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  • 网络acer ginnala;Acer ginnala Maxim;A. ginnala Maxim.
  1. 激素类叶面肥对茶条槭苗木生长效应的研究

    Study on the Effect of the Fertilizer With Hormone by the Leaves on the Seedlings'Growth of Acer Ginnala Maxim

  2. 通过对喷施激素类叶面肥的茶条槭苗木的高、地径、叶产量的调查结果,分析激素类叶面肥在茶条槭育苗中的有效程度。

    By means of spraying the seedings'leaves with hormone fertilizer the height , diameter at root and the amount of leaves of Acer ginnala Maxim were investigated to analyze their effect on the seedings .

  3. 茶条槭的树龄不同,其叶部没食子酸的含量也明显不同;

    Different tree ages have different gallic acid contents ;

  4. 镉对茶条槭和五角槭光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响

    Influence of Cadmium on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Acer ginnala and Acer mono

  5. 此外,茶条槭叶形态可塑性强,随土壤含水量降低,茶条槭单叶叶面积和总叶面积显著减小,叶厚度增加。

    The leaf plasticity of Amur maple seedlings was greater , the leaf size and total leaf area decreased significantly as the stress was intensified .

  6. 茶条槭、山荆子、山桃和山梨抗旱性研究山坡上种了稠密的茶树。

    A Study on the Drought Resistance of Acer ginnala , Malus Baccata , Prunus Davidiana and Pyrus Ussuriensis The slopes of the hills have been densely planted with tea bushes .

  7. 最高浓度处理时,叶和新枝生物量受影响最大的是茶条槭,分别为对照的4.6%和7.3%;

    Ginnala had the greatest decrease of foliage and new shoot biomass , being 4.6 % and 7.3 % of the control , respectively , while P.ussuriensis and M.baccata had a relatively less decrease .