- 网络Director;managing director;General manager;CEO

As Terence Lim , Korea managing director of Goldman Sachs Asset Management , says : Everybody in the emerging markets seems to be under similar pressures .
" There has been a lot of technical demand for high-yielding loan assets this summer , " said Dan Norman , managing director of the ing investment management senior loan group in the US .
The writer is joint managing director of absolute Strategy Research
Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of China Market Research Group , a strategic market intelligence firm focused on China .
Shaun Rein , managing director of the China Market Research Group , believes so .
Co-founder , CEO and managing director , T2 Venture Capital
Mr Yung 's long-serving managing director , Henry Fan , also quit .
Brian McGough is Managing Director and Retail Sector Head at Hedgeye Risk Management .
David marchick is managing director and global head of regulatory affairs for the Carlyle Group .
In foreign-exchange trading , a managing director could expect a15 % drop in bonus to $ 1 million to $ 1.5 million , Options Group predicts .
You should avoid becoming too fixated on one thing , advises Corinne Mills , managing director of Personal Career Management .
Timothy Adams is a former US Treasury undersecretary for international affairs and is managing director of the Lindsey group .
France is ' finished ', said Andy Street , managing director of British department store John Lewis , last year .
But he runs the joint venture as acting chief executive , backed by four managing directors brought in from Groupon international .
Randy Schwimmer is senior managing director and head of capital markets with Churchill financial .
Jason Wang , managing director of Cypress River Advisors in Taipei , said : Taiwan is a great market .
' The returns were so good for so many years'that investors'just didn 't care , 'said Shaun Rein , managing director of Shanghai-based China Market Research Group , a research firm .
In the short term , growth will be sparked by'price reinflation of key words , 'said Majestic Research Managing Director John Aiken .
Ravi Kant , Tata Motors 's managing director , strongly disagreed .
Sam Youssef , managing director of Better Homes real estate says : Everything is geared to the World Cup in 2022 .
Michael Ward , managing director of Harrods , said : The French are sitting on the other side of the Channel laughing at us .
At this point in the robo-advisor cycle theappeal isn 't the anonymity , said Kendra Thompson , a Toronto , Canada-basedmanaging director at Accenture Wealth & Capital Markets .
Mark Ward , managing director of ExxonMobil in Nigeria , has said that under the new legislation all new planned [ upstream ] projects would be uneconomic .
On ABC News , BP managing director Bob Dudley said underwater robots will move in tosaw off the top of the broken pipe .
Wealth management , investment banking and research are expected to see a hiring surge in the coming years , according to Joseph Logan , founder and managing director of Pinnacle Group International .
Bill Crossan , managing director of close growth capital , says that his firm has the " perfect product " as it provides both debt and equity for small-cap buy-outs .
Investing in China requires immense creativity and the agility to respond to fast-changing circumstances , says Kathleen Ng , managing director of the Centre for Asia Private Equity Research in Hong Kong .
Shanghai has done many things I never thought they could do , says Kenneth Yu , managing director of 3M in China .
Impending changes of leadership created uncertainty in the financial markets , said Albert Cheng , managing director for the far east at the WGC .
Mr Cho joined HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Taxation Services Limited Managing Director and Head of Tax in2010 .