- 网络Carrying a cross;bear one's cross

We , His believers , first were crucified with Him and now bear the cross .
Christ had spoken about bearing the cross from the human side , as the one condition of discipleship .
The impotence of the Church is greatly owing to the fact that this cross-bearing mind of Jesus is so little preached and practised .
It was in the ordination charge , when Christ sent forth His disciples , that he first used the expression that the disciple must take up his cross and follow Him .
We all have the cross to bear .
Who here his cross can meekly bear
The cross which my Lord bids me take up and carry may assume different shapes .
Joining in Peter 's confession would bring believers into conflict with the world and lead them to deny themselves as they picked up a cross of discipleship .
We complain about the cross we bear but don 't realize it is preparing us for the dip in the road that God can see and we cannot .
As a symbol of people longing for happiness , the cross of Jesus , the Father , the Son , the Virgin Mary are often seen in the painting .
Another way of putting this is : We are to " deny ourselves , take up the cross , and follow Christ . " This is our true identity .
They gave him a procession of honour , in which Roman legionaries , Jewish priests , men and women , took a part , he himself bearing his cross .
When he was carrying the cross , walk on the narrow path . or , but to build that seat , he had already ziggurats made sacrifices of preparation .
And whosoever doth not bear his cross , and come after me , cannot be my disciple .
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also , he said unto them , Whosoever will come after me , let him deny himself , and take up his cross , and follow me .
Take up your cross daily and follow Jesus .
Every man must carry his own cross .
The offender 's sorrow lends but weak relief To him that bears the strong offence 's cross .
If you would be revealed you must either dance naked in the sun , or carry your cross .
And so all His life Christ bore His cross & the death sentence that He should die for the world .
May we all lay down whatever distractions and comforts Satan has put into our lives and instead take up our cross .
Carrying his own cross , he went out to the place of the skull ( which in Aramaic is called Golgotha ) .
And as they came out , they found a man of Cyrene , Simon by name : him they compelled to bear his cross .
This act of personal surrender is called many things : consecration , making Jesus your Lord , taking up your cross , dying to self , yielding to the Spirit .
With what gratitude ought we to listen to the call to bear our cross , to yield our " old man " as crucified with Christ daily to that death which he deserves !
And each Christian must bear his cross , acknowledging that he is worthy of death , and believing that he is crucified with Christ , and that the crucified One lives in him .
Nothing less than this , the hating of our own life , will make us willing to bear the cross , and carry within us the sentence of death on our evil nature .
We take up a cross not to gain material blessings or even eternal life , but rather because it means we get to follow Jesus who alone is worthy of our love and praise .
And they made one , Simon of cyrene , the father of Alexander and rufus , who was going by , coming from the country , go with them , so that he might take his cross .
It is the sad lack of the mind and disposition of the crucified Christ , sacrificing self and the world to win life for the dying , that is one great cause of the feebleness of the Church .