
yá biàn
  • Budding;bud mutation ;sport
  1. 纽荷尔脐橙及其芽变系的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis on Newhall Navel Orange and Its Variant Line

  2. 猕猴桃种质资源RAPD分析及芽变SCAR标记研究

    Study on Germplasm Resources and Mutant SCAR Marker in Actinidia by RAPD Analysis

  3. 无核白葡萄芽变系植物学性状特征研究及RAPD标记分析

    Research on Botanical Characteristic and RAPD Markers Analysis of Thompson Seedless Bud Variation

  4. 甜樱桃先锋及其芽变品种的SSR分析

    Analysis Sweet Cherry Van and Sport Mutation Varieties by SSR

  5. 以藤捻葡萄为对照,对藤枪的一个芽变株系的生物学和植物学特性进行观测,并对其幼叶的DNA进行RAPD分析。

    The biological and botanical characteristics of the sport of Fujiminori and the RAPD analysis of the young leaves'DNA were studied .

  6. 芽变毛白杨插条内POD活性比毛白杨低,在生根过程中与另一亲缘种大官杨相比,POD活性变化趋势相反;

    The activity of peroxidase ( POD ) in the mutant was lower than that in P.tomentosa .

  7. 柑桔果实有机酸代谢生理和奉节脐橙芽变株系的AFLP分析研究

    Research on the Organic Acids Metabolism in Citrus Fruits and the AFLP Analysis of the Fengjie Navel Orange Mutants

  8. ‘石硖’龙眼(DimocarpusLonganLour.)芽变系的RAPD鉴定分析

    Study on the Identification of ' Shixia'Longan ( Dimocarpus Longan Lour . ) Sport Line by RAPD Marker

  9. 综合几个指标,矮化砧木S2、S5能够增加库尔勒香梨芽变9号的抗寒性。

    It concludes that dwarf rootstock S2 and S5 can increase the cold hardiness ability of Bud-sport 9 .

  10. 柑橘(Citrus)是多年生木本果树,具有复杂的遗传背景,经过长期杂交和芽变选种,其进化关系更为复杂。

    Citrus is a perennial woody fruit tree , which has complicated genetic background . Its evolutionary relationship is much complicated after a long period hybridization and mutant selection .

  11. 阐述了部分柑橘芽变性状形成的细胞学机理和分子机理,指出目前对芽变的研究主要集中在反转录转座子的插入、DNA甲基化、基因结构和表达差异等方面。

    The study on the cellular and molecular mechanism of the citrus mutated characteristics is particularly introduced . The research on citrus bud mutation is focusing on retrotransposon insertion , DNA methylation and the difference of gene structure and expression .

  12. 芽变雄花序中POD、PPO和Mg2+-ATP的活性比对照略低,但两者无显著性差异。

    The activity of POD , PPO , and Mg2 + - ATPase in sport male inflorescence were lower than contrast , but the difference was not clear .

  13. 红星苹果芽变枝条测定结果看出,以当地条件同系列非短枝型品种或母体树叶片ABA含量为基准,其含量的二倍值可作为苹果短枝型品种的预选指标。

    The authors suggested that using the ABA content in the leaves of non-spur-type variety or parent trees as a baseline , its 2 fold value was used as indices for spur-type variety of apple .

  14. 芽变103S的花粉育性转换温度指标为日均温25℃左右,在超标温度下持续3d以上花粉育性才可彻底转换。

    The temperature index for fertility transformation was about 25 ℃ of day average , while continued higher temperature of more than 3 days was needed for complete fertility transform .

  15. 探讨了多倍体葡萄育种的主要途径如自然芽变、化学诱变、人工有性杂交、实生选育、2n配子利用和胚乳培养等。

    The main breeding methods of polyploid grape such as natural mutation , induction by colchicine treatment , hybridization , selecting of natural seedling , endosperm culture and uses of 2n gametes etc.

  16. 集团混合分离分析法(BSA)、平行芽变分析法(PSA)和已知信息捕捉法(KIH)是果树农艺性状基因标记筛选的主要方法。

    Three main methods of screening molecular markers on fruit trees are Bulk Segregant Analysis ( BSA ), Parallel Sports Analy-sis ( PSA ), and Known Information Hunting ( KIH ) .

  17. 杂交狼尾草新品系1号是由杂交狼尾草(美洲狼尾草Tift23A×象草N51)的芽变系经系统选育而成的。

    The new strain 1 of common hybrid pennisetum was selected from bud variation through vegetative propagation .

  18. 芽变103S是水稻三系不育系选育过程中发现的芽突变体选育成的籼稻温敏型两系不育系。

    S was a temperature sensitive two line indica sterile line selected from bud mutation material found during three line sterile line selection .

  19. S2和S5两种矮化中间砧使芽变9号果个增大、淀粉含量增加、石细胞含量降低,均具有明显作用,而且还能提早结果1-2年。

    The S2 and S5 dwarf rootstock have the effects of increasing the fruits size and amylum content , reducing the stone cell content , and also can shorten the juvenile period for 1 to 2 years . 4 .

  20. 位点杂合度在0.1517~0.7079之间,遗传多样性指数为0.4630。用两对引物(BGT23b和CHO2D11)即可区分除芽变品种之外的全部供试品种。

    Locus heterozygosity was 0.1517-0.7079 , and the genetic diversity index was 0.4630.Two pairs of primer ( BGT23b and CHO2D11 ) could distinguish all of the pear cultivars except the mutant cultivars .

  21. 苹果芽变选种鉴定及应用研究

    Review on identification and utilization of apple sport selection All Changed

  22. 流行的品种中有相当数量的芽变。

    There are a number of bud sports of popular varieties .

  23. 对‘早霞露’桃迟熟型芽变的研究

    Study on the Late-ripening from ' Zao Xia Lu ' Peach

  24. 应用抑制性消减杂交分离板栗短雄花序芽变相关基因

    Isolation of sport-related genes via suppression subtractive hybridization in short-catkin chestnut

  25. 经过几代离体扦插繁殖,芽变黄檵木性状稳定。

    The genetic character of Huangjimu is stable through cutting in vitro .

  26. 芽变育种在月季新品种选育中至关重要。

    Bud mutation is very important for new variety selection .

  27. 猕猴桃海沃德芽变新品系93-01的生物学特性

    Evaluation of the New Clone Mutated from Kiwi Fruit Hayward

  28. 板栗芽变短雄花序发育的细胞形态学观察

    Morphology Observation on the Chestnut Sport Catkin during Its Development

  29. 芽变在总苞形态,出实率,坚果大小及品质上与对照相似;

    Nut was similar with contrast in size and quality .

  30. 大果型桂花味石硖龙眼芽变新株系的选育

    Breeding of a new large fruit and sweet osmanthus flavor longan strain