
tāi shēng
  • viviparism;viviparity;vivipation
胎生 [tāi shēng]
  • [viviparity] 人或某些动物的幼体在母体内发育到一定时期后脱离母体的繁殖方式

胎生[tāi shēng]
  1. 她头一胎生了个女孩。

    Her firstborn was a baby girl .

  2. 胎生鱼类中存在异期复孕。中孕期24h动态血压监测的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Ambulatory 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring during Middle Pregnancy

  3. 草鱼GH单克隆抗体对9种硬骨鱼的免疫细胞化学定位卵胎生硬骨鱼褐菖鲉卵巢的周期发育研究

    Immunocytochemical localization of nine teleosts using monoclonal antibody of grass carp growth hormone

  4. 军曹鱼全人工繁殖群体遗传特征的SSR分析非胎生红树植物繁殖体特征与分带关系

    A genetic analysis of cultured populations of cobia with microsatellite markers Relationship Between Diaspore Traits and Inter-tidal Zonation of Non-viviparous Mangrove Species

  5. 他甚至想给他的第一个女儿起名叫“Siri”,不料他第一胎生了个男孩。

    In fact , he wanted to name his first daughter Siri but a son came first .

  6. 胎生蜥蜴(Lacertavivipara)生殖行为及生殖策略的研究

    Study on the behavior of breeding and strategy of reproductive of Lacerta vivipara

  7. 在正常妊娠过程中胎儿作为一种同种半异体被母体所接受而不出现免疫排斥现象,主要依赖于胎生动物母胎界面细胞上MHC表达情况。

    In normal pregnancy , fetus as a half allograft was accepted and not appear immune rejection , mainly rely on the expression of MHC ( major histocompatibility complex ) from uterus interface cells .

  8. 通过直接观察和胃容物分析对胎生蜥蜴(Lacertavivipara)的捕食行为和食性进行了研究。

    With direct observation and stomach dissection , this paper studied the predatory behavior and meal habit of Lacerta vivipara .

  9. 福建嗜木螨以两性生殖为主,兼具卵胎生,每雌产卵量平均为542.51粒。

    The average fecundity was 542 . 51 eggs one female .

  10. 先天性心脏病患儿认知功能损伤的胎生起源

    Fetal Origins of Cognitive Disorder in Children with Congenital Heart Disease

  11. 一窝动物所有一胎生动物;产仔。

    All the animals born at one birth ; a litter .

  12. 狗有时一胎生五、六只(小狗)。

    Dogs sometimes produce five or six young at a birth .

  13. 同时,胎生类传记具有研究性和说明性特点。

    Meanwhile , egg-like investigative and prescriptive biography has such characteristics .

  14. 中国胎生植物的种类和地理分布

    The Kinds and Geographical Distribution of Viviparous Plants in China

  15. 北美和中美众多的无毒、胎生并有纵向条纹的蛇。

    Any of numerous nonvenomous longitudinally-striped viviparous North and Central American snakes .

  16. 西鄂尔多斯荒漠胎生灌木种子萌发特性研究

    Study on Seed Germination Characteristics of Desert Viviparous Shrub in Western Ordos

  17. 平均每受胎一次所需配种次数人和其他大多数哺乳动物都是胎生的。

    Number of services per conception Man and most other mammals are viviparous .

  18. 不同寄主植物桑寄生总黄酮含量研究第一寄主的孤雌胎生蚜

    Study on the Contents of Total Flavonoids of Herba Taxilli from Different Host-plants

  19. 营卵胎生繁殖,平均每雌繁殖量为167头。

    An adult female breeds in average 167 nymphs .

  20. 包含海鲫的胎生鲈形鱼。

    Viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes .

  21. 红树植物胎生胚轴的能量动态研究

    Study on Dynamic of Energy of Mangrove Hypocotyl

  22. 小兴安岭北部胎生蜥蜴春季的栖息生境

    Habitat of Lacerta vivipara in Spring in the North of Xiaoxing ′ an Mountains

  23. 中国胎生植物的科属研究

    Families and genera of Viviparous Plants in China

  24. 那么你,“他们说,”你一胎生多少个幼师呢?

    And you ," they said ," how many sons have you at a birth ?

  25. 包含海鲫的胎生鲈形鱼。温带和热带的胎生粘鱼。

    Viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes . viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas .

  26. 相反,鱼龙和其他同时代的胎生动物会一次生出多个后代。

    Ichthyosaurs and other contemporary viviparous species , by contrast , gave birth to multiple offspring .

  27. 新疆胎生植物研究

    Research of Viviparous Plants in Xinjiang

  28. 在无性繁殖方面,二者都通过克隆生长形成胎生苗。

    In respect of asexual propagation , both of the two species can produce viviparous plantlets .

  29. 红树胎生现象及其对潮间带生境适应性研究进展

    Development of the viviparous hypocotyl of mangrove and its adaptation to inter-tidal habitats : A review

  30. 它们用肺呼吸,而不是鳃,属于胎生。

    They breathe through lungs , not through gills , and give birth to live young .