
  1. 良性反应淋巴结的正常外观。

    Here is the normal appearance of a benign reactive lymph node .

  2. 通常,良性反应过程的淋巴结是很可能迅速变大变软。

    In general , lymph nodes in a benign reactive process are more likely to enlarge quickly and be tender .

  3. 10例良性淋巴组织反应性增生病例中,IgH及TCRγ基因重排均为阴性。

    TCR γ gene rearrangements were not found in 5 cases of suspected lymphomas . Gene rearrangements of IgH and TCR γ were negative in 10 cases of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia .

  4. 精制蛋白衍化物(PPD)皮试显示:良性病变强阳性反应占42%,恶性病变阴性反应占48%。

    PPD test showed that intense positive reaction was 42 % in the benign cases , but negative response was 48 % in the malignant cases .

  5. 病理切片呈现良性非特异性发炎反应,符合特发性眼眶炎性伪肿瘤之诊断。

    Pathologic examination of the surgical specimen showed a benign nonspecific inflammatory change , which suggested a diagnosis of idiopathic orbital inflammation .