
  • 网络mango garden
  1. 改造和提高低产芒果园的技术措施

    Technical Measures to Transform and Raise Low yield Mango Orchards

  2. 芒果园生态系统养分调控技术研究进展

    Advances on Control of Fertilizer Nutrients in Mango Plantation Ecosystem

  3. 灌草植被荒坡变为芒果园后对土壤水文物理性质的影响

    Effects of shrub-grass vegetation change them into mango fruit garden later on soil hydrology physical properties

  4. 几秒钟后,这只小鸟展翅飞向了芒果园,获得了自由。

    Seconds later , the bird was winging its way into the freedom of the mango orchard .

  5. 由邻近地主贡献的芒果园提供给公共使用,经常成为男孩子们午间运动场所。

    A mango orchard dedicated by a neighbouring zemindar to the public use was frequented by the boys for their noonday sports .

  6. 有机质减少,其中芒果园和柑桔园下降较多,降幅分别达50.63%和22.45%;

    Soil organic matter decreased in content , especially in the Orange and Mango orchards , by 50.63 % and 22.45 % separately ;

  7. 其中,有15种分布于荔枝园,32种分布于芒果园,2种分布于龙眼园,1种分布于番石榴上。

    Among them , there were 15 species distributed in litchi orchard , 32 species , in mango orchard , 2 species , in longan orchard and one species in guava orchard .