
nóng qiāng
  • vomica
脓腔[nóng qiāng]
  1. 此时,基于肾积脓的病理改变为肾组织广泛破坏,肾内为脓液充填,形成巨大脓腔。

    At this point , based on the pathological changes of renal extensive destruction , renal as pus filling , forming a huge Vomica .

  2. 目的探讨CT引导下脓腔置管引流、冲洗治疗肺脓肿的疗效。

    Objective To observe the result of rinse and drainage therapy after placing the drainage catheter into the cavity by CT guiding .

  3. 但脓腔缩小时间短,肝区疼痛消失早,不良反应少(P<0.01或0.05)。

    However , the abscess cavity reduced more rapidly , liver pain disappeared sooner , and less adverse reactions in the norfloxacin group than in the metronidazole group ( P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 结果脑脓肿(脓腔)在DWI上表现为明显的高信号,而脑肿瘤坏死囊变区表现为低信号。

    Results On DWI , brain abscess showed marked high signal intensity and necrotic and / or cystic brain tumor presented low signal intensity .

  5. 结果:CT反映肾结核病理特征常有:(1)肾髓质多发空洞或脓腔形成(884%),常呈囊状低密影并围绕肾盂似花瓣状排列;

    Results : The common characteristic CT features included : 1 ) formation of multiple tuberculous cavities or abscesses in the medulla ( 88.4 % ), which often appeared the low density areas in the range of water and arranged in petal like around the pelvis .

  6. 当然充分地冲洗手术野对预防肿瘤的复发有积极作用引流、冲洗脓腔持续12~22d,平均15d;

    Of course it has positive pole in prevention tumor recurrent to rinse fully after operation . The drainage tubes were placed in abscess cavities within 12-22 days , average 15 days .

  7. 方法通过原引流管或窦道造影了解脓腔位置,采用介入技术置放10.2F~16F单腔或双腔引流管。

    Method Drainage catheter and sinography were employed to locate the site of the abscess , and a 10.2F ~ 16F catheter with single or double lumen was inserted into the abscess by interventional technique .

  8. 12例共置入13枚蘑菇状覆膜内支架,技术操作全部成功,脓腔愈合后将引流管拔出。

    13 mushroom covered membrane stents were implanted in 12 patients .

  9. 导管引流及脓腔灌洗治疗急性软组织脓肿

    Catheter drainage with cavity irrigation for acutes of T tissue abscess

  10. 带蒂大网膜填塞脓腔治疗脾脓肿

    Infilling of the pedunculated omentum in the treatment of splenic abscess

  11. 方法经皮肺穿刺进入脓腔后置入引流管,经管抽吸、冲洗及局部用药。

    Methods A chest drainage tube was inserted into the abscess cavity percutaneonsly .

  12. 1次/日脓腔密闭负压引流动态观察法。

    Dynamic observations of abscess in the course of closed negative pressure drainage .

  13. 结果经鼻腔胃减压管、空肠营养管和脓腔引流管置入位置合适。

    Results The drainage of thoracic abscess , nutritious tube of jejunum and gastric tube were placed successfully .

  14. 最后,以游离的大网膜瓣充填脓腔,并进行微血管吻合。

    Finally , the abscess was filled with a free greater omentum flap , accompanied by microvascular anastomosis .

  15. 增强扫描可以显示脓腔壁、肾盂、肾盏壁及输尿管壁的异常强化;

    T_1WI with enhancement could manifest abnormally reinforced walls of pyoid cavity , renal pelvis and calyx and ureter .

  16. 脓腔消失,症状缓解,白细胞计数及分类恢复正常。

    Remission of the symptoms , resolution of abscess cavity and normal leukocyte count and classification were later observed .

  17. 方法:将78例高位肛周脓肿的病人随机分成试验组和对照组,其中试验组39例采用经肛门后位切开、脓腔旷置引流术;

    Methods : 78 patients with hyper-positional perianal abscess were divided randomly into the test group and the control group .

  18. 空洞造口术后,患者继续在门诊每周一次更换纱布以清理脓腔,持续14个月。

    For14 months after cavernostomy , once-weekly gauze exchange was continued at the outpatient clinic to clean the abscess cavity .

  19. 并对带蒂大网膜移植填塞脓腔术治疗难愈的慢性脓肿进行了探讨。

    The treatment of chronic refractory empyema with the pedicellatcd greater omentum transplantation inserted into pleural cavity is also discussed .

  20. 方法观察分析我院26例经手术证实的脾切除术后左上腹腔脓肿X线表现,所有病例均作了腹部平片,13例作胃肠钡餐检查,10例作脓腔或窦道造影。

    Methods We retrospectively observed and analyzed the X-ray manifestations of 26 cases of left superior peritoneal abscesses post splenectomy identified surgically .

  21. 所有患者均治愈出院,治疗后1、3、6个月随访肝内无脓腔。

    All patients were discharged from hospital after recovery . There was no pus cavity in liver and subphrenic space upon 1,3,6 months .

  22. 结论局部真空疗法能促进脓腔缩小和改善组织血液循环,缩短治疗时间,可以安全用于治疗急慢性深部脓肿。

    Conclusions The VAC therapy can facilitate shrinkage of pus cavity , increase local blood flow and be used to treat both acute and chronic deep abscess safely .

  23. 括约肌间沟入路、脓腔引流旷置、内口切除治疗骨盆直肠窝脓肿的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Pelvirectal Abscess with Incision and Drainage of the Internal Mouth of Abscess Along Inter Muscular Septum between the Sphincter Internas and the Sphincter Externus

  24. 方法自1978年至2000年以带蒂大网膜填塞脓腔治疗脾脓肿5例。结果5例全部治愈。

    Methods Five cases of splenic abscess were treated by infilling of the pedunculated omentum into the abscess cavity from 1978 to 2000 . Results All patients were cured .

  25. 哮喘持续状态4例,3例症状缓解;急性肺脓肿12例,均有不同程度脓腔缩小或闭合。

    Of 4 patients with conti-nous asthma , the symptom was relieved in 3 . In 12 patients with acute lung abscess , the suppurative cavity was reduced or healed in different degree .

  26. 个体化气道Y型单子弹头覆膜内支架置入可有效封堵肺切术后支气管胸膜瘘,加快瘘口愈合,脓腔的缩小或消失,改善患者生活质量。

    Individual Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent placement can effectively treat BPF after lung resection , promote the fistula healing , pus cavity reduction or disappear , improve quality of patient life .

  27. 脓腔积气的主要原因可能在于:产气菌的作用、颈胸部联合感染、咽部感染随吞咽运动产生积气。

    The most possibilities of pyogenic infection with pneumatosis of vomica in cervical part are the action of aerogenic bacterium , infection both in cervical part and chest or swallowing movement of pharynx .

  28. 方法对8例食管胃吻合口瘘患者透视下,经鼻腔和食管向脓腔内置入引流管,负压抽吸脓液,再经食管置入蘑菇状覆膜内支架封堵瘘口。

    Methods For 8 patients with gastroesophageal anastomotic fistula , under fluoroscopic guidance , the drainage tube was put into the abscess cavity through nasal cavity and esophageal fistula , then stent was implanted within the esophagus .

  29. 结果:不典型肝脓肿有3种类型:5个(15.62%)为直径小于2.2cm的房腔型脓肿,增强后才能显示其脓腔及腔壁;

    Results : There were 3 types of atypical liver abscesses on MRI . Five lesions ( 15.63 % ) appeared as a small cavity less than 2.2 cm and showed rim enhancement of wall only after contrast .

  30. 透视下,12例食管-胃吻合口瘘永久性置入蘑菇状覆膜内支架,8例暂时性经鼻与食管置入脓腔引流管和蘑菇状内支架。

    The forever mushroom shape covered stents were implanted in 12 patients , the temporary covered stent with mushroom shape and drain of abscess were placed in 8 patients through nasal cavity and esophagus under the fluoroscopic guidance .