
  • 网络arbiter;Arbitrator;mediator;moderator
  1. AcmeCOE还建立了体系结构审核委员会,将其作为有争议的问题的仲裁者。

    The Acme COE also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for contentious issues .

  2. “酷”的仲裁者,科洛·塞维尼(ChloëSevigny)已经成了这款内裤的粉丝。

    She already counts Chlo ë Sevigny , an arbiter of all things cool , as a fan .

  3. 在法医学领域,质量的最后仲裁者是法庭。

    In the forensicfield , the final arbiters of quality are the courts .

  4. 适配器在新旧web服务版本之间扮演一个仲裁者角色。

    The adapter acts as a mediator between old client versions and new web service versions .

  5. 针对现在的基于CAN总线的分布式实时系统通讯模型,提出一个具有优先级的分布式实时系统通讯模型:生产者-仲裁者-消费者模型(Producer-Arbitrator-ConsumerModel)。

    According to the popular communication model base on CAN , this paper proposes a distributed real time communication model : producer-arbitrator-consumer ( PAC ) model .

  6. 用户登录时只需一次身份认证,就可以在多个应用服务间自由穿梭,不必重复输入用户名和密码来验证身份,Kerberos在服务中起着可信仲裁者的作用。

    User authentication login only once , we can freely shuttle between multiple applications without having to repeatedly enter a user name and password to determine the identity , Kerberos in the service plays a credible arbiter role .

  7. 本体到本体的仲裁者(OO-Mediators)将本体联结起来并解决术语上和表示上的不匹配;

    Ontology to Ontology mediators ( OO-Mediators ) connect ontologies and resolve terminological and representational mismatches ;

  8. 牛津大学的ferdinandogiugliano表示,当这一扭曲过程太离谱时,意大利缺乏可介入制止的仲裁者。

    Italy lacks referees who can intervene when this process goes too far , argues Ferdinando Giugliano of Oxford University .

  9. 新娘鲁巴娜决定请来一位当地的“Qazi”,也就是穆斯林的仲裁者来为自己主持公道。在家人的支持下,她宣布与蒙塔加离婚。

    Bride Rubana decided to call a local ' Qazi ' , also known as a Muslim judge , and with her family 's support she declared divorce .

  10. 她是流行款式的最后仲裁者。

    She was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion .

  11. 伯爵是各州与联邦政府之问的仲裁者。

    The count was an arbiter between the States andthefederalgovernment .

  12. 不同的仲裁者可以被归组到一个仲裁服务当中

    Different mediators can be grouped together in a mediation service

  13. 而在这个问题上你们为什么不能是一位公正的仲裁者呢?”

    Why can 't you be a fair arbiter of that issue ? "

  14. 系统首先设定仲裁者在网络中的标识符的优先级是最低的,因此,凡是从生产者发送到仲裁者的消息的优先级低于从仲裁者发送的消息。

    The identifier of arbitrator should be lowest priority in the network first .

  15. 天主教徒向玛利亚祈祷,并把她看作仲裁者。

    Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor .

  16. 第二股力量是评级机构,信贷风险新的仲裁者。

    The second is the rating agencies , the new arbiters of credit risk .

  17. 该组织应该是良好经济政策的公正仲裁者。

    The fund is supposed to be an impartial arbiter of good economic policy .

  18. 仲裁者或公断人的判决。

    The judgment of an arbitrator or arbiter .

  19. 对内,国家不再做战略规划,变身成为监管体制的仲裁者。

    Abdicating strategic planning internally , the state become an arbiter of regulatory regimes .

  20. 实验是科学的最后仲裁者。

    Experiment is the final arbiter in science .

  21. 光之仲裁者-神圣光芒重命名为光之仲裁者。

    Arbiter of the Light-Name changed from Sanctified Light to Arbiter of the Light .

  22. 它告诉人们,在寡头对峙中,克里姆林宫是唯一有效的仲裁者。

    It shows that the Kremlin remains the only effective arbiter in such tycoon stand-offs .

  23. 当彼此冲突的双边协定引发国家间争端时,谁又有资格担当中立的仲裁者?

    And who will be the neutral arbiter when nations clash over conflicting bilateral agreements ?

  24. 除非另由仲裁者绑定所有履行的义务的有关指令。

    Arbitrator from the performance of all the obligations by which it it bound hereunder .

  25. 他们想要证明没有仲裁者恩惠他们也能很出色。

    They wanted to prove that they can do it without the ref favoring them .

  26. 它和一个资源仲裁者共同为你的设备分配资源。

    It works with a set of resource arbitrators to assign resources to your device .

  27. 可以通过评价者间的讨论或依靠另外一个独立的仲裁者来达成统一意见。

    Consensus can be achieved by discussion among reviewers or by using an additional independent arbitrator .

  28. 这使得联合国前秘书长科菲·安南成为了唯一的似乎可信的仲裁者。

    This leaves a former UN secretary-general , Kofi Annan , as the sole plausible mediator .

  29. 仲裁者折衷调解沣了他们的纷争。

    An arbiter compromised their differences .

  30. 扎克伯格不愿让他的公司担当真相的仲裁者。

    Mr Zuckerberg is reluctant for his company to assume a role as arbiter of the truth .