
tóu tiáo xīn wén
  • headline news;top story;lead story
头条新闻[tóu tiáo xīn wén]
  1. 如果你是名人,你就是头条新闻。

    If you are a celebrity , you are headline news .

  2. 你读了今天的头条新闻没?

    Did you read the headline news today ?

  3. 他的财政问题几乎定期成为头条新闻。

    His financial problems hit the headlines with almost metronomic regularity .

  4. 科西加的反应成了意大利各大媒体的头条新闻。

    Cossiga 's reaction is the lead story in the Italian press .

  5. 一夜之间,传闻变成了报纸的头条新闻。

    Overnight , the gossip begins to mutate into headlines .

  6. 她的政治生涯在头条新闻里遭到夸张嘲弄。

    Her political career has been caricatured in headlines

  7. 我将永远告别监狱,我会成为全国报纸的头条新闻,从此扬名天下。

    I am never going back to prison . I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory .

  8. 而我不想用另一条充满暴力的头条新闻来填满它。

    And I don 't want to fill it with another violent headline .

  9. H5N1的形势变化频频成为头条新闻。

    Changes in the H5N1 situation frequently made the headlines .

  10. 甚至他的口头禅“你有freestyle吗”都登上了头条新闻,还变成了网络上的表情包。

    Even his catchphrase " Can you freestyle " made headlines and internet memes .

  11. 阿曼达:嗯,我的第一选择就是上网查看e-mail或阅读当前的头条新闻。

    Amanda : Um , let 's see , off the top of my head there 's checking your e-mail and looking up current news headlines .

  12. 据报道,众多新基金将在该地区发起,而一些国际巨擘包括索罗斯基金管理公司(sorosfundmanagement)在内在香港开设办事处的消息,成为了头条新闻。

    Dozens of new funds were reported to be springing up in the region while global heavyweights including Soros Fund Management grabbed headlines as they opened offices in Hong Kong .

  13. 摘要:大家好,今天是周二,这里是CNN学生新闻。我们将给大家带来许多头条新闻。

    Hello everyone , this Tuesday on CNN student news , we are taking you under the big top.First though ,

  14. 以上就是本时段的头条新闻。欢迎继续收听CNN的其他节目。

    Those are the headlines for you . Stay with CNN for more on these stories and other news of the day .

  15. 但首先,让我们连线CNN的乔纳森·本德,他会为我们带来今天的头条新闻。欢迎乔纳森。

    But first , let 's bring in CNN 's Jonathan Bender who brings us today 's top stories . Welcome Jon .

  16. 创新王国被选中制作NBC电视节目“英雄”也曾经是报纸的头版头条新闻。

    Creative Kingdom also made headlines when they were chosen to produce music for the popular NBC TV show'Heroes ' .

  17. 我是在亚特兰大CNN总部的凯瑟琳·卡拉威,让我们看看现在正在发生的头条新闻。

    I 'm Catherine Callaway at the CNN center in Atlanta , with a look at what 's happening Now In The News .

  18. 凭借Flex、One和Zip这些产品,“尽管最近冒出了几条耸人听闻的头条新闻,”Fitbit照样自信满满。

    Fitbit , with products like the Flex , One , and Zip , remains confident , " despite some of the recent sensationalized headlines . "

  19. 以上就是本小时的头条新闻。欢迎继续收听CNN其他更精彩的节目。

    For those all your headlines this hour , do stay with CNN for more on these stories and the other news of the day .

  20. 欢迎收听CNN学生新闻,我是CarlAzuz。让我们来听一下今天的头条新闻。

    My name is Carl Azuz , welcome to CNN student news . Let 's go ahead and get today 's headlines .

  21. 这里是佐治亚亚特兰大CNN新闻中心,我是CarlAzuz,让我们来看一下今天的头条新闻。

    From the CNN Center in Atlanta , Georgia , I 'm Carl Azuz . Let 's get to today 's headlines .

  22. 以上就是本小时的头条新闻。欢迎继续收听CNN的其他新闻。

    Those are the headlines for you this hour , stay with CNN for more on those stories and all your other news of the day .

  23. 在北京,PM2.5水平超过500会成为国际头条新闻;而在这里,比北京高出一倍的污染水平基本上被人们无视。

    In Beijing , PM2.5 levels that exceed 500 make international headlines ; here , levels twice that high are largely ignored .

  24. 今天是星期三,我是卡尔·阿祖兹,这里是CNN学生新闻,马上为你呈现的是10分钟无广告来自世界各地的头条新闻。

    It 's Wednesday , I 'm Carl Azuz , this is CNN Student News , bringing you 10 minutes of commercial-free headlines from around the globe .

  25. 例如,去年谷歌在网上发布了一段视频,这段视频显示,它的自动驾驶汽车把一位盲人送到了塔可钟餐厅(TacoBell),谷歌由此而成为头条新闻的主角。

    Last year , for example , Google made headlines by posting a video online showing its autonomous car taking a blind man to Taco Bell .

  26. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛我是CarlAzuz,这里是CNN学生新闻,为您报道十分钟没有广告的头条新闻,将世界的精彩带到课堂。

    I 'm Carl Azuz and this is CNN Student News , bringing the world to your classroom with 10 minutes of commercial-free headlines .

  27. 以上就是本小时的头条新闻。欢迎继续收听CNN的其他节目。

    You are up to date . Those are the headlines . Do stay with CNN and CNN.com for more on these stories or other news that develops today .

  28. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:从古巴到加拿大,再到香港,我们为您带来世界各地的头条新闻。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : From Cuba and Canada to Hong Kong , we are bringing you headlines from around the world .

  29. 例如,WebServicess可用于获取最新头条新闻、在线图书商店的最新列表或者某个特定地理位置的捕渔报告。

    For example , web services can be used to get the latest headlines , the newest listings at an online book store , or historical fishing reports from a particular geographic region .

  30. 去年5月,美国人类基因组学先锋兼企业家克雷格•文特尔(CraigVenter)宣布制造出了第一种人造生命,当时合成生物学成为了头条新闻。

    Synthetic biology hit the headlines in May last year when Craig Venter , the US human genome pioneer and entrepreneur , announced the first artificial life form .