
  • 网络President of Mozambique;List of heads of state of Mozambique
  1. 莫桑比克总统萨莫拉迈克尔在南非东部边界的一次飞机失事中遇难。

    Mozambique 's President Samora Machel has been killed in a plane crash on South africa 's Eastern border .

  2. 南非和莫桑比克总统抵达津巴布韦,立即与津巴布韦总统罗伯特.穆加贝,指定总理摩根·茨万吉拉伊以及第三大政党领导亚瑟·穆坦巴拉开始谈判。

    The presidents of South Africa and Mozambique arrived in Zimbabwe and immediately began talks with President Robert Mugabe , Prime Minister-designate Morgan Tsvangirai and the leader of a third party , Arthur Mutambara .

  3. 为期四个月的政权分享协议要求建立一个统一的政府,但是由于政党之间存在分歧,一直没有形成。南非总统卡莱马·莫特兰蒂,前任总统塔博·姆贝基和莫桑比克总统阿曼多·格布扎领导该区域解决政党之间的分歧。

    South African President Kgalema Motlanthe , his predecessor Thabo Mbeki and Mozambican President Armando Guebuza are leading a regional effort to resolve differences that have prevented the formation of a unity government mandated by a four-month-old power sharing agreement .