
zì bēi ɡǎn
  • inferiority complex;sense of inferiority
自卑感 [zì bēi gǎn]
  • [inferiority complex;sense of inferiority] 对身体或社会(或二者)不健全的被压抑的无意识恐惧和情感,这种不健全可能造成极端忧虑、丧失机能或事实上的失败

  1. 对自己的身材有自卑感的男孩。

    A boy who had an inferiority complex about his size .

  2. 随着中国的蓬勃发展,经理人们开始逐渐摆脱他们的自卑感。

    As China has boomed , its managers have started to shed their inferiority complex .

  3. 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感。

    He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive .

  4. 她告诉网站说:“妈妈们通过自我评判和评判她人来让自己感觉好些。我们都想让自己看上去很好,我们也想让我们的孩子看上去很好,给他人留下好印象。”inferioritycomplex:自卑感once-over:粗略的查看

    She told the site : ' Mothers are judging themselves and judging others to make themselves feel a little better . We 're all trying to look good , and we want our kids to look good and impress others . ' Vocabulary :

  5. 应加强男护生心理健康教育,特别是树立自信心,消除自卑感。

    Mental health education should be emphasized for male nursing students .

  6. 这孩子生来就有一种自卑感。

    The child has got an inbuilt feeling of inferiority .

  7. 理智&情绪疗法集体治疗大学生自卑感

    Rational emotive group therapy applied to sense of inferiority among university students

  8. 青春期自卑感的产生、危害及克服

    Produce , Harm and Overcome of Sense of Inferiority in the Puberty

  9. 大多数人都以他们最好的朋友的自卑感为乐。

    Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends .

  10. 他的自信心增强了,自卑感减弱了。”

    His confidence improved and his feelings of inadequacy were reduced . "

  11. 你有受自卑感或是优越感的折磨吗?

    Do you suffer from inferiority or superiority complex ?

  12. 她心里不免负担沉重,经常被一种自卑感所苦恼。

    She was burdened with a constant and often harassing sense of deficiency .

  13. 你自卑感太重了。

    You have too low an opinion of yourself .

  14. 因没考上大学,他有一种自卑感。

    He 's got an inferiority complex about not having been to college .

  15. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。

    Some of them developed a great inferiority complex .

  16. 大学生自卑感及体育锻炼的干预研究

    A study on University Students ' inferiority complex in Hunan and physical exercise intervention

  17. 精神病专家说有自卑感的人可能是非常令人不爽的。

    The psychiatrist says that a person with inferiority feelings can be very disagreeable .

  18. 失败使人产生极度的自卑感。

    Failure induces a total sense of inferiority .

  19. 她自以为有自卑感。

    She has imagined feelings of inferiority .

  20. 我自我安慰地说,那只是我的想象,我的自卑感而已。

    I comforted myself By saying that it was only my imagination , my inferiority complex .

  21. 但在印度,那种对美国由来已久的自卑感也在减少。

    But in India as well , the old inferiority complex towards the US is eroding .

  22. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感一直没有完全消除。

    The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated .

  23. 自卑感与补偿

    Sense of Inferiority and Compensation

  24. 结果表明:(1)幼儿时期自尊心和自卑感二者是伴生并行发展着的;

    1 , The self-respect and inferiority complex of children are developed with the growth of childrem ;

  25. 而自卑感的克服,是青春期心理健康教育的重要内容。

    The overcome of sense of inferiority is an important content of psychological health education in the puberty .

  26. 往往自卑感越强的人,这种补偿作用也会越强。

    The more people who are often feeling of inferiority , which would compensate for the stronger effect .

  27. 依附于外国资本的中国资产阶级既有民族自卑感,也有排外情绪。

    The Chinese bourgeoisie , tied to foreign capital , was infected with feelings of inferiority and antiforeignism .

  28. 他总是对自己尽管有多年经验但没有取得资格有一种自卑感。

    He has always had an inferiority complex about not having a qualification despite his years of experience .

  29. 而在某些方面,它也代表着对于不称职、自卑感以及某种不充分感的嘲笑。

    For some , it also represents ridicule for ineptitude , feelings of inferiority and a sense of inadequacy .

  30. 单亲家庭极易给孩子造成强烈的自卑感,形成一系列心理上的缺陷。

    Single-parent families can easily give a sense of inferiority to their children and forming a series of psychological defects .