
zì wǒ zhōnɡ xīn
  • egotism;egocentricity;autism;egoism
  1. 这篇论文题为《为什么苏西在海岸边卖海贝:隐含的自我中心和重大的人生决定》,其中为了证明这一趋势援引的一个例子是,有相当多的一部分牙医名字叫Denise或Dennis(与“牙医”dentist相近)。

    The paper entitled Why Susie Sells Seashells by the Seashore : Implicit Egotism and Major Life Decisions cites the disproportionate number of dentists called Denise or Dennis as an example of the trend .

  2. 唯实践主义:自我中心困境的新形态

    Pragmatism Centralization : the New shape of Egotism

  3. 他有时让人难以容忍——自我中心,自我陶醉。

    He was insufferable at times — self-centred and narcissistic .

  4. 有趣的是,他们的记忆是高度自我中心化的。

    Interestingly , their memories are highly self-centred .

  5. 对自我中心的狂热崇拜在20世纪60年代变得时髦起来(b戴维兰金)

    The cult of selfhood that became fashionable in the 1960s ( bDavid Rankin )

  6. 这些答案差得太远,尼尔斯说,正确答案是“自我中心”(entitled)。

    The correct answer , she said , is'entitled . '

  7. autism自我中心主义(aut-自己,ism-主义)它指的是一种影响广泛的疾病,特征是社交障碍,重复性行为和语言,不爱开口说话。

    It refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills , repetitive behaviors , speech and nonverbal communication .

  8. 方法:选用自我中心网络调研方法、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC),对180名二年级大学生进行调查。

    Methods : 180 sophomores were tested with an ego-network survey and Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check-list ( ASLEC ) .

  9. 当你刚信主,神会给你许多确定的感觉,并常应允你那些毫不成熟、自我中心的祷告,好使你清楚他的存在。

    The most immature , self-centered prayers-so you 'll know he exists .

  10. 另一方总是看见你是个自我中心者。

    The other always sees that you are an egoist .

  11. 我知道你很自我中心,那是你的特点。

    I know you 're egocentric . it 's your defining characteristic .

  12. 人们不讲道理、思想谬误、自我中心,但不管怎样,还是要爱他们。

    People are unreasonable , illogical and self-centered . Love them anyway .

  13. 但是,全知叙述者批判了代助的自我中心主义。

    Yet the omniscient narrator criticizes the egoism of Daisuke .

  14. 自我中心的以自我为中心来看或来理解的。

    Viewed or perceived from one 's own mind as a center .

  15. 智慧的显著特点在于减少自我中心,阿尔德特教授说。

    Wisdom is characterized by a reduction in self-centeredness , Professor Ardelt said .

  16. 一个自我中心的人不能爱,因为爱使人平等。

    An egoistic person cannot love because love equalizes .

  17. 中国智慧的思维特性表现为主客融合,强调客体主体化,但往往导致主体自我中心的遮蔽;

    Chinese intelligence thinking characterizes the mixture of the subject and the object .

  18. 然而,有些人就不是这么自我中心。

    Some people however , are not so self-centered .

  19. 人们不讲道理、思想谬误、自我中心吗?无论如何,爱他们吧。

    Are people unreasonable , illogical , self centered ? Love them anyway .

  20. 语言的自我中心性可以表现在从语素到文本的各个层面。

    Linguistic egocentrism can be found on all the levels from morpheme to text .

  21. 世俗中的特殊关系常是自私、幼稚、自我中心,而且颇具破坏性的。

    The special relationships of the world are destructive , selfish and childishly egocentric .

  22. 本文认为以人类中心主义和自我中心主义为主要特征的工业时代的文化是生态危机的根源。

    The human-centered and self-centered culture fostered in the industrial age led to biological crisis .

  23. 自我中心倾向对学生的成长发展影响极大。

    The self-centeredness tendency has great influence upon the students ' sound growth and development .

  24. 对财富,权利,和名誉的欲望和自我中心的行为必须结束。

    Egocentric activity has to end , the desire for profit , power and prestige .

  25. 这两兄弟变成了自我中心的人,和村里的人都融洽。

    Having become self-absorbed persons , the brothers did not associate much with the villagers .

  26. 智慧的显著特点在于“减少自我中心”,阿尔德特教授说。

    Wisdom is characterized by a " reduction in self-centeredness , " Professor Ardelt said .

  27. 贝娄对他者马德琳的态度,客观上反映了作家的自我中心意识与男性沙文主义思想。

    Bellow 's attitude to Madeleine suggests the writer 's own egotism and male Chauvinism .

  28. 自我中心言语是儿童言语和思维发展过程中的一个重要现象。

    Egocentric speech is a very important phenomenon in childrens development of speech and thinking .

  29. 外围就是专注的焦点,自我中心就是由这些局限制造的。

    The fences are the points of attention , the limits that create the center .

  30. 自我中心社会网络是以个体为中心,探讨其对外的关系连结所建立起来的社会网络。

    Selfishness society network take individual as center , as study relation of society network .