
  • 网络overnutrition;nutrition excess
  1. 营养过剩则与久坐习惯及富裕国家中食物丰富有关。

    Overnutrition is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the continuous availability of food in more affluent countries .

  2. 结论:①社区退休居民中营养过剩和营养低下共存,必须加强营养干预;

    Conclusions : ① Both overnutrition and undernutrition can be manifested in retired home residents , for whom nutritional intervene should be enhanced .

  3. 研究GIP在这些组织及相关疾病,如营养过剩诱导的肥胖症、食物依赖的库欣综合征中的作用可能会为临床上一些常见病和罕见病的治疗带来新的希望。

    The study of effects of GIP on these tissues and correlated diseases such as overnutrition-induced obesity , food-dependent Cushing ′ s syndrome , may bring new hope for the treatment of some common and rare diseases .

  4. 孕期体重增长过快,首诊至OGTT时体重净增大于14.5kg,以及孕28-30周Hb高于123mg/dl是GDM发生的独立危险因素,提示营养过剩或不合理的饮食结构与GDM密切相关。

    The weight gain from booking to OGTT more than 14.5kg ; Hb greater than 123mg / dl in the third trimester are independent factors for GDM , which suggest that a better nutritional status and unreasonable diet are related to GDM .

  5. 出生初期营养过剩加重高脂饮食诱发的代谢紊乱

    Neonatal Overfeeding Exacerbates High Fat Diet Induced Metabolic Perturbation

  6. 城市儿童尚存在营养过剩趋势。

    There was nutritional excess among urban children .

  7. 不仅如此,大豆所含的膳食纤维、异黄酮等成分还具有保健作用,能减少营养过剩的发生率。

    Furthermore , its ingredients such as dietary fiber , Isoflavone is helpful to health .

  8. 我国青少年体质的下降,主要表现为营养过剩而体力衰退的矛盾症状。

    Physical decline of teenagers in China , main show is over nutrition and contradictions of debilitating symptoms .

  9. 发达国家和发展中国家内正在迅速出现的不当营养过剩的威胁。

    The rapidly emerging threat of too much of the wrong nutrition in both developed and developing world .

  10. 营养过剩(指动物性脂肪),也会影响免疫功能。

    Overnutrition ( too much animal fat ) affects the function of immunity in the body fluid , too .

  11. 实际上,我们现在的生活太优裕了,人们甚至会营养过剩,尤其是小孩。

    In fact life has become so good and easy that now we face the danger of over-nourishment , especially for the children .

  12. 锌素营养过剩时细胞结构破坏,叶肉细胞严重收缩,叶绿体明显减少。

    When Zn was excessed , the cell structure was destroyed , the mesophyll cells contracted seriously and the number of chloroplasts decreased obviously .

  13. 比如,营养过剩,垃圾食品,(肥胖)基因,不当的(父母)养育方式,这些都被指作是导致肥胖的因素。

    Big bones , junk foods , genes or poor parenting & there are plenty of directions in which to point a chubby finger .

  14. 本产品适合男女饮用,尤其是哪些青春期营养过剩者,妇女产后肥胖者及中年休息代谢率下降肥胖者。

    Suitable for those who are taking nutritional health supplements , women who just gave birth and those with decrease metabolism due to age factors .

  15. 如今,大多数父母为孩子考虑菜单时主要考虑的应该是防止营养过剩而非营养不良。

    Over-nutrition rather than a lack of nutrition should be the major concern for most parents today when they decide the menu for their children .

  16. 胆固醇过高,容易引起高血压、营养过剩等问题,从而增加心肌梗死、心脏病以及中风等患病风险。

    High cholesterol levels can lead to hypertension ( high blood pressure ) , nutrient deficiency , and increase your risk of , heart attack , heart disease and stroke .

  17. 这种“营养过剩”信号可以激活下丘脑的多个交叠的通路,产生过多的中枢和外周反应。

    These signals of " nutrient abundance " lead to the activation of multiple hypothalamic pathways that overlap and generate a plethora of central and peripheral responses ( 2 ) .

  18. 肥胖是一种营养过剩的疾病,如果长期过量食用高脂、高热量食品,体内毒素就会滋生,造成机体失衡,引发肥胖。

    Obesity is a kind of nutrition surplus of disease if long-term excessive fatty , high quantity of heat food , body endotoxin will cause , cause airframe imbalances , cause fat .

  19. 后者包括导致肥胖和其他健康危险因素,如高血压,是由于营养过剩和久坐的生活方式所致。

    The latter is association by cause as a result of both obesity and the other health risks , such as hypertension , being due to the combination of over-eating and sedentary lifestyle .

  20. 而营养过剩平均为2292%,呈逐年上升趋势,小学生营养不良率和营养过剩率均随年龄的增加而升高。

    By contrast , the average prevalence rate of over-nutrition was 22.92 % with an increasing tendency year by year . The rates of malnutrition and over-nutrition both increased with the age increasing .

  21. 而与此同时,由于激烈竞争导致的生活节奏加快,心理压力过大,人际交往较少以及营养过剩等因素给人类的健康带来了很大的威胁。

    At the same time , fast life pace , great mental pressure , limited interpersonal communication and surplus nutrition have posed a big threat to human health , which has become a common topic .

  22. 摄入食物所含热量过多导致营养过剩,加之生活和工作模式不合理使运动量减少,由此导致肥胖症的发病率和死亡率呈现出逐年上升的趋势。

    Intake of foods contain too many calories lead to excess nutrients , combined with the living and working mode unreasonable to reduce the amount of exercise , resulting morbidity and mortality of obesity showing an increasing trend .

  23. 人群遗传学的差异还可能源于历史上土壤、植物和动物中的营养缺乏或过剩。

    Differences in population genetics can also result from historical deficiencies or excesses of nutrients in soils , plants and animals .

  24. 中国八省同一家庭内营养不良与营养过剩个体并存的纵向趋势研究

    The lognitudinal study of undernutrition and overnutrition coexistence within the same household in China

  25. 包括心血管疾病在内的慢性疾病通过营养不良和营养过剩迅速转变而成为一个世界问题。

    Chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases have become a worldwide problem due to rapid transition from undernutrition to overnutrition .

  26. 高能量食物和作物已经在全世界抵消营养不良和营养过剩中广泛应用。

    Energy dense foods and crops have been very useful in counteracting poverty and under nutrition in the whole world .

  27. 早期发现的关键是要认识到,有些人是营养低下或营养过剩的高危人群。

    The key to early detection is awareness that persons in certain circumstances have a high risk of undernutrition or overnutrition .

  28. 营养不足和营养过剩特别是在胎儿时期可能导致这种表观遗传程序在“预期”的食品环境与现实环境之间产生一种配合不当。

    Both undernutrition and overnutrition , particularly in the womb , can cause these epigenetic programs to create a mismatch between the'expected'food environment and the actual one .

  29. 这里引用道:“这是最好的一种方式,不仅有利于抵抗饥饿、营养不良以及营养过剩等问题,而且对保护全球食物供应链体系应对全球气候变化带来的深远影响也是大有助益。”

    Quote , " This is the best way , not only to combat hunger , malnutrition , and over-nutrition , but also to protect global food supplies against the impacts of global climate change . "

  30. 耶鲁公开课-关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选正如我所说,中国的卫生部部长表示,较之于营养不良,营养过剩是一个更大的问题,世界是在不断变化的,当我们环视世界,这是十分有趣的

    As I said , when the health minister of China says that , over nutrition is a bigger problem than under nutrition , we 're seeing a changing world , so the global view is extremely interesting as we look around the world .