
  1. 新冠病毒疫情、荷兰的花卉供应问题和英国脱欧都推高了成本。

    Covid , supply problems from Holland and Brexit have driven up costs .

  2. 但专家们表示,这不仅仅是英国脱欧后推高了花卉价格这么简单。

    But experts say it 's not a simple case of Brexit driving up prices .

  3. 我在巴黎男装周现场询问一位来自伦敦某大型百货店的买手:英国脱欧(Brexit)公投影响了生意吗?他立马变得神情紧张。

    Out here at the Paris menswear shows , I asked a buyer from a major London store : how will the Brexit vote affect their business ? He breathed heavily .

  4. 因此,英国脱欧可能会给瑞典带来极大的担忧。

    Hence , a Brexit would raise particular worries in Sweden .

  5. 一旦英国脱欧,英国农民会失去27亿英镑的欧盟补贴。

    British farmers would lose 2.7 billion in EU subsidies once Britain left .

  6. 英国脱欧后,新的进口税会让生产成本高得离谱吗?

    Will new import duties now make this prohibitive ?

  7. 不过英国脱欧大臣却认为,这只会无果而终。

    The UK minister responsible for Brexit said he did not think this would work .

  8. 那么,英国脱欧影响几何呢?

    And what if Britain left ?

  9. 但是据某法国政要说,英国脱欧后,英语的地位也应受到质疑。

    But according to certain leading French politicians , its status after the Brexit should be questioned .

  10. 现在我们见到的现象。英国脱欧就是最近的例子。

    that we 're seeing growing in the world today , Brexit being the most recent case .

  11. 如果英国脱欧,她可能会发现自己被完全隔离在统一市场之外。

    If Britain falls out of the EU , it may find itself completely outside the single market .

  12. 令人震惊的英国脱欧公投之前,卡梅伦以为自己还有3年任期。

    Until the shock Brexit vote , the Prime Minister assumed he had another three years left in power .

  13. 我们从英国脱欧的辩论上就可以看到,这些人无疑是种族主义者,会被错误的思想支配,除非……

    As we have learned from the Brexit debate , those people are undoubtedly racist and should be bullied for wrongthink . Except ...

  14. 其中一项任务是就标题为《项目幻想》和《现实》的两副关于“英国脱欧”的漫画进行论述。

    One task was to comment on two contrasting cartoons about Brexit , titled " Project Fantasy " and " The Realities . "

  15. 拜英国脱欧所赐,伦敦的旅游花费一落千丈,对穷游一族的吸引力大大增加。

    Thanks to Brexit , London 's prices have plummeted , turning it into an appealing option for those traveling on a budget .

  16. 然而在英国脱欧的不确定下,爱尔兰牛肉生产商已将拓展国际市场作为重要目标。

    But with Britian 's Brexit looming , expanding Ireland 's international markets for its beef is becoming increasingly important for Irish beef producers .

  17. 在上周英国脱欧公投这一具有里程碑意义的历史事件后,美国旅行社发现游客赴英旅游的兴趣上升了。

    US travel firms have seen a surge in interest from customers looking to visit to Great Britain following last week 's ground-breaking Brexit vote .

  18. 周四投票结果显示,在72%出席投票的人当中,有52%的投票者(即17410742人)支持英国脱欧。

    The result on Thursday saw 52 percent of voters , 17410742 people , back a British exit , on a turnout of 72 percent .

  19. 《英国脱欧》官方表示一定会“深度挖掘这个由数据驱动的现代化竞选组织,幕后推手也难逃其手”。

    The drama promises to explore the " anatomy of a modern data-driven election campaign , and the divisive figures driving it from the shadows . "

  20. 中国人民银行货币政策委员会委员黄易平说,英国脱欧可能标志着“全球化逆转”。

    Huang Yiping , a member of China 's central bank monetary policy committee , said the Brexit could mark a " reversal of globalisation . "

  21. 荷兰右翼自由党主席吉尔特·威尔德斯曾表示支持英国脱欧,并希望荷兰也举行类似的全民公投。

    Geert Wilders , the head of a right-wing populist party , has supported a Brexit and hopes for a similar referendum to take place in the Netherlands .

  22. 一旦英国脱欧的前景变得明朗起来,他们可能会力保以下两个中间选项:一个是挪威模式,一个是瑞士模式。

    Once it became clear that Britain was falling out of the EU , they could grab at two halfway options : a Norwegian one and a Swiss one .

  23. 英国脱欧已导致经济活动“急剧恶化”,其严重程度为金融危机余波以来之最。

    Britain 's decision to leave the EU has led to a " dramatic deterioration " in economic activity , not seen since the aftermath of the financial crisis .

  24. 在英国脱欧公投之前,德国和英国就在为谁是欧盟最大的商业国家而争执不休。

    The ballots had barely been counted for the Brexit referendum before Germany and Britain were yelling at each other about who could be the best friend to big business .

  25. 不过,同英国脱欧的代价相比,这些好处简直是九牛一毛。受英国脱欧所影响的交易占英国出口量的一半。

    Yet these gains would be greatly outweighed by the costs of a British exit , which would dent trade with a market that accounts for half of Britain 's exports .

  26. 从唐纳德.特朗普在美国大选中获胜到英国脱欧和中东新哈里发的崛起,紧张局势可能会继续恶化,然后才有望好转。

    From Donald Trump 's triumph to Brexit and the rise of a new caliphate in the Middle East , the tension is likely to get worse before it gets better .

  27. 在一次英语考试中,关于自由女神像和“英国脱欧”的问题让3万名德国学生难以应付,以至于他们发起了一场网上抗议。

    Grappling with the Statue of Liberty and Brexit in one English exam proved too much for more than 30000 German school students , who are protesting in an online petition .

  28. 他表示,美国总统大选和英国脱欧公投的结果显示,任何国家在面对移民、安全和全球发展等难题时都可能出现国内优先的倾向。

    He said the results of the US presidential election and the Brexit vote showed how any country may turn inward when confronted with difficult issues like immigration , security and global development .

  29. 但在英国脱欧之后,部长们希望“确保欧盟仍是我们最强大的合作伙伴”,同时其他地区的发展中市场也要保持强劲增长,其目标是出口增长5%。

    But after Brexit , ministers want " to ensure that the European Union remains our strongest partner " as well as developing markets elsewhere . Its goal is a 5 % increase in exports .

  30. 卷福明确表示反对英国脱欧,此次饰演游说组织战略运动首领卡明斯,后移发际线帮了他不少忙。

    Cumberbatch , who 's been vocal in his opposition to Brexit , has transformed himself into Cummings , the leading strategist and campaign director of Vote Leave , with the help of a receding hairline .