
hánɡ kōnɡ huò yùn
  • Air cargo;airfreight
  1. 综合分析我国航空货运发展的薄弱环节,提出货运发展战略重点。

    Analyse the weak link of airfreight development of our country synthetically , put forward the strategic emphasis taking improving the environment of the policy .

  2. 航空公司之顾客满意度会对航空货运承揽业者的忠诚度有显著的影响。

    Customers'satisfaction of airlines brings up a significant impact on loyalty of airfreight forwarders .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,我国航空货运企业将面临更多国外优秀企业的挑战。

    As China enter into WTO , Chinese airlines will meet more challenges from big foreign rivals .

  4. 随着中国加如WTO,中国进出口贸易额将逐步扩大,为航空货运提供了更加广阔的机会和市场空间。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the amount of import and export will increase , which offers more opportunities .

  5. 而随着中国加入WTO,国家对于民航业的管制政策必然会逐步放开,越来越多的外来进入者将会使中国航空货运业的竞争更加激烈。

    While china has joined WTO , government will gradually loosen control of domestic aviation market , which will lead to lots of competitors coming .

  6. 联邦快递已拥有大量航空货运能力,而TNT快递在欧洲公路货运领域占有最高份额。

    FedEx already has plenty of capacity in air freight , while TNT Express has top share in European road haulage .

  7. 在美国,大部分航空货运业务由以ups和联邦快递(fedex)为首的专业货运公司负责。

    In the US , the bulk of air cargo is handled by the specialist freight industry , led by ups and FedEx .

  8. CE公司致力于航空货运业务,航线线路遍布全球,特别是欧洲的阿姆斯特丹航站和美洲的芝加哥航站,其操作方式和其他航站完全不同。

    CE dedicates in air cargo business , airline routes spread all over the world , especially for Amsterdam in Europe and Chicago in America , the operation mode of these two stations is completely different other stations .

  9. 国泰航空货运部门助理经理WilliamLo表示,来自中国(内地)的激烈竞争,意味着今年其收益可能增长1%至2%,而相比之下,去年的增幅为3%至6%。

    William Lo , assistant manager in Cathay 's cargo division , says intense Chinese competition means yields are likely to rise 1-2 per cent this year , compared with 3-6 per cent last year .

  10. CASS项目的重要性在于它所带来的是中国航空货运业发展所需要的一种制度和国际标准。

    The CASS project importance lies in which it to bring one kind of system and the international standard which is the China air freight industry development needs .

  11. 中国整合其航空货运业务是顺理成章的事,因为航空公司来自这部分业务的收入太少了,野村证券(NomuraSecurities)驻香港分析师黄建邦(JimmyWong)表示。

    It makes very logical sense for China to consolidate its air cargo operations because the airlines derive so little revenue from this business , said Jimmy Wong , an analyst at Nomura Securities in Hong Kong .

  12. 新环境下的中国航空货运竞争格局

    New Competition Situation of Chinese Air Cargos in the New Environment

  13. 服务链延伸:传统航空货运企业的战略转型

    Extension of Service Chain : Strategic Transition of Traditional Cargo Airlines

  14. 中国航空货运业的营销方案研究

    The Research in Marketing Scheme of Air Cargo Industry in China

  15. 中国航空货运业现状和发展前景

    The Present Situation and Prospect of China 's Air Freight Industry

  16. 我国航空货运运作模式优化研究

    Study of the Optimization of China 's Air Cargo Industry Operation Mode

  17. 中国航空货运企业物流发展战略

    Strategy of air logistics development for China air transportation enterprise

  18. 我以航空货运方式寄出一台昂贵的磁带录音机。

    I sent an expensive tape recorder on ahead , air freight .

  19. 世界航空货运两种截然相反的发展趋势

    Two Different Developing Trends of the World Air Cargo Transportation

  20. 区域经济与航空货运的关系(3)我国航空货运发展市场需求预测和决策。

    The airfreight developed closely related to regional economic development .

  21. 航空货运装载问题算法设计与研究

    Design and Research for Algorithm of Air Cargo Loading Problem

  22. 本月,重庆开通了至安特卫普的航空货运服务。

    This month , an air freight service to Antwerp was inaugurated .

  23. 一条连接中国和日本的航空货运新航线已经开通。

    A new air freight route linking China and Japan has been launched .

  24. 航空货运与物流发展运作模式探讨

    Discussion on Operation Modes of Aviation Freight and Logistics

  25. 航空货运重量复核系统的改造

    The upgrade of weight checking system in air freight

  26. 供应链变迁与航空货运经营模式的转变

    Development of Supply Chain and the Changes of Air Cargo Transport Operation Modes

  27. 未来20年,预计中国航空货运市场的年增长率将达10.8%。

    Growth is forecast at 10.8 per cent over the next 20 years .

  28. 考虑超售的多级运价航空货运容量分配模型

    Capacity Control Model of Air Cargo in Multi-Price Level System Based on Overbooking

  29. 美国航空货运业:天高任鸟飞

    American Air Cargo Industry : Rich Experiences in Carriage

  30. 航空货运是国际航空运输的重要组成部分,其中承运人责任问题是国际航空法货运规则的核心部分。

    International air cargo transportation is an important part of international air transportation .