
  1. 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。

    Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways .

  2. 她获得了英国文化委员会颁发的年度奖。

    She received an award made annually by the British cultural council .

  3. 该活动由英国文化协会和GREAT英国推广活动主办,在全球70多个国家开展。

    The programme will run in more than seventy countries , led by the British Council and the Great Britain campaign .

  4. 另一个选择是英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)推出的“学英语语法”应用(LearnEnglishGrammar)。

    Another option is the LearnEnglish Grammar app from the British Council .

  5. 你不应该规定那些对特定的群体或者个人有潜在的损害(或不利)的要求。举例来说,在英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的海外办事处的经验经历。

    You should not state requirements which could potentially disadvantage particular groups or individuals , e.g.previous experience in a British Council office overseas .

  6. 去新德里看我叔叔时,我在他书房的桌上看到了一摞包装考究的精装书,这是他从英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的图书馆里借来的。

    Visiting my uncle in New Delhi , I saw a stack of elegant hardcovers on a table in his study , borrowed from the library of the British Council .

  7. 过去在帮助英国文化走向世界时,像英国文化协会(britishcouncil)这样的组织是不可或缺的,反之亦然。

    In the past , organisations such as the British Council , the cultural body , were indispensable in helping British culture talk to the world , and vice versa .

  8. 根据英国文化委员会所作的大型调查English2000,ESP将成为未来世纪英语教学主流之一。

    According to the large-scale survey English 2000 ESP will play a major part in the whole English teaching in the next century .

  9. 同卡梅伦一起访华的英国文化委员会执行总裁马丁·戴维森(MartinDavidson)表示:

    Martin Davidson , the British Council 's chief executive who has been visiting China with Cameron , said :

  10. 就在上个月,英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)曾警告称,英国对一些外国语人才的缺乏已到达危险的程度,而这些外国语被视为对英国未来保持繁荣以及全球地位至关重要。

    Only last month , the British Council warned of an " alarming shortage " of Britons able to speak languages identified as key to the UK 's future prosperity and global standing .

  11. 英国文化协会(britishcouncil)即将发表的一份报告《englishnextindia》(我希望该协会能够在报告发表前找出加标点的方法)指出,现在印度讲英语的人可能没有中国多。

    A forthcoming British Council report , English next India ( I hope the Council can find a way of punctuating that before it comes out ) , says India may now have fewer English speakers than China .

  12. 英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)公布的一份新研究报告称,中国说英语的人数可能已经超过了印度。鉴于英国在南亚殖民统治留下的语言传统,这一变化颇不寻常。

    A new study published by the British Council says China may already have more English speakers than India , a remarkable development , given the language legacy of British colonial rule in south Asia .

  13. 英国文化部部长卡伦·布拉得利近日表示,英国广播公司(BBC)要公开所有年薪超过15万英镑的雇员及主播名单。

    The BBC will have to name all employees and presenters paid more than 150000 pounds a year , culture secretary Karen Bradley has said .

  14. 英国文化大臣杰里米亨特(jeremyhunt)在宣布这项新的支出时,对英国在吸引中国游客方面落后于法国和德国表示遗憾。

    Jeremy Hunt , culture secretary , announced the new spending while lamenting that the UK was falling behind France and Germany in attracting Chinese tourists .

  15. 生于贝尔法斯特的科纳尔•霍尼(ConalHoney,见上图)获得了英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的资助,为中国深圳科技企业软通动力(iSoftStone)工作。

    Belfast-born Conal Honey ( above ) received funding from the British Council to work for the Chinese tech firm , iSoftStone , in Shenzhen .

  16. 上月,英国文化大臣杰里米亨特(JeremyHunt)公布了一项800万英镑的营销战略,旨在到2015年将访英中国游客数量增至目前水平的三倍。

    Last month , Jeremy Hunt , the culture secretary , announced an £ 8m marketing strategy to treble the number of Chinese visitors to the UK by 2015 .

  17. 英国文化协会代表中国雅思网络与中国国家教育部考试中心正式签署了在中国合作举办IELTS考试的协议。

    On behalf of China IELTS Network , British Council and China National Educational Examinations Authority signed an agreement to jointly manage IELTS tests in China .

  18. 即便如此,这家名为南汽名爵公司的总经理张先生说:“我们这里生产的MG轿车依然保持着深厚的英国文化和英国风范”。MGRover已经经历了一段不平静的岁月。

    Even so the company 's general manager , Mr. Zhang told me " The MG cars we make here have a deep sense of British culture and style . " MG Rover has had a troubled past .

  19. 英国文化局长亨特(JeremyHunt)告诉议会,默多克接管英国实力最强大的广播BSkyB的投标已经递交给竞标官方。

    The British Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told parliament that Mr Murdoch 's bid to take over Britain 's richest broadcaster BSkyB will be referred to the competition authorities .

  20. 与温特沃斯居民联合会(WentworthResidentsAssociation)一道领导这场运动的奈杰尔•莫斯(NigelMoss)表示,新的会员制结构显示出“对英国文化运作方式缺乏基本理解”。

    Nigel Moss , who is leading the campaign against Reignwood alongside the Wentworth Residents Association , said the new membership structure showed " a fundamental lack of understanding of how British culture works . "

  21. 英国文化大臣特萨约韦尔(tessajowell)去年主持了一次有关全球赌博业监管的会议,吸引了31个国家与会。

    Tessa Jowell , culture secretary , last year hosted a conference on global gambling regulation that attracted 31 nations .

  22. MohammadSalimZadaran居住在英国文化中心附近。他说他看到几名安全保卫和警察受伤。

    Mohammad Salim Zadaran lives near the British Council building , and says he saw he saw several injured security guards and police .

  23. 2017“英国文化之城”赫尔和造纸商GF史密斯组织的这一比赛邀请人们在网上选出自己最喜欢的颜色。人们可以用鼠标在众多色调之间徘徊,直到选定最吸引自己的颜色。

    The competition organized by Hull 2017 UK City of Culture and paper merchant GF Smith invited people to select their favorite shade online by hovering over an infinite palette of shades with their mouse until they landed on the color they found most appealing .

  24. 英国文化委员会委托YouGov对来自十五个国家的一万八千人进行了调查,结果显示莎士比亚为全球人知晓和喜爱。

    The British Council , which commissioned the YouGov survey of 18000 people from 15 countries , said the results showed that internationally Shakespeare is widely known , liked and understood .

  25. 这项研究报告的执笔者、英国文化教育协会研究主管扎伊纳布·马利克(ZainabMalik)说,让她印象深刻的是,英国教育机构的国际研究生来源主要是少数几个国家。

    Zainab Malik , the research director at the British Council , author of the study , said she was impressed by how British institutions would rely on just a few countries to fill their ranks of international graduate students .

  26. 凯尔纳与英国文化研究的政治经济学重构

    Kellner and the Reconstruction of Political Economy in British Cultural Studies

  27. 啤酒馆问题与近代早期英国文化和价值观念的冲突

    Alehouses and Conflicts over Culture and Values in Early Modern England

  28. 温哥华以英国文化传统为主要特征,同时也受到中国文化的影响。

    Vancouver is largely British in character with some Chinese influence .

  29. 种族符号研究:英国文化研究的一个向度

    Ethnic Semiotics Studies : One Dimension of the Study on British Culture

  30. 英格兰的君主政体在英国文化中起重要作用。

    The monarchy in England plays an important role in British culture .