
  • 网络british colony;crown colony
  1. FGHemisphere主张,刚果不应在香港享受绝对主权豁免权。香港是前英国殖民地,承袭普通法传统。

    FG Hemisphere argued Congo should not enjoy full sovereign immunity in Hong Kong , a former British colony with a common law heritage .

  2. 总统宾古·瓦·穆塔里卡(BinguwaMutharika)辩称,更换为完全升起的太阳是恰当的,因为这意味着马拉维已经是发达国家,而不是英国殖民地时期的还在发展中。

    President Bingu Wa Mutharika argued that the fully risen sun was appropriate since it indicated that Malawi had developed and was not still developing , as it had been when it was a British colony .

  3. 到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地的奴隶制。

    By 1838 , the abolitionists had shamed parliament into ending slavery in British colonies

  4. 今年夏天,格拉斯哥将举办2014公益运动会,这场奥林匹克式的赛事只限不列颠及过去英国殖民地的运动员参加。9月,苏格兰高地的格伦伊格尔斯(Gleneagles)度假胜地举办莱德杯高尔夫对抗赛。

    This summer , Glasgow will stage the 2014 Commonwealth Games , Olympic-style competitions for Britain and the former British colonies , and in September Gleneagles resort in the Highlands will host the Ryder Cup golf competition .

  5. 属于或关于原英国殖民地佐治亚的。

    Of or relating to the former British colony of Georgia .

  6. 巴巴多斯此前是英国殖民地,于1966年获得独立。

    Barbados is a former British colony that gained independence in 1966 .

  7. 这些建筑物是在英国殖民地时代建起来的。

    These buildings were built in the British colonial days .

  8. 在英国殖民地时代,中国是脱胎换骨像处女的女人。

    During the British colonial era , China was reborn like virgin woman .

  9. 马杀猪赛当时还是英国殖民地。

    Massachowses was an English colony at the time .

  10. 英国殖民地为了捍卫它们的独立,武装起来反对宗主国。

    The British colonies took up arms for independence against the mother country .

  11. 位于西印度群岛的一个英国殖民地。

    A British colony in the West Indies .

  12. 该岛1874年开始沦为英国殖民地,并于1970年独立。

    The islands came under British control as a colony in1874.It was granted independence in1970 .

  13. 一个英国殖民地,位于牙买加西北的加勒比海中;国际银行业务中心。

    A British colony in the Caribbean northwest of Jamaica ; an international banking center .

  14. 前密克罗尼西亚的一个英国殖民地。

    A former British colony in Micronesia .

  15. 今天的美国是从北美洲大西洋沿岸的英国殖民地发展起来的。

    The United States of today developed from the English colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America .

  16. 加拿大和南非以前是英国殖民地,现在他们是自治的,称为自治镇。

    Canada and South Africa used to be British colonies ; now they are self-governing and are called Dominions .

  17. 卡罗莱纳州边上的大西洋中的一组岛屿;英国殖民地;一个胜地。

    A group of islands in the Atlantic off the Carolina coast ; British colony ; a popular resort .

  18. 作为澳大利亚的第一个英国殖民地,悉尼已成为国际化的大熔炉。

    The site of the first British colony in Australia , Sydney has evolved into a cosmopolitan melting pot .

  19. 同时,他也反对弗雷德里克·卢吉对待当时作为英国殖民地的尼日利亚北部穆斯林部落的方式。

    He was also against the way Frederick Lugard treated Muslim tribes in northern Nigeria , then a British colony .

  20. 但是自1965年独立以来,这块前英国殖民地开始向制造业和金融中心转型。

    But after its independence in 1965 , the former British colony was transformed into a major manufacturing and financial center .

  21. 这个前英国殖民地依照“一国两制”的原则进行自治。

    Die ehemalige britische Kronkolonie wird als eigenes Territorium nach dem Grundsatz " ein Land , zwei Systeme " autonom verwaltet .

  22. 一些报道指出,随着更多离岸中心的设立,这个前英国殖民地可能会迅速丧失其占最大头的市场份额。

    Some headlines suggested that the former British colony could rapidly lose its dominant market share as more offshore hubs open .

  23. 它可以从加强香港与上海的联系入手,向前英国殖民地学习金融知识。

    It could begin by strengthening the links between Hong Kong and Shanghai , and transferring financial know-how from the former colony .

  24. 因为日占时期受到蹂躏,当时为英国殖民地的香港的人口从1941年的160万降低到1945年的60万。

    Devastated by Japanese occupation , the British colony 's population had declined from 1.6 million in 1941 to 600000 by 1945 .

  25. 1788年澳大利亚变成英国殖民地,这里曾经作为流放之地直到1851年。

    Founded in1788 as a British convict colony , Australia was a place of banishment until gold strikes in1851 opened floodgates of immigration .

  26. 但从这些自由的概念中获取了最大灵感的或许莫过于大西洋彼岸那些发动民众的英国殖民地居民。

    But perhaps no one drew greater inspiration from these notions of freedom than your rabble-rousing colonists on the other side of the Atlantic .

  27. 过去一周,香港至少拒绝了7名激进分子入境。1997年之前,香港曾经是英国殖民地。

    Hong Kong , which was a British colony until 1997 , has denied entry to at least seven activists in the past week .

  28. 史密森国家自然历史博物馆和考古学家们表示,英国殖民地一个少女的骨头显示她的肉是被人吃掉的。

    The Smithsonian 's National Museum of Natural History and archaeologists say the bones of a girl at the English settlement show she was cannibalized .

  29. 与英国殖民地的关系仍然在威迪恩的业务中发挥了一定作用。自2000年以来,该公司一直在巴基斯坦生产服装。

    Colonial connections also still play a role in Wyedean 's businesss and some of the firms production has been done from Pakistan since 2000 .

  30. 别说我们熟悉的美国脱离英国殖民地,全世界都是如此。

    This is exactly what happened not only in those old British Colonies now known as the United States , but all over the world .