
  • 网络philip;Phillip
  1. 马其顿国王腓力二世(PhilipII)邀请他为儿子亚历山大当导师。

    King Philip II of Macedon engaged him as a tutor to his son Alexander .

  2. 他们已经说腓力是个伟大的将军。

    They say already , Philip was a great general .

  3. 这种过分的礼貌使腓力普太太受宠若惊。

    Mrs. Philips was quite awed by such an excess of good breeding ;

  4. 索尔国王集结了军队,但腓力斯人却没有进攻。

    King Saul gathered his army , but the Philistines did not attack .

  5. 为了你自己,弄清楚腓力的想法吧。

    Understand how philix thinks for your own sake .

  6. 叙利亚人称她为“阿塔哥提斯”,而腓力斯人则把她叫作“得塞托”。

    The Syrians called her Atargatis while the Philistines knew her as Derceto .

  7. 法尔内塞:为西班牙腓力二世效劳的意大利将军及外交官。

    Farnese : Italian general and diplomat in service to Philip II of Spain .

  8. 这腓力是伯赛大人,和安得烈、彼得同城。

    Now philip 's town was beth-saida , where Andrew and Peter came from .

  9. 从此她们每次拜访腓力普太太都获得了最有趣的消息。

    Their visits to Mrs. Philips were now productive of the most interesting intelligence .

  10. 腓力斯人一直与我们同在。

    The philistines will be always with us .

  11. 腓力普姨妈要你们赶快找丈夫,你们可没有想到吧。

    My aunt Philips wants you so to get husbands , you can 't think .

  12. 一三四六年克雷西斯战役中,用兵无方的腓力歼灭了自己的军队。

    At the battle of Crecy in1346 , the inept Philip annihilated his own army .

  13. 腓力斯人却想灭亡我们。

    But the Philistines wanted us dead .

  14. 他父亲腓力王被刺杀了。

    His father King Philip was murdered .

  15. 迪瑞克:她要烤鸭,我要腓力牛排。

    Derek : she will have the duck , and I will have the filet mignon .

  16. 众所周知,叙利亚人和腓力斯人敬奉一位闪米特美人鱼月神。

    The Syrians and the Philistines were also known to have worshiped a Semitic mermaid moon-goddess .

  17. 基督为什么问腓力呢?

    Why did He ask Philip ?

  18. 耶稣答道:“腓力还未跟你说话,我就看到你在无花果树下了。”

    Jesus replied ," I saw you under the fig-tree before Philip spoke to you . "

  19. 腓力对他说,求主将父显给我们看,我们就知足了。

    Philip saith unto him , Lord , shew us the Father , and it sufficeth us .

  20. 柯林斯先生回来之后,大大称赞腓力普太太的殷勤好客,班纳特太太听得很满意。

    Mr. Collins on his return highly gratified Mrs. Bennet by admiring Mrs. Phillips 's manners and politeness .

  21. 腓力诚然想帮助群众,却想不到有什么方法。

    Philip no doubt wanted to help the crowd but couldn 't see how it could be done .

  22. 跟,腓力下令骑士冲锋,前后十五次,每一次都被英军弓箭手射退。

    Philip then ordered fifteen charges of mounted knights , all of which were stopped by English arrows .

  23. 歌利亚说如果任何以色列人能击败他,那麽腓力斯人就会投降。

    Goliath said that if any man of Israel could beat him , then the Philistines would surrender .

  24. 2腓力去告诉安得烈,安得烈同腓力去告诉耶稣。

    2 Philip came and told andrew ; andrew came , and Philip too , and they told jesus .

  25. 基督的回答似乎略微率直,但我们应该感谢腓力提出这个问题。

    Christ 's answer seems a little blunt , but we ought to be grateful for Philip 's question .

  26. 腓力斯大人,我们因你得以大享太平,并且这国因你的先见,随事随处得了改革,我们满心感谢的领受。

    Both in every way and everywhere , we welcome it , most excellent felix , with all thankfulness .

  27. 这可能暗示腓力通常负责安排门徒的膳食。

    It has been suggested that Philip was usually in charge of the feeding arrangements for the twelve disciples .

  28. 他说这话,是要试验腓力,他自己原知道要怎样行。

    But this he said to test him , for he himself knew what he was about to do .

  29. “腓力普姨母也说,海水浴一定会对我的身体大有好处。”吉蒂接着说。

    " And my aunt Philips is sure it would do me a great deal of good ," added Kitty .

  30. 这十二个人有西门,耶稣又给他起名叫彼得,还有他兄弟安得烈,又有雅各和约翰,腓力和巴多罗买

    Simon ,( whom he also named Peter ,) and Andrew his brother , James and John , Philip and Bartholomew