
  • 网络sariputra;Sariputta;Shariputra
  1. 舍利弗在佛教中性格与角色的转变

    The Transformation of Role and Personality of Sariputra in Buddhist Texts

  2. 舍利弗曾经说:'朋友,涅磐是幸福!

    Sariputta once said : 'O friend , Nirvana is happiness !

  3. 舍利弗的弟子,他们大多喜欢研究深奥的佛理。

    Shariputra 's disciples mostly liked studying profound Buddhism theory .

  4. 舍利弗的答复是高度哲学的和超越了一般的理解:“幸福是感觉不到的”。

    Sariputta 's reply was highly philosophical and beyond ordinary comprehension : 'That there is no sensation itself is happiness ' .

  5. 舍利弗说我没有阿罗汉佛的心的知识,将来的,现在是。

    Sariputta said I have not the knowledge of the hearts of the Arahat Buddhas that have been , and are to come , and now are .

  6. 是故舍利弗,诸善男子、女人,若有信者,应当发愿,生彼国土。

    Is a past Buddhist relics Fu , various kind man , woman , if the one who have letter should deliver a wish and living that national territory .