
sū ɡé lán chǎnɡ
  • Scotland Yard
  1. 苏格兰场(ScotlandYard)已投入50名警员调查此案。

    Scotland Yard has 50 officers on the case .

  2. 在考试和面试后,我被调到了苏格兰场。

    After examination and interview , I was transferred to Scotland Yard .

  3. 久而久之,苏格兰场就成了伦敦警察厅的代名词。

    Over time , the street and the Metropolitan Police became synonymous .

  4. 因此他与苏格兰场也有一些(渊源)。

    So he does have some ( seniority ) with Scotland Yard .

  5. 这种自杀的小案子苏格兰场也没什么兴趣

    a grubby little suicide of little interest to Scotland Yard

  6. 就算是苏格兰场.也能查出点东西来.

    Even Scotland Yard could get somewhere with that .

  7. 亲切又可怕的苏格兰场探长

    A nice , scary inspector from Scotland Yard ,

  8. 还是明早9点直接去苏格兰场谈吧?

    Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit ?

  9. 恐怕苏格兰场又刷低了下限

    I feel Scotland Yard has reached a new low

  10. 到伦敦我们首先去苏格兰场,在那儿见到一个相貌威严的警察。

    In London we went first to Scotland Yard where we met an important-looking policeman .

  11. 新苏格兰场,同义词,刑事调查,位于城市。

    The New Scotland Yard , synonymous with criminal investigation , is located in the city .

  12. 苏格兰场表示,询问结果表明,有必要“进一步调查”。

    Scotland Yard said that , as a result , " additional investigation " would be required .

  13. 接到信我就去苏格兰场告诉了警察。

    When I got the letter , I went to Scotland Yard and talked to the police . '

  14. 他从警队辞职,而非被开除。他目前正起诉苏格兰场,要求赔偿。

    He resigned rather than be dismissed from the force and is now suing Scotland Yard for compensation .

  15. 苏格兰场是对英国首都伦敦警察厅总部的代称。

    Scotland Yard is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service of the British capital , London .

  16. 2003年至2004年,苏格兰场耗资约7万英镑,对1.7万名王室雇员候选人的身份进行了核实。

    In2003-2004 , SO14 spent around ? 70,000 carrying out17,000 PNC checks of " potential employees of the royal household " .

  17. 我们很高兴帮苏格兰场的忙,而且也不想让警察犯愚蠢的错误。

    We are quite happy to help Scotland Yard , and we don 't want the police to make stupid mistakes .

  18. 但是布莱尔的助手警告苏格兰场说,一旦布莱尔以嫌疑人的身份、而不是证人的身份接受问话的话,其首相职位可能会不保。

    However , Blair was not interviewed " under caution ," meaning it is unlikely he is suspected of committing offenses .

  19. 苏格兰场发言人表示,他们在联合行动中对这三起攻击都展开了调查,最终决定进行这次逮捕。

    All three attacks are being investigated as part of the operation that led to the arrest , a Scotland Yard spokesman said .

  20. 在这部电视剧中,(扮演苏格兰场警察的)演员被允许穿着真正的警服和能够承受外部压力的防弹背心。

    The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force 's crest .

  21. 吾人欣悉,苏格兰场著名侦探雷斯垂德和葛莱森二人同时侦查此案,

    We are glad to learn that Mr. Lestrade and Mr. Gregson , of Scotland Yard , are both engaged upon the case ,

  22. 顶多也不过是些简单幼稚的罪案,犯罪动机浅显易见,就连苏格兰场的人员也能一眼识破。“

    or , at most , some bungling villainy with a motive so transparent that even a Scotland Yard official can see through it . "

  23. 作为警察的代名词,苏格兰场出现在许多侦探探案类小说中,由此而蜚声国际。

    Scotland Yard has become internationally famous as a symbol of policing , and detectives from Scotland Yard feature in many works of crime fiction .

  24. 阿桑奇与周二早晨出现在苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅),然后在下午早些时候被送去威斯敏斯特地区法院。

    Assange turned himself in to Scotland Yard on Tuesday morning , and was sent to the City of Westminster Magistrates'Court in the early afternoon .

  25. 其后辛兹一边躲避苏格兰场的追捕,一边不断向不列颠的译员寄去他的建议书并向媒体提供磁带还接受采访,以此申辩自己无罪。

    While eluding Scotland Yard , Hinds continued to plead his innocence sending memorandums to British MPs and granting interviews and taped recordings to the press .

  26. 英国王室安检负责人杰弗里·库克与苏格兰场就一系列警方和王室即将实施的安检行动草案进行了协商。

    The Royal Household 's security chief , Brig Jeffrey Cook , and Scotland Yard have been negotiating a set of new police / royal vetting " protocols " .

  27. 苏格兰场反恐怖部门首领彼德?克拉克在伦敦召开的一次新闻发布会上发表声明,四个人随身所带物品已经在爆炸现场找到,这是二战以来伦敦所遭受的最大袭击。

    At a news conference in london , Peter clarke , the head of Scotland yard 's antiterrorist police , announced that items belonging to the four men had been found at the scene of the explosions , london 's worst attack since World War ii .

  28. 他们在最后5分钟输掉了苏格兰的那场比赛。

    They lost the Scotland match in the last five minutes .

  29. 女王陛下在周一恢复工作之后,于今晚在苏格兰主办了一场英国皇家空军预备队603(爱丁堡市)空军中队的招待会。

    After returning to work on Monday Her Majesty hosted a reception for 603 ( City of Edinburgh ) Squadron , Royal Auxiliary Air Force in the Scottish city this evening .