- 形 wilting

[wilt] 植物因缺乏水分而茎叶萎缩
Vibrant colors last year around without wilting , watering , or outgrowing their pots early , quantities are limited .
DNA content was unaffected when soil water content was above wilting point .
The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .
The bacteris may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .
GIS method on adaptive assessment of pine wilt disease in China
The result showed that C toxin resulted in the yellow leaf and wilting of C cytoplasm .
Study of the pine wilt disease occurrence and its range expansion pattern based on GIS
Changes of RWC , wilting degree and ABA in different ramie varieties under drought stress
GIS ( Geographic Information Sciences ) techniques were used on analyzing the spatial-climate distributed characteristic of the PWD ( Pine Wilt Disease ) occurrence in Anhui province .
With the growth of cucumber ( vine and fruit stages ), the large accumulations of N in roots caused the growth inhibition of cucumber plants , even the appearance of wilt .
Resistance of chilling increased much more after SA pre treated , and both the wilting rate and the death rate decreased .
ACC treatment promoted ethylene biosynthesis , advanced climacteric rise and peak appearence , and accelerated the petals wilt of carnation cut flower .
The Selection and Application of New Resistance Oxysporum Tendril Leaf Pea Variety Azur
The plantlet treated with the NaCl was injured most badly , the conductivity of the leaf was biggest , the powdery mildew was severe , but the permanencies wilting did not happen .
After 24h of low temperature treatment , no obvious change was found in leaves of hairy tomato , but leaves of cultivated tomato cultivars showed wilting symptom . 2 .
Emergence of apparent permanent wilting symptom in Tl were earlier than that in T2 and T3 , and that in tall fescue were earlier than that in Auguestinegrass ;
As a result of all these beneficial factors , the membrane stability and the ability to maintain water and resist drought were enhanced in wheat leaves treated with appropriate concentration SA under drought stress .
Application of silicon significantly alleviated leaf wilting , and improved the dry weight , free water content , total moisture content and relative water content in the roots and leaves of rice under PEG stress .
Pine wood nematode ( Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ) is a kind of parasitic nematode that can cause serious pine wilt disease .
The wilting ti - me was postponed 44 hours .
The behavioral responses of adults Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) to the odors of wilted leaves ( OWL ) of Chinese wing nut tree , Pterocarya stenoptera were tested by using an olfactometer .
Both of the transgenic and control leaves were severely withered , and the roots were shrunk and become brown at the time point of 100h after stress .
Heat of transpiration cannot be emitted and induce leaf to wilt . Conclusion : Xanthomonas L4 phytotoxin can disrupt mitochondrial to inhibit oxidation and phosphorylation to couple with each other , so ATP can not be formed normally result in leaves to death .
Cultivar " Muzao " was used as test material , the study results showed that in arid hillside field , loess hills of northwest ShanXi Province , the transpiration rate of jujube leaf blade in normal year is 0.93 μ g / s · cm 2 ;
Pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematode [ Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ( Steiner & Buhrer ) Nickle ] is a ruinous disease for pine , but the pathogenesis has not been quite clear so far .
Through the 0-48h with the result that the wilt degree and measures the variety of related anti-enzyme Slice a seedling victimizes most seriously and secondly in order to harm a seedling , complete root the out break that fasten the cotton seedling is the most light .
Dry medium led protocorms and seedlings to shrink and die .
Identification on Pathogenetic Fungi of Flax Flaccid Disease in Inner Mongolia
The article study on the reason in behavior and physiology .
Effects of Wilting and Corn Flour on Alfalfa Bag Silage Quality