
  1. 根据文献及临床经验确定每味药物的剂量范围,制备中药药液,进行药效学实验:杀菌实验、MIC(最小抑菌浓度)实验、纸片法(药敏实验)。

    According to literature and clinical experience sure every flavour drug dose , preparation of liquids , TCM muskone experiment : antiseptic experiment , MIC ( minimum bacteriostatic concentration ) experiments and paper method ( antimicrobial susceptibility test ) .

  2. 结果:(1)用血管紧张素-Ⅱ测得的ABR-BP值与用新福林测得的ABR-BP值密切相关,在一定范围内药物的剂量不影响结果。

    RESULTS ; ( 1 ) ABR-BP values revealed by angiotensin ⅱ were closely correlated with those by phenylephrine . Doses of angiotensin ⅱ did not influence the results within certain range .

  3. 你能否把那些药物的剂量加大一些?

    Can 't you just give her a stronger dose of that drug ?

  4. 极限稀释法微孔池培养测定细胞对抗癌药物的剂量反应曲线

    The response of cells to anti-tumour drugs estimated by limiting dilution in microwell culture

  5. 血尿的发生可能与药物的剂量、配药浓度、个体过敏体质及药品的质量有关。

    Hematuria could be related with dosage and purity of cefradine , and individual hypersensitivity .

  6. 这时,你应该和医生商量一下,看看能不能调整一下药物的剂量或者换一种药。

    Check with your doctor to see if you can adjust the dosage or change medications .

  7. 经方常用15种药物的剂量阈值均比《药典》规定宽。

    15 kinds of the commonly used herbs ' average dosage threshold are wider than the pharmacopoeia .

  8. 即使轻微的增加药物的剂量可能产生严重的后果,特别是对早产儿而言。

    Even a tiny increase in the dose of medication can have serious effects & especially in babies born prematurely .

  9. 一些副作用会随时间而消失,而还有一些则要通过调整药物的剂量或者换药来解决。

    Some side effects may go away over time , others may be avoided by adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication .

  10. 受者将需要一年的时间从手术中痊愈并调整抗排斥药物的剂量,其后才能开始尝试怀孕。

    The woman will wait one year to heal from the surgery and adjust the doses of anti-rejection medicine before trying to become pregnant .

  11. 它是否能对亚型的妇女更有效、服用药物的剂量是多少都很难确定。

    " It 's difficult to determine if it 's more beneficial in any subset of women or at what dose ," he said .

  12. 然而,曾经做过失败的试管受精的女性可能能通过减少生育药物的剂量改善她们的受孕机会。

    However , women who have failed previous IVF attempts may be able to improve their chances of conception by reducing the dose of fertility drugs .

  13. 从本课题研究中可以看出,以上所选十五味药物的剂量阈和治疗窗(在汤剂中的成人一日服用量)在《中国药典》法定药物剂量范围的基础上可适当放宽。

    From our research , we come to the conclusion that the dose threshold and therapeutic window can be appropriately broadened on basis of Chinese Pharmacopoeia .

  14. 方剂中药物的剂量及配伍比例与临床疗效有着直接的关系,是组方寓意和治疗立法的具体体现之一。

    Prescription drug dose and clinical effect of combined ratio has a direct relationship , and a performance which embodies the formula meaning and legislation of treatment .

  15. 听音乐的病人需要更少的镇定剂,并且所服药物的剂量和次数也减少了36%。

    The people who listened to music needed fewer sedative doses and had a 36 percent reduction in the intensity or the amount of medication they received .

  16. 尽管这些药物的剂量很少,任何人喝了都不会对其产生影响,但结果却表明了人造的化学物质怎样会出现在食品链中。

    The doses of drugs were far too small to have an effect on anyone drinking them , but the results highlight how man-made chemicals are now found throughout the food chain .

  17. 不仅能够提高疗效,缩短疗程,减少或延缓耐药菌的产生,减少联用药物的剂量,还可以降低抗生素不良反应的出现。

    It can improve the curative effect , shorten treatment period , reduce or delay the produce of drug-resistant bacteria , reduce combined drug dosage and also reduce the adverse reaction of antibiotics .

  18. 本文从三个方面分析了癌痛病人未得到足够止痛的主要原因:一是药物的剂量不足或副作用处置不当;

    The reasons why cancer pain patients couldn 't obtain enough analgesia are as follows : ( 1 ) The drug doses given to the patients are not enough or drug side reactions are mismanaged .

  19. [结论]ED-NM-MO三联法是一种适合复方特点的优化方法,可以应用于由多饮片多组分多成分复方药物的剂量配比优化。

    ( Conclusions ) ED-NM-MO Method is suited for the researching of the characters of Chinese medicine , and it can be used for the optimization of dosage and ratio of herb or component compound .

  20. 而对于服用安慰剂的患者,虽然可以减少他们口服类固醇药物的剂量,但是除了一两名患者以外,其他患者的哮喘症状加重,变得更难控制。

    For the folks who took the placebo , we were able to reduce their oral steroid load , but in all but one or two people , this was associated with a worsening of their asthma control .

  21. 在最大限度解除病人痛苦的同时,尽可能减少药物的剂量和治疗的副作用,对实施计划生育政策,保障广大妇女合法权益及身心健康有着十分重要的意义。

    It is very important that we do our best to reduce the Pharmaceuticals ' dose and treatment 's side-effect as patient 's affliction were relieved simultaneously , both to carry out the planned parenthood policy and to ensure the healthy of women .

  22. 有没有有效的药效学上的生物标记的代替物能够对决定某个药物的最佳剂量?

    Are there clinically useful markers that can predict the efficacy of this class of drug ?

  23. 医生对患者进行评估并确定控制他们哮喘药物的最低剂量。

    Doctors evaluated the patients and determined the lowest possible dose of medication that would control their asthma .

  24. 如果对氯吡格雷抵抗的患者增加药物的维持剂量可以明显改善氯吡格雷的抗血小板作用,降低氯吡格雷抵抗的发生率,为一有效的防治氯吡格雷抵抗的方法。

    Increasing the dose of clopidogrel will improve the antiplatelet effect , degrade the prevalence of clopidogrel resistance , so , it is an effective method that can prevent and cure clopidogrel resistance .

  25. 目的:节拍化疗是传统化疗药物的低剂量给药方式,研究证明这种治疗策略是以肿瘤血管为靶点,以抗肿瘤血管效应治疗肿瘤。

    Objective : Metronomic chemotherapy is a therapeusis with low dose of traditional chemotherapeutics , It is demonstrated by research that taking tumor vessel as the target , this therapy strategy has obvious anti-angiogenesis effect .

  26. 方法对71例晚期癌症患者,使用美施康定进行长期随访研究,观察对癌症患者中、重度疼痛的镇痛效果,药物的初次剂量和最大剂量、增加剂量的分布及副作用。

    Methods A randomized study was done in 71 patients with advanced cancer who received analgesic comparing the efficacy , primary dose , maximum dose , distribution of raised dose and the toxity of mMs contin group .

  27. 在使用兽药预防治疗动物疾病和促生长提高饲料利用率的过程中,需要了解药物的使用剂量、残留限量和休药期的知识。

    When veterinary pharmaceuticals are used to prevent and treat food animal diseases , to promote growth and improve feed effeciency , the knowledge on drug administration amount , maximal residue level and withdrawal time are needed .

  28. 两种药物的用药剂量和疗程相同,外涂患处,每日2次,体股癣、花斑癣疗程1周,手足癣和皮肤念珠菌病疗程2周。

    The two creams were administered twice daily with the same dose and duration of treatment , 1 week for tinea corporis / cruris and pityriasis versicolor , 2 weeks for tinea manum / pedis and cutaneous candidosis .

  29. 找出能使T739荷瘤小鼠肿瘤消退所需化疗药物的最小使用剂量。

    The minimal effective dose of chemotherapy that could cure most of the tumor-bearing mice was found .

  30. 结论:对病人,尤其肝肾功能不全者,药物的选用、剂量和疗程一定要慎重,并应加强ADR监测和对器官功能作定期检测,以预防药物性肝炎的发生

    The attention should be paid to drug choice , dosage and course of treatment for the patients , especially for the patients with hepatorenal insufficiency , the ADR monitoring should be strengthened , and organic function test should be made regularly in orde to prevent the occurrence of drug-induced hepatitis