
  • 网络art theory;theory of art
  1. 美国当代女性主义艺术理论研究

    A Survey of Contemporary Feminist Art Theory in the United States

  2. 论嵇康音乐艺术理论的美学意义

    On the aesthetics significance of Ji Kang 's music and art theory

  3. 至于余秋雨的艺术理论著作,亦备受学术界重视和尊崇。

    As for Yu Qiuyu 's artistic theory work , also prepares the academic circles is taken and venerates .

  4. 论中国艺术理论中的气韵之要义

    On the Essentials of " Qi-yun " in Chinese Artistic Theory

  5. 第三部分,郑诗内容深广,包罗万象,涉及社会现状、个人情感、家庭生活、金石考证、艺术理论等领域。

    Including social situation , personal emotion . artistic theory , archaeology etc.

  6. 海德格尔的物论和他的艺术理论

    Heidegger ′ s Discourse on Things and His Artistic Theory

  7. 抽象艺术理论及其艺术表达形式研究

    Study on the Abstract Art Theory and Its Form of Artistic Expression

  8. 因此,模仿论是一种值得加以审视的艺术理论。

    Hence , imitation theory is an art theory which is worth studying .

  9. 浅谈建筑创作中的抽象艺术理论

    Elementary introduction to abstract art theory in Architecture Creation

  10. 新课程标准下体育教学艺术理论研究

    The Theoretical Reach of PE Teaching Art in the Standard of New Curriculum

  11. 本雅明技术复制艺术理论述评

    Comments on Benjamin 's theory of mechanical reproduction art

  12. 中国古代的文学艺术理论,历来反对因袭模仿,而崇尚新奇、独创之美。

    Chinese ancient literature theory has been revering original creativity instead of imitation .

  13. 西方哲学中为人所知的最早的艺术理论是模仿论。

    Imitation theory is the earliest well known art theory in the Western philosophy .

  14. 2005年至今,在益山的韩国圆光大学攻读艺术理论博士学位。

    2005-present , Doctorate course in Fine Art Theory , Wonkwang University , Iksan .

  15. 艺术理论发展与艺术欣赏

    On Art Theory Development and Art Appreciation

  16. 游戏精神是当今我国文学艺术理论界普遍关注的一个重要的美学命题。

    Play-spirit is one of the most prevalent topics among the contemporary literary art theories .

  17. 论演奏艺术理论研究的对象、目的和方法

    On the Object , Purpose and Methods of Research on the Performance Theory of Art

  18. 强调在电视艺术理论批评上加强自觉地反省和审美批判的重要。

    The article emphasizes the importance to self-examination and aesthetic criticism on TV Arts theory .

  19. 文学翻译的艺术理论问题,是文学翻译研究领域里的中心课题。

    The artistic theory in literature translation is a major issue in the literature translation field .

  20. 对于三维游戏角色的制作,以及艺术理论在其制作过程中的运用更是缺少系统的理解和实际经验。

    During the making process the understanding and experiences of the use of art is lake .

  21. 形态与空间艺术理论

    Shape and Space Art Theory

  22. 从康德的艺术理论中,可以认为天才就是共时性的鉴赏能力。

    In Kantian theory of art , genius can be viewed as the synchronic statement of taste .

  23. 因此,海德格尔诗艺观是对传统艺术理论的反叛和超越。

    Therefore , the art of Heidegger not only rebels but also oversteps the traditional art theories .

  24. 中国古代文艺美学中存在着一种自然论文艺观,它代表了中国古典美学思想的精髓,并融汇在中国传统艺术理论中。

    There is a kind of " Ziran " theory on literature and art in China classical aesthetics .

  25. 电影音乐研究是电影艺术理论探讨中,不容忽视的一部分。

    The study of film music which could not be neglected is the part of the film theory .

  26. 第一部分,主要论述西方心理学思想的传入以及与中国文学艺术理论的交叉融合。

    The first chapter expounds the introduction of Western psychology and its cross-integration with Chinese literature and art theory .

  27. 同时也阐述了对于学习与研究文学艺术理论中的领导作用。

    At the same time the leadership of the study and research in the theory of literature and art .

  28. 《判断力批判》之所以在美学与艺术理论史上占有重要地位原因有两点。

    Two reasons contribute to the significant place of the book in the history of aesthetics and art theory .

  29. 文摘:将护理学与艺术理论相结合,简要论述了护理的艺术特征。

    Abstract : this paper discuses the artistic charaoteristics of nursing under the combination of nursing and art thearies .

  30. 他所创立的叙事剧体系具有深远的意义和影响,在艺术理论和戏剧美学上都有重大的成就。

    The theory of epic theatre has great affection and significance on the theory of art and dramatic aesthetics .