
  • self-guided tour;Free and Easy
  1. 在这个自由行活动中,游客可以参观埃尔森特罗的二十几个画廊,与当地艺术家会面。

    With nearly two dozen galleries in El Centro , the self-guided tour allows visitors to meet area artists .

  2. 我想我们只能自由行了!

    I think we 'll have to take the self-guided tour !

  3. 香港自由行的创始人MichaelTsang说,他的生意受到了冲击。

    Michael Tsang , founder of Hong Kong Free Tours , says his business has

  4. 我和妈妈二人去了新马泰自由行。

    I visited Thailand , Singapore and Malaysia with my mother .

  5. 但是在没有上下文的条件下,软件对于自由行文的理解只能用撞大运来形容。

    But software is hit and miss in understanding free-form writing without context .

  6. 你提议去大西洋城自由行

    That spontaneous trip to Atlantic city ,

  7. 哈哈,是的,因为他们也是第一次看到墨西哥自由行的签证。

    Haha , yeah , because it was the first time for them to see a Mexican tourist visa .

  8. 报告称,该旅行社组织的自由行和跟团游游客中,有58%是女性。

    The report by ctrip.com said 58 % of customers in the agency 's self-guided and group tours are women .

  9. 自由行的游客,只要不进入特定景区,无需缴纳古城维护费。

    Individual travelers are free of charge as long as they don 't enter several particular scenic spots in the city .

  10. 本研究通过在澳门边境检查站和富豪酒店随机抽样调查的方式获得的内地通过自由行方式到澳门旅游的游客样本478个。

    Individual visitors from mainland were involved in a random sampling questionnaire survey at Macao customs and Fuhao Hotel before they left Macao .

  11. 自由行,或者是说自由行项目,将在本月底启动。

    The Free Independent Traveler , or , FIT program , is going to be set in motion at the end of this month .

  12. 挪威邮轮的‘海上自由行’让你乘坐最新船队出海,自由自在地吃、穿、玩。

    SM with Norwegian Cruise Line for more freedom to dine , dress , and play as you please aboard the youngest fleet at sea .

  13. 自由行游客常在网上分享的小贴士正在为旅游行业提供一个规模日益壮大的,关于景点、饭店和旅馆的大数据宝库。

    The tips independent travelers regularly share online are providing the tourism industry with a growing trove of big data about destinations , restaurants and hotels .

  14. 香港入境事务处说,上一次扩大内地游客自由行计划是2009年,当时深圳的本地户籍居民获准得到一年内多次往返香港的签证。

    The last time the scheme was expanded was in 2009 , the city 's immigration department said , when permanent Shenzhen residents were allowed to obtain year-long , multiple-entry visas toHong Kong .

  15. 深圳常住户籍居民已能容易地申请到一年多次往返香港的签证,而自由行计划本周扩大实施后,外地来深圳上学的人以及深圳的非本地户籍居民也将有资格获得一年多次往返香港的签证。

    Though Shenzhen 's permanent residents can easily apply for multiple-entry visas to Hong Kong , this week 's expansion will grant Shenzhen 's students and migrants-that is , those who aren 't permanent city residents-the same privilege .

  16. 如今,自由行趋势的出现也给旅游门票分销市场带来可观的前景,然而旅游门票电子商务却发展缓慢,无法满足日益增长的旅游市场的需求。

    Today , the emergence of the free exercise of the trend also bring considerable travel ticket distribution market prospects , however , the slow development of e-commerce travel tickets is unable to meet the needs of the growing tourism market .

  17. 自由地行于天赐的法则之下。

    Cheerful , for freest action form 'd under the laws divine ,

  18. 其中,针对站台疏散时间,本文将其分为自由走行阶段和汇流点排队等待阶段,建立了综合考虑客流密度与设施通过能力的时间模型。

    For the plat evacuation time , the platform will be divided into free walk stage and queuing up to the stage , and establish platform evacuation time model considering the pedestrian density and passage evacuation ability .

  19. BDA注射2周后,取出大脑和脊髓组织,采用自由漂浮法行BDA染色显影。

    Weeks later , animals were sacrificed . The brain and spinal cord were used for BDA staining by the free-floating method .

  20. 动物再存活两周后取出相应的脑和脊髓组织,冰冻切片后,采用自由漂浮法行BDA染色显影,光镜观察。

    Animals were sacrificed . The brain and spinal cord tissue were extracted , frozen sectioned and BDA stained by the free - floating method and observed by using light microscope after 2 weeks survival .

  21. 重要的是自由列车之行。

    The important thing about that freedom train .

  22. 多自由度块行压缩存储技术及大型稀疏方程组的求解

    Block compressed sparse row of Multiple DOF and large sparse linear system real domain solution

  23. 一个以自由市场著称的行产业如今竟到了不得不地依赖政府求生的可怜境地。

    An industry that embodied the free market turns out to be pathetically dependent on the state for its survival .