
jiě shuō yuán
  • narrator;commentator;announcer
  1. 美国宇航局解说员RobNavias宣布了这次任务以及航天飞机项目的结束。

    NASA commentator Rob Navias announced the end of the mission and the space shuttle program .

  2. 决定WMA比赛观赏性的因素主要有参赛选手、教练员、裁判员、解说员和观众;

    The relative factors what decided the aesthetic enjoyment of WMA match included players , coaches , referees , TV narrator & commentator and spectators .

  3. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。

    Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam .

  4. 单单英国广播公司就派出技术人员、导演、解说员等一行300人。

    The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians , directors and commentators

  5. 电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦

    Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam .

  6. 不良的发音是做解说员的不利条件。

    Bad pronunciation is a liability in being a narrator .

  7. “高呼者”指的是说话大声且咄咄逼人的人,特别是电视评论员或解说员。

    Shouting head is a loud and aggressive person , particularly one who is a television pundit1 or commentator2 .

  8. 这位名人堂候选成员将目光锁定在了NBA解说员的岗位。

    He 's a potential Hall of Fame candidate who has his eyes set on becoming an NBA broadcaster .

  9. 他已经做过NBA夏季联赛和高水平青年比赛的嘉宾主持,TNT电视台有可能是他下一步落脚的地方(想一想,一场比赛中解说员比球员更著名的场景…)。

    He has already worked as a guest analyst for NBA summer league games and high-profile youth games.TNT could be his next step .

  10. 另一位CBC解说员斯科特•拉塞尔为麦克唐纳的不当点评在电视节目中道歉。

    Scott Russell , another CBC commentator , issued an on-air apology for MacDonald 's remarks .

  11. 解说员是微软公司的创建者之一比尔·盖茨和员工克里斯·卡波塞拉(ChrisCapossela)。

    The presenters were Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Chris Capossela , a Microsoft employee .

  12. 由于中国中央电视台(CCTV)体育解说员杨健在北京一个奥运报道论坛上的报料,刘翔成为最新一位站上中国阴谋论风口浪尖的人物。

    Liu is the latest to top the country 's conspiracy charts , thanks to a revelation at an Olympics reporting forum in Beijing from China Central Television sports anchor Yang Jian .

  13. 赛车及老爷车解说员兼播音员阿拉因德卡德内(alaindecadenet)认为,老爷车价格在美国飙升的另一个因素是,9/11之后,美国人自己的遗产有了重新认识。

    Racing driver and classic car commentator and broadcaster Alain de Cadenet believes that another factor responsible for the soaring prices of classics in the US is that , following 9 / 11 , Americans have re-evaluated their heritage .

  14. 在一小时的行程中,这辆个性化的K9巴士还将路过几个和狗狗有关的著名地点。车上的解说员将全程为大家作介绍。

    Over the course of the hour-long route , the customised London Routemaster , aptly numbered the K9 , will also drive past an array of points of interest with a connection to dogs in the city , with expert insight provided throughout by the on-board commentator .

  15. 这些解说员们谈到了比球赛本身更大的事情。

    Those commentators were onto something larger than the match itself .

  16. 体育解说员将在季后赛中解说所有球队。

    Thesportscasters will talk about all the teams in the playoffs .

  17. 解说员和播报员都偏爱巨人队。

    The commentator and the announcer are both for the Giant .

  18. 或者是南北战争博物馆的解说员。

    Or I could be a docent at a civil war museum .

  19. 你们的解说员会向你们解释不同机器的用途。

    Your guide will explain what the different machines were used for .

  20. 我喜欢那解说员的声音抑扬顿挫

    I like the narrator 's voice . His cadence .

  21. 解说员:《午夜凶杀》最后一集⋯⋯

    NARRATOR : Last time on " Murder at Midnight "

  22. 解说员会向你们做全面的展品介绍。

    The guide will give you a complete introduction to the exhibits .

  23. 你以前有过做篮球解说员的经历吗?

    Do you have any prior experience announcing basketball ?

  24. 我国电视体育解说员传播素质的研究

    Research on Communicative Quality of China 's TV-Sports Commentators

  25. 开场白是由后台的解说员念的。

    The introduction was read by an offstage narrator .

  26. 罗斯给乔伊找了份工作,在博物馆当解说员;

    Ross gets Joey a job as a Tour Guide at the museum ;

  27. 足球直播中解说员语气对观众的影响也是巨大的。

    In this paper , the effect of TV-soccer commentators'mood on audience is shown .

  28. 他是这部记录片的解说员。

    He is the narrator of the documentary .

  29. 解说员当然是尼日利亚人。

    The commentators were Nigerian , of course .

  30. 论受众对体育赛事解说员的职责期待

    Expectation of Audience on Sports Events Commentator Duty