
fǔ shí jī
  • etching machine
  1. 最后给出了一种能自动测K值的带有信号反馈系统的联动腐蚀机设计构思,为实现联动腐蚀的检测、调整自动化,做了个小引。

    The design idea of the connection etching machine which can detect K automatically and have the signal back systems is presented , and the detection of the connection etching and the automatical operation are introduced a little in this paper .

  2. 腐蚀机理由特别技术小组60协助。

    It is also sponsored by STG 60 on Corrosion Mechanisms .

  3. 本文介绍了GYF-30低应变速率腐蚀试验机数据处理系统的原理及系统设计。

    This article presents the principle and design of the data-processing system of low strain rate stress corrosion tester GYF-30 .

  4. 应力腐蚀试验机数据处理系统

    The Data - processing System of Stress Corrosion Tester

  5. 利用圆桶式冲刷腐蚀实验机,在含砂淡水体系中进行了几种碳钢的冲刷腐蚀失重实验和线性极化电阻测试,讨论了冲刷腐蚀作用的机理。

    In this paper , erosion-corrosion experiments of four kinds of carbon steels in multiphase flowing freshwater with sand were carried out using a tubbish erosion-corrosion device and linear polarization technique .

  6. 利用旋转圆盘式冲刷腐蚀实验机,研究了环氧粉末涂层的冲蚀率与流速之间的变化规律以及含砂量、砂粒径对速度指数的影响。

    The relationship between erosion rate of fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating and the flow velocity , and the influence of the content and size of sand in water based slurries on the exponent of the flow velocity have been investigated by using modified rotating disk rig .

  7. 腐蚀磨损试验机的转速400转/分。在不同的介质(PH≈3)和不同的时间内,对低碳高合金钢、高锰钢和中碳合金钢进行了冲击腐蚀磨损性能的研究。

    The worn surfaces of the three steels show that the mechanism of the low carbon high alloy steel is impact abrasion , the high manganese steel is impact-corrosion , and the medium carbon alloy steel is the heaviest impact-corrosion .

  8. 在改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,对不同成分的低碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试。

    LCHA with several variations of composition were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior under corrosive impact abrasion .

  9. 用改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机,在模拟工况条件下,对不同碳含量的新型衬板用低碳高合金钢冲击腐蚀磨损行为进行了比较;

    Researches were made on the impact wear properties of low carbon high steels with different carbon contents on simulated conditions by using a modified MLD-10 impact wear tester .

  10. 应用改进型WOL试样,采用符合实际工况的中等浓度200×10-6的H2S溶液、0.0067Hz的超低周频率,在自行改造的专用低周腐蚀疲劳试验机上进行了试验。

    By using modified WOL specimens , under a low frequency 0.0067 Hz and in the moderate concentration ( 200 × 10 ~ ( - 6 )) sulfured hydrogen solution ; the tests were accomplished on a modified low-frequency corrosion fatigue machine .

  11. 采用改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机,模拟湿磨工况条件,对新型衬板材质低碳高合金钢和传统材质高锰钢的抗冲击腐蚀磨损特性进行了研究。

    Under wet ball mill conditions , corrosive impact abrasion behavior of a newly developed low carbon high alloy steel liner material were researched with a modified MLD - 10 wear tester , and comparison with the traditional high manganese steel was made .

  12. 在MMG-200高温氧化冲刷腐蚀磨损试验机上,考察了Al2O3/不锈钢基、WC/不锈钢基表面复合材料在模拟湿法磷酸工况下的冲蚀磨损性能,并与目前在此工况中使用较好的高铬钢进行了对比。

    The erosive wear characteristics of alumina / stainless steel composite , WC / stainless steel composite and high chromium steel ( as reference material ) were investigated on the erosive wear tester of MMG-200 simulating the erosion in wet phosphoric acid solution .

  13. 全自动腐蚀加速实验机的设计

    The Design of Automatic Controlled Fast - Eroding Test Machine

  14. 三种腐蚀磨损试验机与两种不锈钢腐蚀磨损性能的研究

    Studies on Three Types of Corrosive Wear Testers and Corrosive Wear Behavior of Stainless Steels

  15. 燃烧劣质型煤时会造成锅炉热效率降低、出力严重不足、炉膛温度降低、锅炉尾部受热面堵灰腐蚀、增大风机电耗、长期运行可靠性差、司炉劳动强度大等一系列问题。

    It also includes decrease of thermal efficiency , shortage of output , decline of furnace temperature , ash deposite and corrosion of tail heat surface , increase of fan electricity cost , lower reliability of long period running , and bigger stoker labor strength etc.

  16. 海水干湿交替腐蚀试验盐水、干燥、加湿、浸渍复合腐蚀试验机

    Alternating dry and wet test with sea water Combined Cyclic Corrosion Tester

  17. 乙醇的极性最强,对丁腈橡胶的腐蚀最为强烈,提出了燃料分子的极性力是造成含氧燃料腐蚀柴油机燃油橡胶管的观点。

    Ethanol which had the strongest polar force corroded nitrile rubber most .