
  • Art Theory;artistic theory
  1. 同样,考古学与艺术学理论的发展也为艺术考古学的建立奠定了理论和实践上的坚实基础。

    The Birth and foundation of this discipline is the result of the development of archaeology and art , The development of the theory of archaeology and art also lays a deep foundation for art archaeology .

  2. 体验性精神需要作为逻辑起点的可能性&关于艺术学基础理论建设的思考

    The Possibility of " Spiritual Need of Experience " as the Logic Jumping-off & Thinking of the theoretical construction of art

  3. 音乐的题材及要素探索&反思艺术学基础理论体系的范畴缺失

    A Probe into the Theme and Elements of Music & Reflections on Lack of Categories in the Basic Theoretic System of Artistic Studies

  4. 以体验性精神需要为逻辑起点,艺术学基础理论就可能发挥作为其他艺术门类基础规律的原理功能,并具备开放性、科学性和有机性。

    To take the spiritual need of experience as the logic jumping-off , art basic theory may have its function with the nature of opening , science and organism .

  5. 而且设计流程的研究涉及范围非常广泛,从管理学、项目管理学到艺术设计学理论与实践等等都有涵盖。

    And the design process involves a very wide range of research , learned from management , project management theory and practice of art and design school have covers .

  6. 尽管学科年轻,但是,它有管理学、项目管理学和艺术设计学理论与实践的支撑,其整体框架体系已经形成,诸如设计项目管理的组织,形象,程序和质量监控等等。

    Although it has a short history , the study has formed its own framework supported by science of management 、 project management and artistic design theory and practice such as organization 、 image 、 procedure and quality control of design project .

  7. 本文引入后现代生态哲学和生态艺术学的理论观点和方法,对沈从文自然生命观作了哲学上的现代审视和对其自然生命观的文学史价值和地位作了合理的重估。

    Here in order to examine closely his outlook on nature life from nowadays and to re-evaluate rationally the value and place of his outlook in literature history , we introduce and apply the view and methods of post-modern Ecological Philosophy and Ecological Research in Literature & art .

  8. 20世纪外国艺术学跨学科理论发展述要

    Summary of the Interdisciplinary Theory Development of Foreign Art in the 20th Century

  9. 因此,有关艺术全息学的理论目前还是一个学术空白点。

    Therefore , the study of the theory of holographic art is still an academic gap .

  10. 改革艺术设计学专业理论课结业考试的设想

    Tentative Plan of Reforming Course Completing Exam for Theoretical Courses of Art & Design Theory Subject

  11. 艺术学由艺术理论、艺术史和艺术批评学构成。

    The theory of Arts is consisted of artistic theory , artistic history and artistic criticism theory .

  12. 本文依据艺术学与美学理论,对地图艺术的特性进行分析、总结,认为地图艺术具有实用性、群众性、平面造型性、语言的抽象性与含蓄性、表现性、艺术综合性等特性。

    In this paper , on the basis of the esthetics and art theories , we analyze the characteristic of cartography art .

  13. 得出展示是传播的条件和手段,传播是展示的目的和结果,展示艺术与传播学理论协同发展的结论。

    The exhibition of art is the conditions and means of dissemination , communication is the purpose and results of exhibition the art .

  14. 论文通过展示艺术结合传播学理论展开研究,构建了展示艺术信息传播系统的理论框架。

    The paper is to build a theoretical framework of exhibition of art of information dissemination systems by showing the exhibition of art and study of communication theory .

  15. 在此基础上,结合学科层面、历史层面的知识构成艺术管理学的理论框架。

    On this basis , that compound-type theoretical framework of Arts Management combines knowledge of both disciplinary level and historical dimension constitutes Arts Management theory framework as a system of knowledge .

  16. 丹纳的艺术社会学的基本理论命题一直贯穿于茅盾的现实主义理论构建中。

    Taine 's basic theoretic proposition runs through his establishment of realistic theory .

  17. 等等问题。在研究过程中运用了社会学、人类学和艺术学等多学科理论知识,力图借助多学科的综合实力去攻关本文的研究课题。

    The theory of sociology , anthropology and art studies are used in the research .

  18. 广义艺术学,包括艺术理论、艺术的发展史、艺术批评学。

    The generalized subject Art consists of artistic theory , artistic history of development and artistic subject of criticize .

  19. 首先对徽州建筑、徽州文化、和徽州建筑图集、画册,建筑摄影图集、画册进行整理收集和总结,其次是努力吸收摄影学和艺术学等多学科理论来研究徽派古建筑摄影。

    First to huizhou , huizhou culture , and huizhou buildings atlas , picture album , architectural photography gallery , brochures for collecting and summarizing , the second is to absorb the multidisciplinary theory such as photography and art photography has been gloriously enrolled to study ancient buildings .

  20. 构建艺术学的新体系&国家211工程艺术学理论创新与应用研究项目分析

    Construct the New Artistics System & Program Analysis to National " 211 Project " of " Theoretical Innovation and Application Research of Artistics "

  21. 它作为一种受到现代艺术与后现代艺术深刻影响的景观形态,我们要通过运用艺术形态学及设计艺术学理论对它进行分析、研究,这符合学科发展实证化的要求。

    As apost-modern art and modern art a profound impact on the landscape patterns , we must , through the use of art and design art morphological study of its theoretical analysis , research , academic development in line with the evidence requirements .

  22. 因学科设置的统一性,普通高校艺术类学科一致分为“音乐学”、“美术学”、“舞蹈学”等,少有“艺术学”理论专业方向。

    Because of the unity of curriculum setting , the arts specialties in regular colleges are divided into Musicology , Fine Arts , Dancology and so on , lacking the specialty of Art Theory .