
  • 网络Tsuen Wan
  1. 荃湾西超高食水抽水站

    Tsuen Wan West Ultra High Level Fresh Water Pumping Station

  2. 荃湾区康乐体育联谊会有限公司

    Federation of Tsuen Wan District Sports and Recreation Association Limited

  3. 新界荃湾蔬菜产销贷款有限责任合作社

    " Tsuen Wan Vegetable Marketing and Credit Co-operative Society , Limited "

  4. 荃湾线〔地下铁路〕架空线和地下线系统

    Tsuen Wan Line [ Mass Transit Railway ] overhead and underground system

  5. 九龙凤凰小巴商工总会有限公司荃湾公共小型巴士商会有限公司

    Kowloon Fung Wong Public Light Bus Merchants and Workers ' Association Limited

  6. 商场毗邻荃湾西铁站。

    The mall is next to the Tsuen Wan West Rail station .

  7. 大窝口->荃湾下一站:荃湾;左边的车门将会打开。

    Next station : Tsuen Wan ; Doors will open on the left .

  8. 注意:荃湾至大埔红色小巴线在2007年1月11日起取消。

    Note : tsuen Wan-tai Po red minibus route has been cancelled since11jan2007 .

  9. 荃湾海湾进一步填海工程研究

    Study on the Tsuen Wan Bay Further Reclamation

  10. 位于荃湾的三栋屋博物馆原是一七八六年兴建的客家围村。

    This museum in Tsuen Wan was originally a Hakka walled village built in1786 .

  11. 荃湾青年综合服务中心〔香港青年协会〕

    Tsuen Wan Integrated Youth Service Centre [ Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups ]

  12. 荃湾深井排棉角改善生活有限责任合作社

    " Tsuen Wan sum Tseng Pai min Kok village better living co-operative society , limited "

  13. 荃湾、屯门及沙田便是当时第一代的新市镇。

    Tsuen Wan , Tuen Mun and Sha Tin were new towns of the first generation .

  14. 主要城市:九龙,观塘,香港仔,新界,荃湾。

    Major cities : Kowloon , Kwun Tong , Aberdeen , New Kowloon , Tsuen Wan .

  15. 荃湾合一社会服务中心

    Tsuen Wan Ecumenical Social Service Centre

  16. 荃湾危险品船只碇泊区

    Tsuen Wan Dangerous Goods Anchorage

  17. 现时观塘、荃湾和港岛线每五分钟一班车。

    Trains on the Kwun Tong , Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals .

  18. 荃湾新市镇包括荃湾、葵涌及青衣岛。

    Tsuen Wan new town embraces the areas of Tsuen wan , Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi island .

  19. 由青葵公路往屯门及元朗的容易被风吹倒的车辆,须使用荃湾路。

    Wind susceptible vehicles from Tsing Kwai Highway heading for Tuen Mun and Yuen Long should use Tsuen Wan road .

  20. 客家籍团体在荃湾的葛达二圣堂附近的一间酒楼举行一年一度的聚会。

    Community of Ha-kak had their annual gathering at a local restaurant near SS Cosmas and Damian Church , Tsuen-wan .

  21. 沙田中央图书馆及荃湾中央图书馆更是本港最多市民使用的公共图书馆。

    The Sha Tin Central Library and Tsuen Wan Central Library are the most heavily patronized public libraries in Hong Kong .

  22. 下一站系美孚,请用左边车门落车。乘客可在该站转乘地铁荃湾线。请小心月台空隙。

    The next station is Mei Foo , please alight on the left . Passenger may change there for MTR Tsuen Wan Line .

  23. 配合区内其他污水收集系统改善计划,该设施将有助早日重开已关闭的荃湾泳滩。

    The ADF , along with other local sewerage improvement projects , will facilitate the early re-opening of the closed Tsuen Wan beaches .

  24. 一名男子昨日在荃湾住所发狂,挥舞菜刀,警察以胡椒喷雾将该名男子制服,他其后死去。

    A man who went berserk in his Tsuen Wan flat with a chopper died after being subdued by policemen using pepper spray yesterday .

  25. 都会区(港岛、九龙、新九龙、荃湾&葵青)重建潜力综合评估研究

    " Study on the Comprehensive Assessment of Redevelopment Potential in the Metro Areas of Hong Kong Island , Kowloon , New Kowloon and Tsuen Wan-Kwai Tsing [ REDPOTS ] "

  26. 该中心位于荃湾,自一九九七年五月起已交由一环保团体营办。

    The funds also financed the setting up and initial operation of the second environmental resource centre , in Tsuen Wan , which has been run by a green group since May 1997 .