
  • 网络ALLISON;Allison Transmission
  1. 质量、可靠性和本地化客户支持是艾里逊在中国市场取得成功的关键。

    Quality , reliability and local customer support are among the key factors behind Allison ′ s success in China .

  2. 在全球,广大用户和车队管理者对艾里逊产品的信任度远高于其它任何商用车自动变速箱的供应商。

    Allison is trusted by more users and fleet managers worldwide than any other supplier of automatic commercial vehicle gearboxes .

  3. 新车装备了美国艾里逊自动变速箱减轻了司机的工作强度,提高了生产效率。

    The new bus fitted with Ericsson automatic gearbox from USA can reduce labour intensity and raise efficiency for drivers .

  4. 艾里逊变速箱部是全球最大的中型和重型卡车、公共汽车与专业用车的自动变速箱生产商。

    Allison Transmission Division ( ATD ) is the world ′ s largest producer of automatic transmissions for medium and heavy-duty trucks , buses and specialty vehicles .

  5. 艾里逊最新开发的产品是用于客车的混合动力驱动系统,它大大提高了车辆的燃油经济性,同时降低了排放污染。

    The latest development for Allison Transmission is a hybrid drive system for a city bus that will significantly improve urban fuel economy and provide lower emissions .

  6. 艾里逊产品用途广泛,包括垃圾、消防、非公路、机场服务设备、轻卡和运货、城市城间客车、旅游车和特种车辆。

    Allison products cover a wide range of vocations including refuse , fire , off-highway , airport ground equipment , pick up and delivery , transit , intercity buses , coach and specialty vehicles .