公司还为其提供了多种更灵活的选择。

    Thus , TAP offers customers an extended and highly flexible choice while providing them with the most convenient scheduled flights and easy connectivity onto further distant destinations .

  6. 其在里斯本的航空枢纽是连接非洲、北美及南美大陆的重要欧洲通道,而且葡萄牙航空公司是开辟至巴西航线的主要欧洲航空公司,目前每周运营67班航班。

    Its Lisbon hub is a key European gateway at the crossroads of the African , North & South American continents , where tap stands out as the leading carrier in operation to Brazil , currently with 67 frequencies a week .