
  • Fendi;Fendy
  1. 如今,芬迪大量销售印有花哨标识的毛皮料拖鞋(poolslides)与围巾,让人不由想起DapperDan“设计”的那些花哨夸张山寨货。

    Today , Fendi sells ostentatious branded furry pool slides and scarves that perfectly recall Dan 's flamboyant fakes .

  2. 门店于1992年关门,起因是芬迪公司(Fendi)高管发现拳王迈克泰森(MikeTyson)穿了件Dan设计的服装。

    The shop closed in 1992 when Fendi officials spotted Mike Tyson in a Dan creation .

  3. 从华伦天奴(Valentino)、博柏利(Burberry)到芬迪(Fendi)众多品牌都推出了皮草手袋。

    Stores are stocked with furry bags from Valentino , Burberry , and Fendi .

  4. 芬迪一直在创新自己的制作工艺:1989年,它首推“粒面皮革”工艺(“grainedleather”technique)——把皮裘与皮革合二为一,使传统棕色真皮外套更加轻盈。

    Fendi has always innovated with its manufacturing methods : In 1989 the house developed a " grained leather " technique , that combined fur and leather to create a lighter take of the traditional brown coat .

  5. 与TheRow相比,芬迪(Fendi)也不甘示弱,推出价值3.4万美元的3Jours鳄鱼皮系列,这是一款两侧向外呈三角形的包包,提手在意大利制造。

    Fendi 's not far behind The Row with its $ 34000 3Jours Alligator Shopper , a flared gusset tote with top handles made in Italy .

  6. 就时装潮流而言,这样的手袋看上去有些怪怪的——即使你还没有见过芬迪售价6600美元的“Monster”长方形手袋,这款手袋外观像一张脸,还有毛绒绒的眉毛。吴季刚2015年秋季新品秀上的一款皮草手袋。

    As fashion trends go , this one borders on goofy-even before you 've seen Fendi 's $ 6600 ' Monster ' baguette bag , which has a face and fuzzy eyebrows .

  7. 与此同时,芬迪的“bugs”系列(每件售价500英镑)——霓虹色卡通式夹子款手包配饰,也成为年轻人时尚手袋不可缺少的配饰。

    Meanwhile , the house 's " bugs " - neon-bright clip-on handbag accessories with cartoon faces that retail for about 500 a piece - have become an essential feature of the street-style uniform .

  8. 意大利皮草品牌芬迪由爱德华多芬迪(EdoardoFendi)和阿黛勒芬迪(AdeleFendi)夫妇于1925年创办。

    The Italian luxury house was founded as a fur and leather brand by Edoardo and Adele Fendi in 1925 .

  9. 最近几年,雨果博斯(HugoBoss)、蔻依(Chloé)、芬迪(Fendi)、马克·雅各布斯(MarcJacobs)以及斯特拉·麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)这类设计品牌都增加了儿童系列。

    In recent years designer labels such as Hugo Boss , Chlo é , Fendi , Marc Jacobs and Stella McCartney have all added children 's ranges .

  10. 时装与艺术的世界一直是重叠交错的:知名设计师不断增加自己的艺术品收藏,而收藏家们则穿着芬迪(fendi)和阿玛尼(armani)的服装。

    The worlds of fashion and art have long overlapped : leading designers keep upping their art holdings while collectors don Fendi and Armani togs .

  11. 来自西西里的马可•德•文岑佐(MarcodeVincenzo)在这一代年轻设计师中脱颖而出,他被芬迪家族(Fendifamily)慧眼识中,今年二月,法国时尚巨擘路易维登(LVMH)也参股了他的公司。

    Sicilian Marco de Vincenzo , who was spotted by the Fendi family and in whom French powerhouse LVMH bought a stake in February this year is the breakout star of a new generation .

  12. 这是一个强烈的时尚信号:去年12月,芬迪(fendi)在中国长城上举行了一场时装秀。

    As fashion messages go , it was a strong one : last October Fendi held a catwalk show on the great wall of China .

  13. LVMH已经开始对其品牌进行重新定位以应对这些变化,包括扩大带有不易察觉标识的路易威登产品的范围,并给予诸如赛琳(Céline)和芬迪(Fendi)等增长更快的子品牌更多的重视。

    LVMH is already moving to reposition its brand in response to these shifts , including an expansion of LV product ranges with subtler logos , as well as a greater emphasis on its faster-growing sub-brands such as C é line and Fendi .

  14. 芬迪在做工要求高的行当以新奇著称,它推出的高级定制皮草时装(HauteFourrure)将是展示终极版的“梦幻皮草”——如同芬迪的双F标识一样。

    For Fendi , already fabled for its novel treatment in a highly technical field , Haute Fourrure will be the ultimate expression of " fantasy fur , " as represented by the house 's double " f " logo .

  15. 还有加里亚诺和雅格布斯。但是他们都停止了这种身兼两职的工作方式——现在只有卡尔·拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)还在同时为香奈儿和芬迪(Fendi)工作(并同时打理自己的品牌)。

    not to mention Mr. Galliano and Mr. Jacobs - only Karl Lagerfeld is still doing double duty ( or triple : at Chanel , Fendi and his own brand ) .

  16. 他们在德国举办了一个大型展览,展示我为芬迪、香奈儿、拉格菲尔德和寇依(Chloé)等品牌设计的所有作品。

    In Germany , they made a huge exhibition of everything I did , Fendi , Chanel , Lagerfeld , Chlo é and all that .

  17. 你可以选择装饰品小球,还可以买小怪兽面具,但最棒的当属长期效力芬迪的设计师卡尔&12539;拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)缩小版雕像,白色皮毛充当着他那著名的白发。

    There are ornamental balls and little monster faces , but the best is a miniature caricature of Karl Lagerfeld , the label 's longtime designer , with white fur for his famous hair .

  18. 类似芬迪(Fendi)时装发布会上展示的那种绒面或皮质长裤,现在就可以配上靴子穿;等天气变得暖和一些时,这款休闲裤还可以配上凉鞋穿。

    A suede or leather pair like those shown on the Fendi runway can be worn now with boots , and paired with sandals when the weather warms .

  19. 值得一提的是,亚洲是LVMH服装及皮制品部门一季度增长最慢的地区,该部门包括LV及赛琳(Celine)和芬迪(Fendi)等更小的品牌。

    Remarkably , Asia was the slowest-growing region in LVMH 's fashion and leather goods division ─ which includes Vuitton as well as smaller labels such as Celine and Fendi ─ in the first quarter .

  20. 他不愿谈及自己为芬迪(Fendi)效力的50年。1965年,他出任芬迪创意总监,负责皮草及女性成衣设计;

    He refuses to discuss his 50-year career with Fendi , for whom he was made creative director , in charge of fur and women 's ready-to-wear , in 1965 .

  21. 他是最早的奢侈品巨头之一,把路威酩轩打造成世界上最大的奢侈品企业集团,拥有60多个品牌,包括路易威登(LouisVuitton)、马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)、纪梵希(Givenchy)、芬迪(Fendi)和宝格丽(Bulgari)等。

    The first of the luxury titans , he built LVMH into the largest luxury conglomerate in the world , owner of more than 60 brands including Louis Vuitton , Marc Jacobs , Givenchy , Fendi and Bulgari .

  22. HauteFourrure系列高级女装上市后是否会一炮打响,一切留待时间去检验,但进军曲高和寡的皮草时装业,实属芬迪正常的业务拓展,在老佛爷看来,这一切都是实现公司CEO贝卡利“开拓、开拓、再开拓”的意图内容。

    Only time will tell if Fourrure is a commercial success , but placing the house on this rarefied stage is a neat bit of brand extension , all part of Beccari 's desire " to promote and promote and promote , " according to Lagerfeld .

  23. 未来几周各大名品店将陆续推出今秋新品,马切萨(Marchesa)、芬迪、唐娜-凯伦(DonnaKaran)、Marni和DerekLam等设计的皮草手袋将缤纷亮相。

    The fall collections , which begin arriving in stores in coming weeks , were a veritable parade of handbags made of fur from the likes of Marchesa , Fendi , Donna Karan , Marni and Derek Lam .

  24. 芬迪至今仍属家族企业,即便路威酩轩(LVMH)于2001年收购了其大部分股份,而且任命皮埃特罗贝卡利(PietroBeccari)出任公司CEO,他为芬迪打造的美好未来可谓居功至伟。

    The house still manifests as a family business , even though LVMH bought a majority stake in 2001 and has since installed a chief executive , Pietro Beccari , who has been instrumental in creating a vision for the brand .

  25. 卡尔·拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)可以说是世界上辨识度最高的时装设计师。在索拉里街芬迪(Fendi)总部后面一个办公室里,助手把别人送给他的伯曼猫舒佩特(Choupette)的礼物交给他。

    Karl Lagerfeld , arguably the most recognizable fashion designer in the world , is in a back office at Fendi 's headquarters on the Via Solari , receiving from an assistant a gift someone has sent for his Birman , Choupette .

  26. 几大设计公司即将推出的宣传画都是以直发为主,其中包括华伦天奴、芬迪,Herm¨¨s、伯百利、普拉达、范思哲、DKNY、卡尔文·克莱恩、夏奈尔和古姿的广告。

    Major design houses are on board with print campaigns featuring straight hair , including advertisements for Valentino , Fendi , Herm ¨¨ s , Burberry , Prada , Versace , DKNY , Calvin Klein , Chanel and Gucci .

  27. 芬迪首次进军高级定制女装——不久后举行的高级定制皮草(HauteFourrure)系列展将是芬迪首个高定皮草时装,也是老佛爷在巴黎举行的第二场高级定制时装展。

    Fendi 's first foray on to the couture stage , next week 's Haute Fourrure ( high fur ) collection , is a debut for the house and the second of two couture shows that Lagerfeld will stage in Paris next week .

  28. 为吸引那些不想随大流的消费者,芬迪(Fendi)为其秋季皮草手包系列款式配备了各类挂饰,可以吊在任何手包甚至你的后视镜上&当然所有的挂饰也都是皮草做成的。

    For shoppers who don 't want to commit to the full trend , Fendi has augmented its fall menagerie of fur handbags with accessories to hang from any bag or even your rearview mirror-all made of fur , of course .

  29. 这也许能解释为什么,就像时尚界有围裙一样(比如去年2月芬迪[Fendi]时装秀上的强悍铁匠风格皮质围裙和连衫围裙以及MiuMiu的20世纪50年代卡通风格围裙),围裙也有自己的时尚。

    This perhaps explains why , just as there are aprons in fashion ( see the tough smithlike leather aprons and apron dresses in last February 's Fendi show and the cartoonish 1950s pinafore styles at Miu Miu ) , there are fashions in aprons .

  30. 但是在芬迪,人们喜欢回顾过去。

    But at Fendi , they like to tour the past .