
  • 网络Scottish History;History of Scotland
  1. 他是一部论述苏格兰历史精深广博著作的作者。

    He 's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history .

  2. 沿途很多昔日的要塞,都是苏格兰历史上不断反抗邻近的英格兰统治的见证。

    They are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history .

  3. 苏格兰历史上一次令人心潮澎湃的战役

    An emotional battle from Scottish History

  4. 斯大林格勒战役后,纳粹德国迅速走向灭亡。苏格兰历史上一次令人心潮澎湃的战役

    After the battle of Stalingrad , Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction . AN EMOTIONAL BATTLE FROM SCOTTISH HISTORY

  5. 苏格兰历史性的独立公投引起了全世界人的关注,许多国家密切关注其结果。

    Scotland 's historic referendum on independence has resonated across the world , with many countries watching its outcome closely .

  6. 新斯科舍省的东北部外海是布列顿岛,崎岖险峻而又美丽的终极旅游景点,还保留着苏格兰历史风貌。

    Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island , a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor .

  7. 跟随着小说《达芬奇密码》,我们来到这座在苏格兰历史上占据重要地位的小镇&罗斯林。

    The Da Vinci Code trail beckons you to Roslin , just south of Edinburgh , an area of great significance in Scottish history .

  8. 这个案子的独特之处在于,它是苏格兰历史上最长的、只有一个被告的审判,同时,也是给未成年人的判刑时间最长的一个案子。

    This case has the distinction of being Scotland 's longest single-defendant trial and , at the time , the longest sentence to be given to a minor .

  9. 兰金说:“值得高兴的是她没有放弃写作和爱丁堡咖啡馆。”兰金创作的以苏格兰历史古城爱丁堡为背景的警匪小说十分著名。

    " It is great that she has not abandoned writing or Edinburgh cafes ," said Rankin , who is known for his own police novels set in the historic Scottish city .

  10. 苏格兰近代历史表明两种可能性都存在。

    The recent history of Scotland admits both possibilities .

  11. 当司各特生动地讲述苏格兰民族历史的时候,他在努力准确地反映历史的同时,还用他的想象创造出具体的细节来展示、承载历史事实。

    As Scott retold the living history of the Scots ' ethnic group , he tried hard to observe historical accuracy , and used his imagination to create some details to plot the historical facts .

  12. 布洛克:阿里,在苏格兰的所有历史中,我想还从来没有一次民调显示独立获得了多数支持。

    BLOCK : Ari , in all of Scotland 's history , I gather , there had never been a poll showing majority support for independence .

  13. 当英国地质学家踏上征途,去测定英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰大地的历史时,化石能发挥关键性的作用,科学家通过给它们标定年代,来判断一条特定山谷或山脉的年龄。

    When geologists in this country go off on expeditions to determine the history of English , Welsh and Scottish land , fossils play a pivotal part , as scientists date them to determine the age of a particular valley or mountain .

  14. 本论文以苏格兰大学的发展历史为研究对象。

    This dissertation studies the development history of Scottish universities .

  15. 在苏格兰西海岸外的哈里斯岛,一些花呢格纹生产商表示,中国人似乎喜欢饱含苏格兰历史底蕴的服装布料。

    According to the tweedmakers of the Isle of Harris , off Scotland 's west coast , the Chinese appear keen to wrap themselves in the history of the region .