
yīnɡ měi
  • British and American;UK and US;England and America
  1. 在英美,测量距离用英里作单位,不用公里。

    In England and America distance is measured in miles , not in kilometres .

  2. 英美两国的阶级结构颇不一样。

    The class structures of England and America are quite different .

  3. 目前正在英美两国挑选这部戏的演员。

    The play is being cast in both the US and Britain .

  4. 我们和他们讨论了英美两国的不同之处。

    We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US .

  5. 他是英美混血儿。

    He was born of Anglo-American parentage .

  6. 2.Immerse耳濡目染了解英美文化可以成为语言学习的一部分。

    Understanding British or American culture can be a part of language learning .

  7. 另一方面,英美男性直到近年才尝到化妆品带来的乐趣。

    On the other hand , men in US and UK haven 't embraced the joy of makeup until recent years .

  8. 英美资源公司(AngloAmerican)也计划在新加坡新开一家交易公司。

    Anglo American also plans to open a new trading hub in Singapore .

  9. 预期违约(Anticipatorybreachofcontract),又称为先期违约,源于英美法系。

    Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .

  10. 周三,巴克莱银行(Barclays)被英美两国监管机构罚款4.5亿美元,此前该行承认企图操纵Libor。

    On Wednesday , Barclays was fined more than $ 450m by British and US regulators , after admitting to attempting to manipulate Libor .

  11. 在英美法中,并不存在债的概念及体系,所以大陆法中的债的相对性规则在英美法中被称为合同的相对性(PrivityofContract)。

    There is no concept of " debt " and related system in Common law , so " privity of debt " in Roman law is known as " privity of contract " in Common law .

  12. 泄露的文件显示,英美情报机构针对的目标可能是阿富汗、伊朗和也门等地区运营商使用的SIM卡,这些局势紧张地区在2010年时主要使用的仍然是2GSIM卡。

    American and British intelligence agencies are suspected of targeting SIM cards used by carriers in hot spots like Afghanistan , Iran and Yemen , which still mainly used 2G SIM cards in 2010 , according to the leaked documents .

  13. 在英美法国家的法学教科书和审判中,我们经常会看到准合同(quasi-contract)一词,并且准合同作为债的一种在英美法国家中发挥着重要作用。

    We always see the word " quasi-contract " in the textbook and trial of Common Law System , which plays an important role in those countries as a kind of obligation .

  14. 此笔交易应能使英美资源集团完全控制minas-rio铁矿石项目,并持有巴西amapa项目70%的股权。

    The deal should leave Anglo in full control of the minas-rio iron ore project , and holding 70 per cent of the Amapa project in Brazil .

  15. 本文对SPT参与资产证券化资制度运行进行了系统研究,结合英美法系与大陆法系资产证券化立法模式与信托相关法律制度,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法现状进行分析探讨。

    This article has conducted the system research to the SPT participating in asset-securitization capital system , unifying Anglo-American law system and continental law system 's legislative model of asset-securitization and the trust law system , discusses our country 's legal circumstances of SPT participating in asset-securitization .

  16. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  17. 浅谈英美文化和大学英语阅读教学

    A brief view on British-American culture and teaching of reading comprehension

  18. 英美法系和大陆法系主要国家都规定了雇主替代责任制度。

    A lot of countries have stipulate employer vicarious liability system .

  19. 异质文化中的艺术借鉴&英美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌比较

    Artistic Absorption of the Anglo-American Imagist Poetry From Chinese Classical Poetry

  20. 专家证据是英美法中的一项证据类型。

    Expert evidence is a type of evidence in Anglo-American Law .

  21. 英美语言中女性称谓语分析

    Analysis of the Female Address Form in British and American English

  22. 英美违约解除制度导论

    On system of discharge of contract in Anglo and American law

  23. 英美文学教学中学生综合创新能力的培养

    The Cultivation of Students ' Creative Comprehensive Abilities in Literature Teaching

  24. 浅谈高校英语专业英美文学课的教学改革

    A Review on the Reform of British and American Literature Teaching

  25. 他表示,它们的体制是英美体制。

    Theirs , he says , is the Anglo-American system .

  26. 重视英美文学教学提高学生综合素质

    Attach Importance to English-American Literature Teaching and Improve University Students Comprehensive Qualities

  27. 小说,是英美文学传统中的重要部分。

    Novel is the one of the dominant forms of Western literature .

  28. 本文从语篇语言学角度探讨英美报刊标题的衔接问题,帮助读者分析影响报刊阅读的标题因素。

    This article studies the cohesive problem of the English newspapers headline .

  29. 浅谈英美法对国际贸易法的影响

    Shallow Talk on the Influence of Common Law Towards International Trade Law

  30. 从1942年印度问题看英美特殊关系

    British-American Special Relationship-A Study of the Case of India Problem in 1942