
  • Finn;Finlander;Finnish;fIn
  1. 他还参加了1968年、1972年和1976年三届奥运会的芬兰人级帆船比赛。

    He also competed in sailing at three editions of the Olympic Games , in 1968 , 1972 and 1976 , in the Finn class .

  2. 这符合这位58岁芬兰人的经营风格。他是全球最大手机生产商诺基亚(Nokia)和欧洲最大石油公司荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)的董事长。

    This suits the operational style of the 58-year-old Finn , who is chairman of both Nokia , the world 's largest mobile phone company , and Royal Dutch Shell , Europe 's biggest oil group .

  3. 这个成绩单不仅令世界出乎意料,连芬兰人都感到意外。

    This report not only surprised the world but also shocked people in Finland .

  4. 我们最近与一个芬兰人进行了会面,他为宝洁公司(P&G)效力了18年,主要负责销售洗衣粉和SunnyDelight牌的饮料。

    We recently met a Finnish guy who spent 18 years at P & G ( PG , Fortune 500 ) selling laundry detergent and Sunny Delight .

  5. 恕我直言,我们可能无法指望正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)或荷兰仇外的政治人士认识到欧洲一体化意味着什么。

    With all respect , we can probably not expect from the True Finns or xenophobic political figures in the Netherlands an awareness of what European integration means .

  6. 如果他能在几个月后成为微软CEO,对于原来为诺基亚生产手机的制造商而言,或许是更大的福音,尽管芬兰人在心理上很难接受。

    If he becomes CEO of Microsoft in the months to come , that may bode even better for the handset manufacturer formerly known as Nokia , painful as that admission may be to the Finns .

  7. 根据CNN报道,芬兰人深爱着桑拿,“每三个芬兰人中就有一个在蒸桑拿,它已经是这个国家文化中不可或缺的一部分。”

    Finns love saunas and " with one sauna for every three people in Finland , it 's an integral part of the country 's culture , " according to CNN .

  8. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  9. 法拉利很乐意在开始和Kimi新合同的谈判前再等待一段时间,因为他们更希望芬兰人集中精力在2008年获得第二个世界冠军。

    Ferrari are happy to wait before they begin new contract talks with Kimi Raikkonen , as they instead prefer the Finn to concentrate for now on landing his second world title in2008 .

  10. 诺基亚股东和许多芬兰人鼓掌欢迎这一收购行动。

    Nokia shareholders and many in Finland applauded the move .

  11. 也有少部分芬兰人的后裔。

    There is also a small group of Finnish descent .

  12. 但或许是他们不能理解这个芬兰人。

    But perhaps they did not understand the Finn .

  13. 芬兰人在1944年战斗中改进了他们的突击炮。

    Finns modified their Stugs during the battles of1944 .

  14. 芬兰的书——大象怎么想芬兰人

    The Finnish book-What Do Elephants Think About Finnish People

  15. 我在火车上碰到一些芬兰人。

    I met some Finnish people on the train .

  16. 波罗的海地区居民与芬兰人正在建设新的大型核电站。

    The Balts and the Finns are constructing big new nuclear power stations .

  17. 然而,芬兰人却始终无法完成超越,比赛结束时只能位列第四。

    However the Finn could not find a way past and finished fourth .

  18. 虽然在北欧人中,芬兰人是喝咖啡喝得最多的,但冰岛人也很热衷于咖啡。

    While Finns drink the most among Scandinavians , Icelanders are also coffee crazy .

  19. 一与奥地利人一起被杀害了,加拿大人和芬兰人。

    One was killed along with an Austrian , a Canadian and a Finn .

  20. 他们和芬兰人一样说匈牙利语。

    They speak hungarian , like in finland .

  21. 来自爱沙尼亚的艾拉•弗苟和克丽斯提•维尔特洛普夫妇在水障碍区中绊倒,以5秒之差屈居第二。芬兰人伊尔坡•哈里斯托和萨图•尤瑞宁获得铜牌。

    in the water obstacle and were second some five seconds behind the winners .

  22. 对许多芬兰人来说,这是整个圣诞期间最严肃的一刻。

    For many Finns this is the most serious moment of the entire holiday .

  23. 居住在俄罗斯欧洲西北的属于芬兰人的一部分人。

    A member of the Finnish people living in Karelia in NW European Russia .

  24. 芬兰人的才智尽显于他们对大自然的热爱及与自然的和谐统一。

    The genius of the Finns lies in their commitment and coexistence with nature .

  25. 正统芬兰人党也反对欧盟对陷入财政困境的欧洲经济体实施救助。

    True Finns is also opposed to European Union bailout packages for cash-strapped European economies .

  26. 芬兰人不喜欢闲聊。

    Finns don 't like small talk .

  27. 据说芬兰人也一样,只不过是用铸造的锡块和水桶来玩。

    Finns have been known to do the same with molten2 ) tin and buckets .

  28. 如果真的是这样,芬兰人希望这出悲剧的下一幕会有精彩剧情。

    If so , it is a tragedy that Finns hope will have a strong next act .

  29. 埃里克命令这芬兰人取埃纳尔性命,把他从高处射下来。

    Eric ordered the Finn to silence Einar and bring him toppling down from his lofty perch .

  30. 对于芬兰人来说,桑拿房是放松、社交和谈生意的场所。

    To Finns , a spa is a place for relaxing , socialising and holding business meetings .