- Brain Damage;Retarded

Continue to brain damage , brain damage not sin .
The absence of fear is not courage ; the absence of fear is some kind of brain damage .
Teletrash refers to television programs which target the least intelligent and the least sophisticated viewers .
Once you pass , don 't boast about the CFA program . That 's one of the most stupidest things to do .
She loves to shock but even hardcore Miley Cyrus fans may have thought her performance at the MTV VMAs was too much .
Foreigners think the American exit sign is completely nuts & that is , inferior to the widely recognized , green-running-man symbol developed in the 1970s by Yukio Ota , a Japanese designer .
This term " nao can ti ", meaning literally " brain-impaired writing style ," is the Chinese answer to " leetspeak " in English .
Fifth , You shall not reply to the brainless people .
It 's not metersbonewe , what I say is that your head is ill .
Beacuse you are a brain-damaged mule and you are lost in the damn desert !
Either way , Hodgson , I believe , is being handicapped by club politics .
It 's very necessary to open education for prevention of maim in middle school .
The OP is brain-damaged .
A movie like Fast & Furious 6 is often considered to be a big , dumb action film .
They are working-hour chamberlains for those ignorant foreigner in those unfamiliar places full of strangers and language barriers .
Lazy , promiscuous , confused , selfish , brain damaged and overall hopeless are all labels that have been given to China 's so-called post-90s generation .
I 'm not into games that are too gritty or take themselves too seriously , nor am I into themes that are too pandering or sickeningly sweet .
We mean unless you are spec 'd for healing or tanking , then your dps should be " close " to another class with the same gear and skill .
Webking.com purports to be the homepage of a web designer who will build your own for $ 99 , but the site itself it so bad that only the clueless would employ him .
The program runs a speed test to provide you with a few nicely shaded graphs and a dumbed down conclusion , stating whether your connection is worthy of web surfing or music or video streaming .
This language is quite popular among young netizens who on one hand would like to show their independent personality , on the other hand , want to keep some privacy from their teachers and parents .
` You may joke about how committee meetings make you feel brain dead , but our findings suggest that they may make you act brain dead as well , ` said Read Montague the study leader at Virginia Tech.
If you 're so stupid as to think the Chinese don 't value the dollar , why do you think they 're buying up all our debt , do you think they think we 're going to pay it all back in yen ?
Amazon employees collected examples of Mr. Bezos 's most eviscerating put-downs , including , " Are you lazy or just incompetent ? " " Why are you wasting my life ? " and " I 'm sorry , did I take my stupid pills today ? "
And since skin is waterproof , trying to force moisture into it from the outside is the errand of a halfwit , when it is both cost-free and much easier to put the moisture on the inside , in the form of a glass of water .