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yá jiē
  • budding;bud grafting;plate budding
芽接 [yá jiē]
  • [budding;bud grafting] 用芽所作的植物嫁接

芽接[yá jiē]
  1. 苹果育苗中两种芽接方法的应用试验

    Two Type of Budding in Application Trial of Apples Seedling Raising

  2. 带枝芽接在板栗幼苗嫁接中的应用

    Application of Budding with Branch in Grafting of Castanea mollissima Blume Seedling

  3. 核桃芽接的接穗培育技术

    Cultivation Techniques of Scion for Square-cut Chip Budding of Walnut

  4. 这些实生苗可以在田间把所需要的品种芽接上。

    These seedlings may be budded in the field to desired varieties .

  5. 使芽接(在植物上)嫁接属于或关于地下芽植物。

    To graft a bud onto ( a plant ) .

  6. 核桃露地芽接试验报告

    Report on Walnut Bud Grafting Tests in Open Air

  7. 紫叶稠李的芽接试验。

    The bud transplanting experiment of Prunus virginiana cv .

  8. 核桃嵌芽接技术研究

    Studies on the Shield Bud Grafting on Walnut Tree

  9. 芽接较枝接效果稍好;

    Their budding effect better than their Branch grafting .

  10. 影响核桃芽接成活率的制约因子及其有效控制研究

    Studies on Defination and Effective Control of Limitative Factors Affecting the Walnut Budding Take

  11. 樱桃芽接时期及方法的探讨

    Studies on Budding Time and Method in Cherry

  12. 超高产橡胶芽接树的土壤微生态环境研究

    Soil Micro-ecological Condition of High-yielding Rubber Budding Tree

  13. 目前巴西橡胶树栽培中应用的主要种植材料是芽接树。

    Budding is the major planting material in the application of Hevea brasiliensis cultivation .

  14. 切花月季无土容器芽接快繁的定量研究

    Research on rapid bud grafting of cut flower rose in pot with soilless media

  15. 核桃双嫩枝芽接技术

    Walnut Bud Grafting of Double Tender Branch Technology

  16. 橡胶树籽苗芽接苗接穗萌动及其生长促进技术研究

    Study on Promoting Coin Budding and Its Growth in Grafted Mini-seedling of Hevea Brasiliensis

  17. 观赏桃芽接最适剪砧时期的研究

    A study on optimum time for upper stock removal of ornamental peaches after Bud-grafting

  18. 柑桔芽接最适砧木粗度及嫁接和剪砧时期研究初报

    Study of the optimum stock diameter and grafting and pruning stock date for citrus budding

  19. 核桃芽接接穗高效繁殖试验

    Methods of High-effective Propagation of Walnut Scions

  20. 山茱萸改进嵌芽接嫁接技术试验

    Improving Bud-Grafting Vegetative Propagation of Common Macrocarpium

  21. 柿树芽接方法和时期对嫁接成活率的影响

    Effects of bud grafting method and timing on the survival rate of grafted persimmon trees

  22. 天然橡胶生产栽培中采用的种植材料是高产芽接树。

    In natural rubber cultivation , planting materials adopted are the high yielding Grafted Hevea Brasiliensis .

  23. 采用夏季芽接技术,嫁接成活率可多达90%以上。

    Use technology of summertime bud grafting , grafting survival rate can amount to90 % above .

  24. 通过芽接进行的无性生殖。

    Asexual reproduction by budding .

  25. 芽接刀或切接切,可折叠

    Budding or grafting folding knife

  26. 橡胶芽接树砧穗间的相互影响&胶乳中3种植物激素的差异

    Interaction Between Rootstock and Scion of Grafted Rubber Tree : The Difference of Three Endogenous Phytohormones in Latex

  27. 对2年生以上结果树,可采用短枝腹接法和芽接法进行品种更新换代。

    For 2-year bearing tree , side grafting with short scion and bud grafting were good for regeneration .

  28. 愈活期环境温度、湿度对核桃芽接成活率的影响

    Effect of Environmental Temperature and Humidity on the Survival Rate during Wound Curing Period of Walnut Bud Grafting

  29. 核桃秋季芽接技术

    Methods of Walnut Autumn-budding

  30. 露尖捆绑对芽接愈合和苗木生长效应的研究

    Study on the Effects of Bud-shield-Tip-Unwrapped Budding on the Healing of Graft Union and the Growth of Nursery Stock