
  • 网络The British Media
  1. 英国媒体掌握在一群排外的人手中。

    The British media is in the hands of clubby men .

  2. Cargill说,英国媒体倾向于关注私人问题。

    Cargill says the British media has a to focus on personal matters .

  3. 西班牙媒体昨天仍然在攻击英国媒体。

    The Spanish media were still sniping at the British press yesterday .

  4. 虽然他没有指名道姓,但英国媒体很快就将这一举措戏称为“谷歌税”。

    Though he didn 't name names , the British press quickly dubbed3 the measure the " Google tax " .

  5. 但是TrinityMirror(明镜报母公司)表示明镜报的所有记者都在英国媒体投诉委员会和刑事法的约束之内工作。

    Trinity Mirror said its journalists work within the criminal law and Press Complaints Commission code of conduct .

  6. 据英国媒体报道,一家名为AchieveEducation的中国公司最近收购了位于英格兰中部斯塔福德郡的切斯文法学校(ChaseGrammarSchool),该学校创立于1879年,多年来一直坚持传统的英式教育,在英国私立学校排名中名联前茅。

    It has been reported that Chase Grammar School , one of Britain 's top 100 private schools , was recently bought by Achieve Education , a Chinese-owned company .

  7. 据英国媒体22日报道,科学家宣称,过去数十年来,外星人可能一直使用类似宇宙版的推特(Twitter)跟地球人沟通,只不过我们全都忽略了。

    Aliens could have been using cosmic'tweets'to contact us for decades , scientists claim-but we have been missing them , British media reported Thursday .

  8. 另一家英国媒体《经济学人》(TheEconomist)的主编近期也将离任,他们的员工在Twitter上则更加克制。

    At The Economist , the other British media outfit to have lost an editor last week , tweeting activity by staff was more restrained .

  9. 卡梅伦已为一项辩论铺平了道路:他上周五宣布,目前具有志愿性质的监管机构&英国媒体投诉委员会(PressComplaintsCommission)显然已经失灵,极有可能被替换。

    Mr Cameron has already paved the way for one , announcing on Friday that the existing voluntary standards watchdog , the Press Complaints Commission , has manifestly failed and is most likely to be replaced .

  10. 然而五年前英格兰竞逐2018年世界杯举办权的时候,这个足球权力机构称调查FIFA腐败行径的英国媒体不爱国。

    Yet five years ago , when England was bidding to host the 2018 World Cup , the soccer authorities described British media investigations into FIFA corruption as unpatriotic .

  11. 悲伤的是,流行的“一战”歌曲,如《让家中的炉火继续燃烧》之类并不能敦促人们改用无烟燃料。直到1952年著名的“杀人大雾”(GreatKillerFog)导致死亡率再也无法忽视,英国媒体才终于行动起来。

    didn 't do much to encourage the adoption of smokeless fuel . It wasn 't until what came to be known as the " Great Killer Fog " of 1952 that the casualty rate became impossible to ignore and the British press finally took up the cause .

  12. 曾担任《世界新闻报》副主编的尼尔沃利斯(NeilWallis)被警方拘留接受询问。沃利斯在2009年前也是英国媒体投诉委员会(PCC)的成员之一。

    Neil Wallis , a former deputy editor of the News of the World who also served as a member of the Press Complaints Commission until 2009 , was detained by police for questioning .

  13. 英国媒体监管机构英国通信办公室(Ofcom)可随时检查新闻集团是否是英国广播牌照的合适和适当持有者。

    Ofcom , the UK media regulator , can examine whether News Corp is a fit and proper owner of UK broadcasting licences at any time .

  14. 更有人大胆预测:她离职后,可能重返出版界:Net-a-Porter的双月刊杂志《Porter》最近荣获英国媒体奖的年度最佳纸质杂志奖(PrintProductoftheYearattheBritishMediaAwards),她毫不掩饰自己对记者行业以及采编业的偏爱。

    Some of the wilder speculators have suggested that her departure may see her returning to publishing : Net-a-Porter 's bimonthly print magazine Porter recently won Print Product of the Year at the British Media Awards , and she has made no secret of her passion for journalism and editing .

  15. 他们在亚特兰大奥运会的糟糕表现遭到英国媒体穷追猛打,媒体指责运动员为钱不择手段,其中包括两名英国跳水运动员摩根(BobMorgan)和艾利(TonyAlly),他们在亚特兰大沿街兜售自己的奥运队服换取现金。

    The disastrous performance in Atlanta was devoured by the British press , which pointed to tales of hard-up athletes , including that of two U.K. divers , Bob Morgan and Tony Ally , who hawked their official Olympic gear on the streets of Atlanta for cash .

  16. 英国媒体《电讯报》先是撤回了其关于Melania遇到Trump前做模特时如何摸爬滚打的报道,以及一些别的令人不喜的报道,其后向她道歉并赔偿了一笔“巨额赔偿金”。

    The British paper the Telegraph apologized and agreed to pay " substantial damages " after retracting a story that claimed , among other unflattering things , the former model 's career had been struggling until she met Donald Trump .

  17. 英国媒体监管机构英国通信办公室(Ofcom)的一份报告显示,英国成年人平均每周在线时间超过20小时。科技对我们生活的巨大影响,意味着我们的行为、习惯、欲望和抱负都可以通过触摸屏和键盘操作显露出来。

    The extent to which tech shapes our lives - the average British adult spends more than 20 hours a week online , according to a report by UK media regulator Ofcom - means our behaviour , habits , desires and aspirations can be revealed by our swipes and keystrokes .

  18. 周五早上是我们的英国媒体蹭早饭日。

    It was our British press breakfast on Friday morning .

  19. 新泽西主帅同英国媒体介绍自己。

    New Chelsea boss introduces himself to the English Press .

  20. 今晚上英国媒体都去麦家吃晚饭。

    The British press had dinner at McLaren this evening .

  21. 但上周六英国媒体报道,这对情侣已分手。

    But British media reported Saturday that the love affair was over .

  22. 英国媒体总是“唯恐天下不乱”。

    The British press does love a good panic .

  23. 但英国媒体和民众并不觉得好笑。

    But the British newspapers and the British public were not so amused .

  24. 然而,英国媒体希望此项草案能够顺利通过。

    However , British media expected the proposal will not face many obstacles .

  25. 他指责英国媒体长期与他过不去。

    He has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him .

  26. 但是英国媒体可很有兴趣。

    But the British media do have an interest .

  27. 只有英国媒体报道了这次来访。

    Only the British press covered this trip .

  28. 她曾获得英国媒体奖项颁发的年度最佳专栏作家奖。

    She is a former columnist of the year at the British Press Awards .

  29. 对部分英国媒体关于北京奥运会火炬传递新闻语篇的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Some British Media News Discourses on Beijing Olympic Torch Relay

  30. 英国媒体和电话窃听丑闻

    The British press and the phone-hacking scandal